Sunday 28 February 2016

Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam !! Lyrics & Meanings 51 – 60

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

|| Om Sri Mahalakshmyai Nama: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi who has no specific complexion, she is beyond description, she represents Panchavarnna, she is the provider of abundance of boons to  ardent worshiper, she is Goddess Sri Bhuvaneshwari who is the Goddess of the Universe, she is Thrilokhyamohini who lures the three worlds with her mesmerizing beauty, she symbolizes supreme knowledge/Vidhya, she has complete authority over the Universe and its living beings,  she is imperishable, she has golden complexion/Hiranyavarna, she is the destroyer of grief and sorrows , she is the destroyer of enemies and perils, she is the gate way to liberation from the cycles of birth and death, she resides in the solar structure/Suryamandalam, she resides in the middle of lunar structure/Somamandalam as well, she resides in Vahnimandalam/fire, she resides in the middle of Vayumandala, she resides in Vyomamandala/sky, she holds the divine weapon Chakra, she resides in the middle of divine Srichakra, she strides through the divine Srichakra in the human body, she represents  various phases of Moon, she purifies the Universe, she is the source of  supreme knowledge, she has six colors, she does not require any boons, she eradicates the pains that caused by arrows, she is the cause of deluge at the end of the Yuga, she is primordial, she is extremely valorous, she is contented, she represents Thanthric rites, she is Ardhanareeshwari who has attained half of Lord Shiva, she is the provider of all kinds of knowledge, she is Goddess Sri Bhargavidaughter who was born to sage Bhargava, she symbolizes knowledge that holds the Universe, she represents Upanishadh, she has sky as  hair, she resides as ‘Prana’/vital air in  living beings, she is  unaffected by Panchakosa, she represents  Panchakosa, she is perceivable, she symbolizes  Panchabhrama, she is Goddess ShivA who is the consort of Lord Shiva, she is the cause and effects in the Universe, she is immersed in Panchakarma, she is Vagdevi who is Goddess of speech, she is adorned in various precious ornaments, she symbolizes passion, she represents Ashtadhasa Chathushashti Peedika, she is firm, she symbolizes wisdom and knowledge, She has personified as Goddess Kali, she has black complexion, she entices her passionate devotees, she represents Yakshini and Kinnareshwari as well, she represents  fresh alluring flowers of Kethaki and Mallika, she is free from sorrows and grief/Ashoka, she is Goddess Varahi who is consort of Lord Varaha, she is attired  Universe as her majestic cloth.

Avarnna Panchavarnna Cha Sarvadha Bhuvanehwari |
Thrailokya Mohini Vidhya Sarvabharthri Ksharakshara ||
Hiranyavarna Harini Sarvopadhrava Nasini |
Kaivalya Padhavirekha Soorya Mandala Samsthitha ||
Somamandala Madhyastha Vahnimandala Samsthitha |
Vayumandala Madhyastha Vyomamandala Samsthitha ||
Chakrika Chakramadhyastha Chakramarga Pravarthini |
Kokila Kulachakresha Pakshathi: Pangthipavani ||
Sarvasiddhantha Margastha Shadvarna Varavarjitha |
Shatharudra Hara Hanthri Sarva Samharakarini ||
Purusha Pourushi Thushi: Sarva Thanthra Praoothika |
Ardhanareeshwari Devi Sarva Vidhya Pradhayini ||
Bhargavi Bhoojushi Vidhya Sarvopanishadha Sthitha |
Vyomakeshakhila Prana Pancha Kosavilakshana ||
Panchakoshathmika Prathyak Pancha Bhramathmika Shiva |
Jagathjara Janithri Cha Panchakarma Prasoothika ||
Vagdevyabharanakara Sarvakamya Sthitha Sthithi: |
Ashtadhasha Chathu:Shashti Peedika Vidhyaya Yutha ||
Kalika Karshini Shyama Yakshini Kinnareshwari |
Kethaki Mallika Shoka Varahi Dharani Dhruva ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam !! Lyrics & Meanings 41 – 50

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

|| Om Sri Mahalakshmyai Nama: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi who is triumphant, she represents ten vital forces, she has the radiance of sixteen  moon, she is Kashyapi who was born to  Sage Kashyapa, she is Kamala who was lotus born, she represents  sound, she resides in the middle of   Srichakra as well, she has complete authority over Lord Shiva, she is eternal,  she is highly confidential dwells in the divine Chakra, she is a great illusionist, she causes ignorance in wicked, she has supreme radiance and eternal bliss, she is the slayer of demon Jambasura, she symbolizes wealth, and  all the art forms, she is  unblemished, she is the destroyer of excessive desire and worldly bondage of  devotees, she is Goddess Sri Mahalakshi, she is primordial, she symbolizes virtue, she represents Panchabhrama/Lord Bhrama,  Lord Vishnu, Lord Maheshwara, Lord Sadasiva, and Lord Rudra, she is Para/beyond description, she is the essence of  Sruthi, and Smrithi, Purana/Vedas and sacred scriptures, she resides on the tongue of Lord Bhrama who incessantly recite Veda, she symbolizes all types of wealth, she gives life to lifeless, she symbolizes good moral and conduct, she lures the heart of  her worshiper, she provides the qualities of an ascetic, she guides her ardent devotees through the path of liberation from repeated births, she is Hamsini/tranquil, radiant, with great endurance, she is most venerable, she symb0lizes virtues, she has various incarnations, she is void of Thrigunas, she is auspicious and supreme Goddess, she is a great illusionist, she holds chakra/dice/Chakrini, she disperse the fruit of Karma/Dhandini, she is decked in garlands made of skulls/Mundini, she has the valor of tigress/Vyagri, she is the sister of Lord Chandra, she resides in the majestic  Chinthamani home and she represent precious gem which has the capabilities to fulfill all the desires of her worshiper, she is proficient in archery, she has thousands of eyes/Sahasrakshi,  hands and feet, she represents dawn, noon and dusk, she symbolizes precious ornament of Bhramanda, she is Vasavi who is female force of Lord Indra, she has huge army of warriors, she belongs to illustrious lineage, she takes extreme pleasure in Vedic chants, she has most desirable form which lures the soul, she is most pleasing, she is the provider of boons to her worshiper, she imparts the knowledge of Bhramam, she symbolizes sound, she represents oblations in the sacrifices, she represents Atharvana Veda, she has neither beginning nor end, she is void of desires, she is Goddess Sathi who was the daughter of Dakshaprajapathi, She is omniscient, she has no unfathomable, she can  be perceivable through  Vedic hymns, she is the provider of ‘Prana’/ vital air  to the living beings,  she is the ultimate resting place of all the living beings.

Dhashavayu Jayakara Kalashodasha Samyutha |
Kashyapi Kamaladevi Nadhachakra Nivasini ||
Mrudadhara Sthira Guhya Devika Chakraroopini |
Avidhya Sharvari Bhunja Jambhasura Nibharhini ||
Shrikaya Shrikala Shubhra Karma Nirmoola Karini |
Adi Lakshmir Gunadhara Pancha Bhramathmika Para ||
Shruthir Bhrama Mukhavasa Sarvasampathi Roopini |
Mrithasanjeevini Maithri Kamini Kamavarjitha ||
Nirvanamargadha Devi Hamsini Kashika Kshama |
Saparya Gunini Bhinna Nirguna Ganditha Shubha ||
Swamini Vedini Shakya Shambari Chakradharini |
Dhandini Mundini Vyaghri Shighini Somasamhathi: ||
Chinthamani Chidhanandha Panchabana Prabhodhini |
Banashreni: Sahasrakshi Sahasrabuja Paduka ||
Sandhyavali Sthrisandhyakhya Bhramanda Manibhooshana |
Vasavi Varuni Sena Kulika Manthraranjini ||
Jithaprana Swaroopa Cha Kantha Kamyavarapradha |
Manthra Bhramana Vidhyartha Nadharoopa Havishmathi ||
Adharvani: Shruthi: Shoonya Kalpanavarjitha Sathi |
Saththa Jathi: Pramameya Pramithi Pranathagathi: ||

Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Saturday 27 February 2016

Sri Maha Lakshmi Sahasranamam !! Lyrics & Meanings 31 – 40

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

|| Om Sri Mahalakshmyai Nama: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi who symbolizes directions, she is attired in directions as garments, she is attired in marvelous garments too, she represents young maiden/Kanyaka, she was born in lotus flower/Kamalodbhava, she symbolizes wealth and richness /Sri, she has pleasant disposition, she has ferocious form of Goddess Durga as well, she imparts the knowledge in Veda and numerous philosophies, she represents dedication, intelligence, composition, consciousness, awareness, radiance, Shruthi, Smrithi, valor, etc… she is the provider of wealth, she symbolizes Yagna, she imparts refined knowledge and wisdom, she is the provider of renunciation to her worshiper, she is omnipresent, she is a great  illusionist, she eradicates darkness of  illusion in her worshiper, she is Goddess Mahendri, she is the essence of sacred Manthras/hymns, she is valorous as lion, she represents Indrajala, she is beyond the three states of sleep, awaken and dream, she is beyond Trigunas such as Swathik, Rajas and Thamas, she is  void of desire , she is the cure for all the  illnesses, she is attainable for Yogis with their sincere Yogic practices, she is expert in three Vedas and Vedantha, she represents terminology and speech, she is Kamala who has the resemblance to lotus flower, she is Padma who was lotus born, she is Padmavathi who is seated on the lotus flower, she is the cause and effect, she is Gauthami who was born to Sage Gauthama, she has embodied as sacred river Gomathi, she is Gauri /Goddess Parvathi  who has  fair complexion, she is the consort of Lord Maheshwara, she rides on  celestial vehicle Swan, she is Narayani/female force of Lord Narayana, she is the source of radiance, she is Jahnavi who was born to  Sage Jahnu,  she is most desirable to Lord Shankara/Shankarathmaja, she has attractive neck, she symbolizes happiness and affluence, she is Manavi who was daughter of Manu, she was born in the clan of Manu , she is the cause of the lineage of Manu/Manusambhava, she is firm, and fierce, she is the slayer of demons/Mari, she is Bhramini who is cause of the function of the Universe, she is the destroyer of enemies/Shathrumarini, she is most attractive/Mohini, she is wrathful and valorous, she has most pleasing personality/Aghora, she has fierce form/Rudraroopini, she represents eleven Rudras, she is the provider of piousness/Punya to her worshiper, she is Kalyani/provider of auspiciousness, she symbolizes prosperity, she is Devadurga who is always watchful, she is Mahadurga, she is Swapna Durga who resides in the state of dream, she has personified as Ashtabhairavi/consort of  Eight Bhairavas, she has Lord Surya, Lord Chandra and Lord Agni as  three eyes, she represents  planets and stars, she has minuscule form too, she represents Time and sound, she is adorned in crescent moon.

Digvasthra Cha Vivasthra Cha Kanya Kamalodbhava |
Sri: Soumya Lakshanatheetha Durga Soothra Prabhodhika ||
Shraddha Medha Krithi: Prajja Dharana Kanthireva Cha |
Shruthi: Smimithir Dhruthir Dhanya Bhoothirishir Maneeshini ||
Virakthir Vyapini Maya Sarvamaya Prabhanjini |
Mahendhri Manthrini Simhi Chendhrajala Swaroopini ||
Avasthathraya Nirmuktha Gunathraya Vivarjitha |
Eshanathraya Nirmuktha Sarvaroga Vivarjitha ||
Yogi Dhyananthagamya Cha Yogadhyana Parayana |
Thrayishikha Visheshanja Vedantha Gnanaroopini ||
Bharathi Kamala Bhasha Padma Padmavathi Krithi: |
Gauthami Gomathi Gauri Eshana Hamsavahini ||
Narayani Prabhadhara Jahnavi Shankarathmaja |
Chithraganda Sunandha Shrir Manavi Manusambhava ||
Sthambhini Kshobhini Mari Bhramini Shathrumarini |
Mohini Dhveshini Veera Aghora Rudraroopini ||
Rudraikadhashini Punya Kalyani Labhakarini |
Deva Durga Mahadhurga Swapnadurgashta Bhairavi ||
Soorya Chandragniroopa Cha Grahanakshathra Roopini |

Bindunadha Kalatheetha Bindhunadha Kalathmika ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Thursday 25 February 2016

Sri Maha Lakshmi Sahasranamam !! Lyrics & Meanings 21 – 30

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

|| Om Sri Mahalakshmyai Nama: ||

I shall prostrate before Goddess Lakshmi who symbolizes  Ekakshara, she guides the living beings to cross the unfathomable ocean of Samsara, she eradicates worldly bondage, she has embodied as  Earth, she protects  Earth, she does not require any support for her existence, she is beyond description, she symbolizes  full moon and no moon as well, she has personified as ShivA/consort of Lord Shiva, she is most attractive, she has personified as Vaishvadevi, she has beautiful broad eyes/Vishalakshi, she has most attractive physical feautres, she  is Pippalakshi, she represents sacred fire that protects from demons, she  causes abundance of rain,  she destroys the wicked people, she is the destroyer of all perils, she has personified as Goddess Sharada, she is proficient in archery, she symbolizes Shasthras, she is a great warrior, she destroys  evil spirits, she remains visible as well as  invisible decked in numerous weapons in the battlefield, she is most serene, she symbolizes Peace, She has embodied as sacred river Ganga, Saraswathi, Veni, Yamuna, Narmada and Apaga,  she dwells in the ocean, she has adorned  Bhramandam as her waist belt, she has five faces, ten hands and she has the luster of crystal, she has various complexions like crimson color, black, white, yellow etc.. she resides in the middle of  Srichakra, she has personified as Kali, she symbolizes Truth, she is youthful, she is firm, she is Varuni, she is chaste woman, she is supreme Goddess, she is supreme Goddess of deities/Sureshvari, she is Vishwambara who holds  Earth in her womb, she is the source for the function of the Universe, she is the destroyer of perils, she represents dawn, day and dusk, she has supreme brilliance, she represents Time and sub divisions, seconds and fractions of seconds etc.., she is Goddess Sri Kathyayani who has personified as daughter of Sage Kathyayana, she is attired in white garments, she is safest heaven  for the  living beings to cross the ocean of Samsara, she is the cause and function of the Universe, she eradicates sorrows and grief, she is decked in jasmine flower garlands, she is Devika and Nandika as well, she is serene, she eradicates extreme fear and anxieties in the worshiper/Bayabanjika, she is Kaushiki, she is the essence of Veda, she is valorous, she has various incarnations.

Yekaksharapara Thara Bhava Bandhavinashini |
Vishwambara Dharadhara Niradharadhika Swara ||
Raka Kuhooramavasya Poornimanyanumathi Dhyuthi: |
Sinivali Shivavashya Vaishvadevi Pishamgila |
Pippala Cha Vishalakshi Rakshogni Vrushtikarini ||
Dhushta Vidhravini Devi Sarvopadhrava Nasini |
Sharadha Sharasandhana Sarvasasthra Swaroopini ||
Yudhamadhyasthitha Devi Sarvabhootha Prabhanjini |
Ayuddha Yuddharoopa Cha Shantha Shanthi Swaroopini ||
Ganga Saraswathi Veni Yamuna Narmadhapaga |
Samudra Vasanavasa Bhramanda Shronimekhala ||
Panchavakthra Dhashabuja Shuddha Spadika Sannibha |
Raktha Krishna Hitha Peetha Sarvavarnna Nireeshvari ||
Kalika Chakrika Devi Sathya Thu Vadukasthitha |
Tharuni Varuni Nari Jyeshta Devi Sureshwari ||
Vishwambhara Dharakarthri Galagaala Vibhanjini |
Sandhya Rathrir Diva Jyothsna Kala Kashta Nimeshika ||
Urvi Kathyayani Shubhra Samsararnava Tharini |
Kapila Keelika Shoka Mallika Navamaalika ||
Devika Nandhika Shantha Bhanjika Bhayabhanjika |
Koushiki Vaidhiki Devi Souri Roopadhikathibha ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Sri Maha Lakshmi Sahasranamam !! Lyrics & Meanings 11 – 20

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

|| Om Sri Mahalakshmyai Nama: ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi who symbolizes offerings in fire sacrifces/oblations, she is the mother of deities/Adithi, she is the essence of sacred Veda, she symbolizes valor and nature, she lures the hearts of  devotees, she has embodied as Earth, she represents Yagnavidhya/knowledge about fire sacrifices, she is Mahavidhya/refined knowledge and wisdom, she represents Guhyavidhya/confidential knowledge, she is the remover of darkness of ignorance in her devotees and she has great radiance.  She is Mahamatha who is mother of the Universe and its living beings, she provides merit for all sacred chants, she is the destroyer of poverty/Dharidhryadwamsini, she is the provider of liberation from repeated births, she has the radiance of thousands of Aditya, she represents Lord Chandra and Goddess Sri Gayathri, she is adorned in crescent moon, she is Goddess Savithri, she is the essence of Pranavamanthra, She has personified as  Shankari/consort of Lord Shankara,  Vaishnavi/consort of Vishnu, Bhrami/consort of Lord Bhrama,  she is worshiped by all the deities, she is venerated as Goddess Durga, She is Kuberakshi who makes her devotees immensely rich with her auspicious gaze, she represents  Karaveera flowers, she is victorious, she symbolizes success, she is unconquerable, she has personified as young girl/Kaumari and Kali, she symbolizes sacred scriptures, she holds Veena and sacred scriptures in hands, she is the female force of Trinities,  she resides in the Sahasradhara in the Sri Chakra, she symbolizes Yagna and initiate the performance of Yagna and she is the performer of Yagna, she is most enchanting, she is attainable through Ashtanga Yoga/practice of Yoga, she is attainable through meditation, she resides in all sacred rivers, she is unblemished, she resides on all mountains and peaks, she imparts the knowledge of Veda/subdivisions and Sasthra, she is auspicious, she is the mother of the Universe, she is the provider of bliss, she undergoes extreme penance and austerities, she is Bhramani who is female force of Lord Bhrama, she symbolizes absolute Bhramam. 

Kali Ma Panchika Vagmi Havi: Prathyadhi Devatha |
Devamatha Sureshana Deva Garbhambika Dhruthi: ||
Sankhya Jathi: Kriya Shakthi: Prakrithir Mohini Mahi |
Yagnavidhya Mahavidhya Guhyavidhya Vibhavari ||
Jyothishmathi Mahamatha Sarva Manthra Phalapradha |
Dharidhrya Dhvamsini Devi Hrudhaya Grandhi Bhedhini ||
Sahasradhithya Sangasha Chandrika Chandraroopini |
Gayathri Somasambhoothi: Savithri Pranavathmika ||
Shankari Vaishnavi Bhrami Sarva Deva Namaskritha |
Sevya Durga Kuberakshi Karaveera Nivasini ||
Jaya Cha Vijaya Chaiva Jayanthi Chaparajitha |
Kubjika Kalika Shasthri Veenapusthaka Dharini ||
Sarvagna Shakthi: Sri Shakthir Bhrama Vishnu Shivathmika |
Ida Pingalika Madhya Mrinali Madhyaroopini ||
Yagneshani Pradha Dheeksha Dhakshina Sarvamohini |
Ashtangayogini Devi Nirbeeja Dhyanagochara ||
Sarva Theerthasthitha Shuddha Sarva Parvathavasini |
Vedasasthra Pradha Devi Shadangadhi Padha Krama ||
Shiva Dhathri Shubhanandha Yagna Karmaswaroopini |
Vratheeni Menaka Devi Bhramani Bhramacharini ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam !! Lyrics & meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Sthothram - Sri Bhramanda Puranam

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

|| Om Sri Lalithadevyai Nama: ||

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam - || Poorvabhaga: || 1 -10

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – || Poorvabhaga: || 11 – 20

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – || Poorvabhaga: || 21 – 31

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – || Poorvabhaga: || 32 – 51

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – || Rishicchandhodhyanani ||

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 1 - 10

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 11 - 20

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 21 - 30

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 31 - 40

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 41 - 50

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 51 - 60

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 61 -70

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 71 - 80

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 81 -90

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 91 - 100

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 101 - 110

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 111 - 120

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 121 - 130

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 131 - 140

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 141 - 150

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 151 - 160

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 161 - 170

Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam – Sri Bhramanda Puranam – 171 - 183

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||