Thursday 3 September 2020

Vidura Neethi – Sri Mahabharath - Chapter 2 - The conversation between Vidura and King Dhritarashtra 21 – 43


Vidura Neethi – Sri Mahabharath - Chapter 2


Chapter – 8 - The conversation between Vidura and King Dhritarashtra  21 – 43

Oh! Bharatharshabha, the person who is soaked in the material matters and bondage, and the person who has no control over sense would become penniless in no time. Oh! Rajan, the intelligent person will have the knowledge of the ultimate truth of the supreme soul/Paramathma, will have perfect control over sense, and understands the eternal truth that he is the enemy and companion to himself. Oh! Rajan, the big fishes caught under the net would make all efforts to break it and get freed, like the Kama and Krodha like the big fishes break all the boundaries, and causes constant afflictions to the Jeeva. The noble who has profound knowledge of Dharma and Artha would strive to achieve them and live a happy and serene life. The Jeeva who has no control over his own impurities like lust, desire, anger, ego, and pride, etc. cannot achieve success over enemies. Oh! Rajan, the wicked Kings who are swollen in impurities performs all immoral deeds would get killed due to their greed for the Kingdom and stately luxuries. Oh! Rajan, never make an association with the sinners, it works like the wet wooden pieces added to the dried woods, it would burn both. Oh! Rajan, the Jeeva who has no control over the Panchendhriya would take interest in worldly matters and bondage; eventually heave themselves into deep distress and sorrow. Oh! Rajan, a wicked person lack the qualities of Anasooya/free from jealousy, Arjjavam/sincerity, Shuchithva/purities, Santhosham/happiness, Priyabhashnam/pleasant way of talking, Athmaniyanthranam/self-control,  and truthfulness,  hence they meet destruction effortlessly. Oh! Rajan, wicked people lack the qualities of Athmajjyanam/knowledge of self, stability, endurance, Dharmanishta, ability to handle confidential matters, Dhanasheela. Oh! Rajan, the dull-minded criticizes and blames the virtues of the noble people, in this way the ignorant become the sinner, and the noble people who have handled the wicked people with patience would become free from the sin. Oh! Rajan, the prime qualities of a Sthree/woman is serving attitude, a wicked outshines with the treacherous /cruel and merciless deeds, a King outshines with the capacity to impose appropriate punishment on sinners, and the noble souls excels with the quality of endurance and benevolence. Oh! Rajan, it is difficult to get control over ‘words’ and it is extremely difficult to talk meaningful and pleasing. Oh! Rajan, the meaningful talks brings an abundance of fruitfulness, and the harsh and unworthy talks bring conflicts and arguments. Oh! Rajan, the wood destroyed with the axe or other weapons or arrow would grow again, but the cruel words that pierced the hearts would never get healed. Oh! Rajan, it is easy to remove the arrows pierced in the body, but the words that caused the wound in the heart would never heal. Oh! Rajan, an intelligent won’t use these arrows like sharp and harsh words on others which cause to bleed the heart of the other person day and night. Oh! Rajan, the intellect of the Jeeva gets weakened when the deity’s wishes to thrash the pride in the Jeeva,  eventually, it would bring complete destruction to the Jeeva, the intellect gets disturbed causes to bring afflictions, ultimately the Jeeva fails to understand the differentiation between evil and good. Oh! Bharatha, your sons’ intellect has become manipulative due to their hatred towards the Pandava, you have not understood the fact yet. Oh! Dhritarashtra, listen to me carefully, Yudhishtira possesses all the virtues to become a righteous ruler of the three worlds, therefore, crowns him as the King of Hastinapura. Oh! Dhritarashtra, Yudhistira is the heir to the throne, he is brilliant, intelligent, sincerely follow Dharma and Arththa, he has endless virtues like benevolence, kindness, qualities of non-violence, he is the essence of Dharma, he has lots of respect for you, that was the reason he was patiently handling all the afflictions imposed by your sons.”


Arththanameeshvaro Ya: Syadhindhriyanamaneeshwara: | Indhriyanamanaishvaryadh Aishwaryadh Bhrashyathe  Hi Sa: ||


Athamanathamana Manvicchenmano Budhi Indhriyairyathai: | Athmaiva  Hyathmano Bandhurathmaiva  Rupurathmana: ||


Kshudhrakshenaiva  Jalena Jjashavapihithavubhau | Kamashcha  Rajan Krodhashcha  Thau  Prajjanam Vilumbatha: ||


Samavekshyeha  Dharmarththau Sambaranyoadhigacchathi | Sa Vai Sambritha Sambhara: Saththam Sukhamedhathe ||


Ya:  Panchabhyantharan Shathroonavijithya Mathikshayan | Jigeeshathi Ripoonanyanipravo Abibavanthi  Tham||


Dhrishyanthe  Hi Dhurathmano Vadhyamana: Swakarmabhi: | Indhriyanamaneeshathvadhrajano Rajya Vibhramai: ||


Asanthyagath Papakrithamapapan  Thulyo Dhanda: Sprishathe  Mishra Bhavath | Shushkenardhram Dhahyathe  Mishrabhavath  Thasmath Papai: Saha Sandhim Na Kuryath ||


Nijanuthpathatha: Shathroon Pancha  Pancha Prayojanan | Yo  Mohan Nighrinathi Thamapadhgrasathe  Naram ||


Anasuyarjavam Shaucham Santhosha: Priyavadhitha | Dhama: Sathyam Anayaso Na Bhavanthi Dhurathmanam ||


Athmanjjyanam Anayasa Sthithiksha Dharma Nithyaya | Vakchaiva Guptha  Dhanam Cha  Naithanyanthyeshu Bharatha ||


Akrosha Parivadhabhyam Vihimsanthya Budha Budhan | Vaktha  Papa Mupadhathe  Kshamamano Vimuchyathe ||


Himsa  Balamasadhunam Rajjam Dhanda Vidhirbalam | Shushrusha  Thu Balam Sthreenam Kshama Gunavatham Balam ||


Vaksamyamo Hi Nripathe  Sudhushkarathamo Matha: | Arththavaccha  Vichithram Cha Na Shakyam Bahubhashithum ||


Abhyavahathi Kalyanam Vividha Vak Subhashitha | Saiva  Dhur Bhashitha Rajan anarththayopapadhyathe ||


Samrohathi Sharaira Vidhdham Vanam Parashuna  Hatham | Vacha Dhuruktham Beebathsam Na  Samrohathi Vakshatham ||


Karnninalika Naracha  Nirharanthi Shreeratha: | Vakshalyasthu Na Nirharthum Shakyo Hridhi Shayo Hi Sa: ||


Vak Sayaka Vadhanan Nishpathanthi  Yairahatha: Shochathi Rathryahani | Parasya  Namarmasu The Pathanthi Than Panditho Nava Srijeth Pareshu ||


Yasmai Deva: Prayacchanthi Purushaya  Parabhavam | Budhdhim Thasyapakarshanthi Soapacheenani Pashyathi ||


Budhdhau Kalusha Bhoothayam Vinashe  Prathyupasthithe | Anayo Nayasankasho Hridhayannapasarpathi ||


Seyam Budhdhi: Pareetha  The Puthrannam Thava Bharatha | Pandavanam Virodhena Na Chainam Avabudhyase ||


Raja  Lakshana Sampanna Sthrailokasyapi Yo Bhaveth | Shishyasthe  Shasitha  Soasthu Dhritharashtra  Yudhishtira: ||


Atheeva Sarvan Puthramsthe  Bhagadheya  Puraskritha: | Thejasa  PrajjayaChaiva Yuktho Dharmarththa Thaththvavith ||


Anrishamsyadh Anukroshadhyo Sau Dharmabhritham Vara: | GauravaththavaRajendra  Bahun Kleshamsthithikshathi ||


|| Ithi Sri Mahabharathe  Udhyogaparvani Prajagaraparvani Vidura Neethivakye  Chathusthrimshoadhyaya: ||