Saturday 27 March 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ramanama Mahima


Chapter – 145 -Sri Vinaya Pathrika  – Ramanama Mahima


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, there is no deity as promising as Lord Sri Raghupathi who ensure the protection of the Jeeva taken shelter in him, he is too compassionate and kind to his devotees, he is a protective shield of his devotees from the Thapathraya of theSamsara.  Oh! Jeeva, Lord Sri Ramachadhra is an ocean of mercy, highly speak about the simple virtues and gesture of love of his devotees, he forgets the mountain-sized sins of his worshiper, he resembles the precious Chinthamani fulfills all the desires of the worshiper, he is the purifier of the soul from the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara and Mamakara, he is the destroyer of sufferings of Samsara, and repeated births. Oh! Jeeva, Lord Sri Ramachandra cannot bear the distress of his devotees, the Veda, and Scriptures highly eulogizes the glories of the Lord who rushed to attend his devotees in trouble, the legend of Gajendra Moksham, and Dhraupadhi Manasamrakshanam are perfect examples of his kindness,  the mere remembrance of his name is enough to get rid of the obstacles, he won’t wait and watch the struggle of his devotees, he releases the grief and sufferings of Samsara immediately. The noble souls, Mahathma freed from the impurities of the mind, interest in worldly matters, Viraktha, Vairagin eulogizes the glories of that supreme Lord in extreme bliss. Oh! Tulsidas, leave desires of Ihaloka/life on the Earth and Paraloka/after life, contemplate and meditate upon the Kosaladheesh Lord Sri Ramachandra who removed the curse of Gautama Pathni Devi Ahalya with the dust particles of his feet.”


206) Nahin Aur  Koau Saran Layak Dhooje Sreeraghupathi Sama Bipathi Nivaran | Kako Sahaja Subhau Sevakabas Kahi Pranath Parapreethi Akarana || Janagun Alap Ganath Sumeru Kari  Avagun Koti Biloki Bisaran | Parama Kripalu Bhagath Chinthamani Biradh Puneeth Pathithajan Tharan || Sumirath Sulabha Dhasa Dhukha Suni Hari Chalath Thurath Patapeeth Sambhar  Na | Sakhi Purana Nigama Aagama Sab Janath  Dhrupadhsutha Aru Baran || Jako Jas Gavath  Kabi Kobidh Jinhake Lobhamoha Madhmar Na | Tulasidas Thaji Aas  Sakala Bhaju Kosalapathi Munibandhu Udharan ||