– 129 -Sri Vinaya Patrika – All the relationships in the Samsara are
formed out of selfishness, are mere negotiation, and these relationships work fairly
as long as it serves the purpose, after that, it would be thrown out, like the
fresh alluring fragrant flowers are preserved as long it has freshness and
Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Jeeva, Sri
Ramachandra is kind and compassionate, you haven’t practiced devotion at the
feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra, you have soaked in Samsara, and the infinite
Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roopa, and Gandha, drenched in worldly matters and
people, hence you have been thrown to the Samsarachakra of several births and
death. The all-pervasive Paramathma Parambhramam resides as soul, and the eternal
truth is Jeevathma is Paramathma, like the mirror image, in the same manner,
the Mayaroopi mirror causes to form several relationships. Oh! Jeeva you have formed several
relationships in several births, as a father, mother, wife, children, brother, sister,
companion, etc. are the mirror image of that Paramathma, while serving them, always
remember that they are not yours. All the relationships
in the Samsara are formed out of selfishness, is mere negotiation, and these
relationships work fairly as long as it serves the purpose, after that it
would be thrown out, like the fresh alluring fragrant flowers are preserved as
long it has freshness and fragrance. The relationships are made of
Swarththa Sadhana, not survive too long, the mutual respect and love remain for
a certain period of time, and gets faded once the purpose of the relationships
become unworthy. Oh! Ignorant Jeeva, how many relationships you have formed in
this life? How many are with you? And How long they have stayed with you? How
long you will be in chase of the companions? Hence, leave your ignorance. The
Supreme Lord Sri Raghunath is flawless, practice love and devotion at his lotus
feet, he is the ideal companion of the Jeeva, he knows well how to perform the
duties of a flawless companion, you won’t find such a promising companion in
the three worlds. Oh! Ignorant, the Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma
Parambhramam resides as the soul is the source of Prana, you have formed several
relationships in the Samsara with his sole presence, and you have felt all
those relationships formed are real, alas! leaving the Paramathma who is the
cause for all the prime causes, hence you’re wicked and deceitful. You have
formed several relationships in this life and considered them as ‘real and
truthful’, alas! you haven’t made the relationship with the Paramathma who is
the cause for all. Oh! Jeeva, you have been too ignorant, you did not
understand the real achievement in the relationship/devotion and love at the
feet of Lord Sri Raghunath, and the rest of the relationships such as father,
mother, children, wife, companions, relatives, attachment on wealth and
material well-being, possession, fame, richness, money, etc. are unreal and
fleeting nature. Oh! Ignorant, you have attached to the Mithya Jagath/Samsara
and considered the all-pervasive Paramathma as unreal. You have considered the
eternal truth/Paramathma as unreal, and the Mithya Jagath/illusion, Samsara as
real. In this way, you have wasted several births without the knowledge of self’/Paramarththa
Thaththva, and kept hurling into the vicious cycles of rebirth. Oh! Jeeva,
ponder over the facts, the Veda, intellectuals, noble-souls and Tulsi affirms
that the real and promising companion is Lord Raghunatha, hence, practice pure love
and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Ramachandra.”
190) Sahaja Sanehi Ramaso Thai Kiyo Na Sahaja Saneha | Thathem
Bhavabhajana Bhayo Sunu Ajahu Sikhavan Yeha|| Jyo Sukha Mukur Bilokiye
Aru Chith Na Rahai Anuhari | Thyo
Sevathhu Na Aapne Ye Mathupitha Suthanari || Dhai Dhai Suman Thila
Basikai Aru Khari Parihari Ras Letha
|Swarath Hith Bhoothal Bhare Man Mechak
Than Seth || Kari Bithyo Ab Karathu Hai Karibe
Hitha Meeth Apara | Kabahu Na Koau Raghubeer So Neha Nibhahanihara || Jasau Sab Nathem Phurai Thaso Na Kari Pahichani |
Thathe Kacchu Samucchyo Nahim Kaha Labha Kaha Hani || Sancho Janyo Jootko Joote
Kaham Sancho Jani | Ko Na Gayo Ko Jath
Hai Ko Na Jaihai Kari Hithahani || Bedh Kahyo Budha Kahath Hai
Aru Haihum Kahath Hau Deri | Tulasi Prabhu Sancho Hithu Thu Hithaki Ankhin Heri ||