Saturday 12 March 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika - Chapter – 3 - Bhrama Thaththvam/The knowledge of supreme Bhramam


Chapter – 3 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – Bhrama Thaththvam

Surdas Maharaj speaks “ Oh! Prabho, the supreme Bhramam is unexplainable though it is perceivable, which is beyond words and intellect, like the speechless could not express the sweetness of the fruit, but can experience the greatest pleasure of consuming the same. The knowledge of all-pervasive Bhramam/  Athmathaththva, Oneness in all is beyond words, can be perceivable. The supreme Bhramam is Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma/Sath – indestructible Purusha, Chithth- pure, unblemished, free from attributes of Rajasik, Sathvik, and Thamasik, Anandham – supreme bliss, reside as a soul in living beings, is pure, unblemished, eternal, changeless, has neither birth nor death. The soul is the source of the functioning of the mind, intellect, Karma and Gnanendhriyas, Prana/vital air, Chithth, and Ahamkara, but they are incapable to perceive the Bhramam. The Athmajjani/knower of Bhramam who undertakes strict austerities, penance, Shama, Dhamam, Sathyam, Dhaya, Dhanam, Astheyam, Ahimsa, Brahmacharya, Arjjavam, etc. perceives the Nirgunaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam and remain in extreme bliss. Finally, the Nirguna/free from the attributes, Nirakara/formless, Paramathma Parambhramam/Supreme Bhramam is beyond perception or words, hence who could describe them? Oh! Prabho, you are Nirgunaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam, I shall sing in praise of your marvelous legends of Sagunaswaroopa as Lord Krishna.”

Abigatha Gathi Kacchu Kahatha Na Avai | Jyo Goongei Meete Phala Kau Rasa Antharagatha Hi Bhavai || Parama Swad Sabahi Su Niranthara Amitha Thosha Upajavai | Man Bani Kau Agama agochara  So Janai Jo Pavai || Roopa Rekha Guna Jathi Jugathi Binu Niralamba Kitha Ghavai | Sab Bidhi Agama  Bicharahi Thathai Sur Saguna Padha Gavai ||