Saturday 7 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The impurities of the mind are arrogance, ignorance, ego, jealousy, pride, anger, lust, and desire


Chapter – 77 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The impurities of the mind are arrogance, ignorance, ego, jealousy, pride, anger, lust, and desire


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, finally all I have left with the guilt of not utilizing the rarest birth as a human for the achievement of Bhagavathprapthi/grace of the Lord. Oh! Prabho, I have taken great pleasure in the worldly matters, I was chasing after material things and bodily pleasure, I have performed all those deeds which I liked, the impurities of mind such as lust, desire, ego, pride, and jealousy streamed out with the strong current, eventually, I had left with no strength to cross the river of impurities. The excessive interest in physical pleasure, and following the immoral ways of life brought immense grief and agony, ultimately, the time to leave the Earth has arrived, and the Lord of death/Yama spread his noose/aging, illnesses, fear of death, / pushed me into extreme agony, like the fish out of the water. Oh! Mortal, an elderly prostitute/Ganika was liberated from the sufferings of worldly existence by constantly listening to the ‘Ramanama’ recited by a parrot that was bought from the devotee of Lord Rama. The king of bird/Jatayu, attained liberation/Paramapadham, by serving Lord Rama. Oh! Mortal, no one could protect you other than Lord Sri Hari, from the sufferings and grief of worldly existence, or remove the three kinds of grief/Thapathraya, 1) Adhidheivik – grief caused by natural calamities, famine, drought, flood, earthquake, epidemic, etc. 2) Adhibhauthik – grief caused by attachment to possessions, fame, wealth, richness, money, wife, children, companion, relatives, etc. that has fleeting nature. 3) Adhyathmik – grief caused by aging, illnesses, fear of death, separation from beloved ones, etc.”

Rahyau Man ! Sumirana Kau  Pacchithayau | Yaha Than Ranchi Ranchi Kari  Birachyau Kiyau Apanau Bhayau || Man Kritha Dhosha Athaha Tharangini Thari Nahi Sakyau Samayau | Melyau Jala Kala Jab Khaichyau Bhayau Meena Jal Hayau || Kaur Padavath Ganika Thari Byadha  Paramapadha Payau | Yesau Sur Nahi Koau Dhoojau Dhoori Karai Jamadhayau ||