Thursday 1 December 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The rarest birth as a human is a precious gem to achieve Purusharththa, the unfortunate Jeeva consider Prana/soul and body are slaves of senses


Chapter – 253-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The rarest birth as a human is a precious gem to achieve Purusharththa, the unfortunate Jeeva consider Prana/soul and body are slaves of senses

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, you are the creator, preserver, and destroyer of the Universe and its living and non-living things, you are Prana/vital air/soul in the living beings, Oh! Prabho, my Karma and Gnanendhriyas/sense organs, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin are playing their part so well, it is taking great pleasure in the infinite worldly matters of appearances, sound, smell, touch, and passion, in this way, my attachments to worldly matters destroyed my peace and serenity, it cannot live in the absence of worldly matters of comforts and luxuries, these senses are heartless. Oh! Kripanidhan, Oh! Karunamaya, where do I go? how did I control my sense which is already drenched in infinite worldly matters? If I did not serve my senses, they won’t let me live in peace, kindly tell me how did I control my senses? Oh! Prabho, you are the omnipresent supreme Bhramam that resides as a soul, and you have put me in this body,  and you have well-protected me while I was in my mother’s womb, Oh! Prabho, after attaining the Pranaroopi/vital air /supreme Bhramam as wealth, and body, I have made the Prana and body as a slave of the five senses, hence If I bring my mind compulsorily at your lotus feet, it cannot stay there, because my intellect was used to wedge on the material and physical pleasures, hence it does not like the devotion or worship, otherwise, I should pack all those Karma and Gnanendhriyas/sensory organs to Yamaloka/abode of death. Oh! Prabho, my Karmavasana/attributes of Rajasik/anger, lust, desire, ego, pride, jealousy, and Thamasik/lethargy, laziness, are countless, therefore it is definite that all my desires and lust are not going to get satisfied even if I may take infinite births. Oh! Prabho, you have given me the precious gem, the birth as a human, and you have given me the intellect to protect the precious gem, but I did not preserve the precious gem due to my attachment to worldly matters, I have lost it forever. Oh! Prabho, I have failed to protect the precious birth as a human to achieve nearness to God. TheVeda, and scriptures Gita, Srimad Bhagavath repeatedly pronounce that the supreme Bhramam resides as a soul that is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, and you are the one close to the Jeeva, you are the Vital air/Prana in the Jeeva, hence you are not leaving the Jeeva for a second. Oh! Prabho, you have made all efforts to put me off from the immoral ways of living, but I did not follow them and now I did not know how to describe my deeds. I have lost track of time, I am dull-minded, ignorant, and shameless. Oh Prabho,  kindly shower your compassionate grace and pronounce “I know you have wasted the precious birth as a human without the practice of pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, do not worry I will take care of it.”

Ika Koau AaniDelath Panch | Karunamaya Kith Jau Kripanidhi BahuthNachayau Nach || Sabai Koor Mosau Thratan Chahath Kahau Kaha Thin Dheejai | Bina Dhiyau Dhukha Dheth Dhayanidhi Kahau Kon Bidhi Keejai || Yathi Prana Thumhari Mopai Janmath Hi Jo Dheenhi | So Mei Bati Dhayi Panchani Kau Dheha Jamanathi Leenhi || Man Rakhau Thumhare Charanani Pai Nitha Nitha Jo Dhukha Pavai | Mukari Jayi Kai Dheena Bachana Suni Jamapur Bandhi Padavai || Lekhau Karatha Lakhahi Nikasath Ko Gani Sakath Apara | Heera Janama Dhiyau Prabhu Ham Koau Dheenahi Bath  Samhara || Geetha Bedha Bhagavath Mei Prabhu Thau Bole Hai Aath | Jan Ke Nipat Nikat Suniyath Hai Sadha Rahath Hau Sath || Jab Jab  Adhama Kari Adhamayi Thab Thab Tokyau Nath |Ab Thau Mohi Boli Nahi Aavai Thuma Sau Kyau Kahau Gaay || Hau Thau Jathi Gavar Pathith Hau Nipat Nilaja Sikhiaanau | Thab Hasi Kahyau Sur Prabhu So Tho Mohu Sunyau Ghatanai ||