Chapter – 11– Chanakya Neethi - 1 – 10
Rishis Chanakya speaks “The innate
virtues in an individual are 1) sense of charity 2) pleasant talk 4) courage and 5) good manners, it is not
that earned by practice. The person who discards his society and clan and takes
shelter in others would meet his destruction. In the same manner, whoever
abandons their own Dharma/religion, or caste, or customary practices and gets introduced
to others Dharma/Paradharma will meet definite destruction. The King who does
not follow the Dharma of his country would bring destruction to the Kingdom.
The person with the fierceness, courage, braveness, brightness, and fearlessness outshine
in all the activities, 1) the huge elephants are controlled with a spear, it is
not that the spear that used to control the huge elephant, it is the braveness
of the mahout brings the elephant under control. 2) A lantern is enough to
remove the darkness of the place 3) the scriptures describe the mountains were
sieved off with the Vajrayudha, it was the might of the Lord Indra caused the
mountains to disappear in the ocean, therefore, the powerful, brilliant and
fearless outshine from all the odds. The scriptures say 1) Bhagavan Vishnu
would abandon the Earth, when the Kaliyuga completes sixteen thousand years 2)
River Ganga abandons the Earth when the Kaliyuga complete five thousands of
years 3) The village deities/Gramadevatha discard the Earth when the Kaliyuga
finishes two thousand and five hundred years. There are four types of people
meet their destruction 1) person who
finds extreme pleasure in the Grihasthashrama/family, wife and children will
not achieve knowledge/Vidhya in scriptures and Veda, Vedanta, etc, 2) The
meat-eaters loses kindness to fellow beings 3) person who Athyarththi/accumulates
wealth by immoral ways loses truthfulness 4) person/Sthree Lampata who chases
after sensual pleasure loses purity. A wicked and deceitful person cannot get
rid of his nature, even though he/she was put into various lessons, it would be
like the Neem tree covering with milk and ghee won’t taste sweet. The evil-minded person will not achieve purity of mind even if he/she undertakes a dip
in several sacred rivers, like the vessel used to serve the spirituous
intoxicating drinks cleaned several times or shoved to fire will not be free
from its foul smell. The person who does not understand the value of a thing,
would not show interest in it, like the hunter woman who does not understand
the value of pearl collected from the elephant always goes after the seeds of berry.
The person who observes a vow of silence for a year would live a thousand crores of
Yuga in heaven. An aspirant who wants to achieve success in education should
avoid the following habits 1)Kama 2) Krodha, 3) Lobha, 4) Moha, 5) Shringara/
lustful activities 6) wasting time 7) disrespecting others 8) and spending a lot of
time for physical exercises.”
Dhathrithvam Priyavakthrithvam
Dheerathvamuchithajjatha |Abhyasena Na Labhyanthe Chathvara: Sahaja Guna: ||
Athmavargam Parithyajya Paravargam
Samashrayeth | Swayameva Layam Yathi
Thadha Rajanya Dharmatha: ||
Hasthi: Sthoolathanu: Sa Chankushavasha: Kim Hasthimathroangusho | Dheepe Prajwalithe
Pranashyathi Thama: Kim Dheepamathram Thama: | Vajrenapi Hatha: Pathanthi
Giraya: Kim Vrajamathra Naga: | Thejo Yasya Virajathe
Sa Balavan Sthooleshu Ka: Prathyaya:||
Kalau Dhashasahasreshu Haristhyajathi
Medhinim | Thadhardhdham Jahnavi Thoyam Thadhardhdham Gramadevatha ||
Griha Sakthasya No Vidhya No Dhaya
Mamsabhojina: | Dhravya Lubdhasya No Sathyam Sthrainasya Na Pavithratha ||
Na Dhurjjana: Sadhudhashamupaithi |
Bahuprakarairapi Shishyamana: | Amoolasiktha:
Payasa Grithena Na Nimba Vriksho
Madhurathvamethi ||
Anthargathamalo Dhushta: Theerththa Snanashathairapi | Na Shudhdhyathi
Yadha Bhandam Suraya Dhahitham Cha Sath ||
Na Veththi Yo Yasya Guna Prakarsham | Sa
Tham Sadha Nindhathi Nathra Chithram | Yadha Kirathi Kari Kumbha Jatham |
Muktham Parithyajya Bhibharththi Gujjam ||
Ye Thu Samvathsaram Poornnam Nithyam
Maunena Bhunjjathe | Yugakoti Sahasram
Thu Swarga Loke Maheeyathe ||
Kamakrodhau Thadha Lobham Swadhu Sringara
Kauthuke | Athi Nindhathi Seve Cha
Vidhyarththi Hyashta Varjayeth ||