-52 -Sri Vinaya Patrika -
Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mind, you
have forgotten your Athmaswaroopa/Nijaswaroop/Sukhaswaroop, the Paramathma
Parambhramam resides as a soul in you, hence you have lost peace and serenity,
the Indhriyas are not in your control, getting wedged on the material welfare
and people, and constantly searching for Vishayavisha/toxic poison like worldly
matters and you have completely drenched in the worldly matters, body and I
consciousness, and the impurities of
Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha Mathshcharya and dangerously getting
shackled that cannot be removed easily. Oh! Ignorant, your Mamakara and
Ahamkara put you in endless miseries and sufferings, even after all these, you
haven’t abandoned the interest in worldly matters and bondage. The
attributes/Vasanas and various Karma of several births accumulated in the
Chiththa has driven you afar from the lotus feet of Lord Hari. Oh! Mind, The Veda, and scriptures affirm
that without the awareness and the knowledge of the all-pervasive Bhramam
resides as a soul which is the sole functioning of the mind, intellect, Chitta
Ahamkara/Chathushtaya, your impurities will not disappear. Oh! Mind, the
fruitfulness of your life is vested in Hari, Guru, and Santh/ Mahatmas. The Paramapitha, Parama Prabhu Paramguru Hari
only could protect you from the sufferings of worldly existence. You haven’t
been thought of the same not even once, you have been chasing after the
Vishayavisha of the material welfare and people, Oh! Tulsidas, how could you
quench your thirst, after spending the whole life digging in search of water?”
Sri Tulsidas Maharaj continues “Oh! Sri
Hari, my mind is adamant, Oh! Nath, I am utterly failed even after making all
efforts to convince my mind to get rid of interest in worldly matters, and stop
chasing for material comforts, and sensual pleasures, alas! my mind and
intellect is too adamant, like the woman who undergoes crucial pain while giving
birth to the child, make up her mind not to be with her husband again, soon
after the birth of the child, she forgets all the pain and discomforts and
return to serve her husband. The
ignorant Jeeva is like the street dogs do not mind the beatings and wander on
the same place in search for a meal, the ignorant Jeeva does not leave interest in
material matters, wealth, possession, money, richness, fame, attachment to wife,
children, relatives, and companion, even after getting thrashed by miseries and
sorrows in the absence of them. Oh! Prabhu, I am having the same state of mind
of that street dogs and the pregnant woman who has given birth to the child, I
keep chasing after the Vishayavisha even after going through endless miseries
and grief, I have adopted various means to stop the urge for bodily pleasures
and material comforts, but I have failed miserably, and finally I have
understood the undeniable fact that the mind is so powerful. Oh! Tulsidas, the
mind and intellect cannot be controlled by individual efforts, without the grace of the supreme Lord Paramathma Parambhramam reside as a soul in it.”
88) Kabahu Man Bishrama Na Manyo | Nisidhin
Bhramatha Bisari Sahaja Sukha Jaham Thaham Indhrin Thanyo|| Jadhapi Bishaya
Sanga Sahyo Dhusaha Dhukha Bishama Jala Arujjanyo | Thadhapi Na Thajath Mooda
Mamathabas Janathahu Nahim Janyo || Janama Aneka Kiye Nana Bidhi Karama Keech Chith Sanyo | Hoyi Na Bimala Bibeka Neera Binu
Bedha Purana Bakhanyo || Nija Hitha Natha Pitha Guru Hariso Harashi Hridhai
Nahim Anyo | Tulasidasa Kab Thrisha Jaya Sara Khanthahi Janama Siranyo ||
89) Mero Man Hariju! Hat Na Thajai |
Nisidhina Nath Dheau Sikha Bahu Bidhi Karath Subhau Nijai|| Jyo Juvathi
Anubhavathi Prasav Athi Dharuna Dhukha Upajai | Hyai Anukoola Bisari Soola Sat
Puni Khala Pathihi Bhajai || Lolupa Bhrama Grihapasu Jyo Jaham Thaham Sir
Padhathrana Bajai | Thadhapi Adhama Bicharath Thehi Maraga Kabahu Na Mooda
Lajjai || Hai Haryo Kari Janath Bibidha Bidhi Athisai Prabala Ajai | Tulasidasa
Bas Hoyi Thabahi Jab Prerak Prabhu Barajai ||