Chapter - 97 -Sri Vinaya Pathrika - Ramanama Mahima - Thrividha Thapahari
Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “ Oh! Prabho,
my mind, and intellect have already taken shelter in the Ramanama, even if I try
hard, it is impossible to get separated, I have a strong belief in your sacred
name. Oh! Prabho, I have not learned four Veda/Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharvana
or six auxiliaries of the Veda, I am unfortunate, I did not get the opportunity
to learn them all. The austerities,
Japa, Thapa, vows, celibacy, Swadhyaya, Shamadhamadhi, Athmavichara, visiting
shrines, and dip in holy Theertha, etc. requires intense practice and
dedication, hence it scares me a lot. I haven’t performed any of those
austerities or did not make an effort to achieve Vairagya or got rid of body
consciousness, Ahamkara, and Mamakara. I have not performed any
Yajja/Karmakanda, which is extremely difficult to carry out in the Kali era, due to
lack of purity of ingredients used for the fire sacrifice, lack of purity of the place, and the doer, etc. if so, it requires more wealth and dedication. I am scared
to take up any of these austerities Japa, Thapa, Yoga, Gnana, Vairagya, because it should not multiply my Ahamkara and Mamakara in it, therefore I feel singing
in praise of Lord Sri Raghunath who is the storehouse of virtues, and I consider
this is a superior deed to get rid of Ahamkara, Mamakara, impurities of Kama,
Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathshcharya, and excessive interest in
Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roopa Gandh. Oh! Prabho, whoever taken shelter under
the shade of Ramanamaroopi Kalpavruksha, do they need to get afraid of the darkness
of ignorance/Thamomaya Ajjan? Do they need to swelter on the blazing fire like
the interest in worldly matters, possession, money, richness, wealth, fame,
Ahamkara, Mamakara, impurities of mind/ego, lust, desire, jealousy, pride,
attachment to wife, children, relatives, and companions, etc.? Oh! Prabho,
whoever taken shelter at your lotus feet and Ramanama gets freed from the Ahamkara,
Mamakara, interest in worldly matters and people, ultimately gets relieved from
Thrividhathapa and sins as well. Oh! Prabho, I have no knowledge of heaven or
hell or Paramdham, all that Tulsidas desired to achieve is to remain your
sincere slave in Ihaloka/ during life on Earth.”
155) Biswas Yek Ramanamko| Manath Nahim Paratheethi Anath Yesoyi Man Bamako || Padibo Paryo Na
Cchati Ccha Math Rigu Jajur Athavarna Samko | Bratha Theerath Thapa Suni
Sahamath Pachi Marai Karai Than Ccham
Ko? || Karamajal Kalikala Kadina Adheena Susadhitha Dhamako | Gyana Biraga Joga
Japa Thap Bhaya Lobha Moha Koha Kamako || Sab Dhin Sab Layak Bhava Gayak Raghunayak Guna Gramako |
Baite Nama Kamatharu Thar Dar Kaun Dhora Dhan Dhamako || Ko Janai Ko
Jaihai Jamapur Ko Soorapur Par
Dhamako | Tulasihim Bahuth Bhalo
Lagath Jaga Jeevan Ramagulamko ||