Tuesday 1 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – Jeeva/humans afar from the practice of devotion and austerities are like the owls that does not appreciate the sunlight


Chapter – 212-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – Jeeva/humans away from the practice of devotion and austerities are like the owls that does not appreciate the sunlight


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, if there’s someone or another deity to protect me from the sufferings of worldly existence, why should I keep knocking at your doors? The Jeevas keep praying and worshiping Lord Bhrama, Lord Shiva, and all the deities, demons, demi-gods, Nagas, and Rishis remain unanswered, Oh! Prabho, I was wandering thirsty, and hungry like an animal, but no one removed my sufferings, I was drenched in illusion, and ignorance, got attracted to those infinite sounds, passion, touch, appearances, and smell of impermanent nature, I was shackled by Karma and attributes/Rajasik, Thamsik, and Sathvik, I was recklessly moving like the failed chariot. I have driven afar from you, Purusharththaheen/failed to achieve the four ultimate objectives of life such as Dharma/righteousness, Arththa/wealth, Kama/desire, and Moksha/liberty. I was chasing after the material and physical pleasures, and constantly pushed myself into grief and agony/three kinds of grief like the untamed elephant got stuck in a pool of mud. I have committed several sins by words, deeds, and mind while chasing possession, wealth, richness, fame, money, children, wife, companion, and relatives. Oh! Prabho, I was soaked in worldly matters, so I was sincerely following my senses and did whatever I could to appease them, unfortunately, I have never been successful. I was like the monkey in the hands of its Master/senses. Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Hari, I am unfortunate Jeeva driven far away from your lotus feet, I am a grave sinner, ignorant drenched in the Maya/illusion/ sinking at the bottom of the ocean of worldly matters, finally, I have got trapped in the noose of Yama/Lord of death/Time, as the blind goat stuck before the fox. I have been like the ‘owl’ that does not appreciate the sunlight, I did not practice devotion, meditation, austerities, Shama, Dhama, Sathyam, Dhaya, Dhanam, Dhyanam, Astheyam, Ahimsa, Arjjavam, Swadhyaya, singing in praise of Lord Sri Hari, celibacy, vows, etc. Oh! Prabho, I am an unfortunate dull-minded Jeeva, I was soaked in Maya/illusion, I have considered all the infinite matters are permanent, the wealth, richness, money, fame, possession, children, wife, companion, and relatives are real, I was keep chasing to please my senses, but never got satisfied. Oh! Thrithapa Harana/who removes the three kinds of grief 1) Adhidheivik-grief caused by an epidemic, famine, drought, flood, earthquakes, wood fire, etc. 2) Adhyathmik- grief caused by aging, illnesses, fear of death, and separation from beloved ones 3) Adhibhauthik -grief caused by the excessive attachment to possession, wealth, money, richness, children, fame, wife, companion and relatives, and in the absence of any of the above. Oh! Sri Hari, Oh! Karunamaya/mercy personified, you are the savior of the distressed Jeeva, Oh! Prabho, you can only protect me from the sufferings and grief of this Kali era.”

Jau Jaga Aur Biyau KOau Pau | Thau Ho Binathi Bar Bar Kari Katha Prabhu Thumahi Sunau || Siva Biranchi Sura Asura Naga Muni Su Thau Janchi Jana Aayau | Bhoolyau Bhramyau Thrishathura Mriga Lau Kahu Srama Na  Gachayau || Apatha Sakala Chali Chahi Chahu Dhisi Bhrama Aghatath Mathimandha | Thakitha Hoth Ratha Chakraheena Jyau Nirakhi Karma Guna Phandha || Paurasha Rahitha Ajitha Indhrini Bas Jyau Gaja Panka Paryau | Bishayasaktha Nati  Ke Kapi Jyau Joyi Joyi Kahyau Karyau || Bhava Agadha Jala Magna Maha Sad Thaji Padhakoola Rahyau | Gira Rahitha Brika Grasitha Aja Lau Anthaka Aani Grahyau || Apane Hi Akhiyani Dhosha Thai Rabihi Ulooka Na Manath | Athisaya Sukritharahitha Adha Byakula Britha Sramitha Raja Cchanath || Sunu Thrayathapaharana Karunamaya Santhatha Dheenadhayala | Sur Kutila  Rakhau Saranayi Ihi Byakula Kalikala ||