Wednesday 2 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of devotion is a ferry to cross the ocean of worldly existence


Chapter – 213-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of devotion is a ferry to cross the ocean of worldly existence


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, you are the destroyer of grief and sufferings of worldly existence, Oh! Shyamasundara, Oh! Madhanmohan, you are the protector of distraught Jeeva, it is your nature. Oh! Prabho, your childhood friend pious Bhramin Sudhama visited you in Dwaraka, you rushed on your feet to receive that penniless Bhramin, you showered an abundance of affection, you received him with great honor, spent the whole night fanning him, finally you blessed him with the richness of Indra. Oh! Prabho, the Kauravas always plotted against the Pandavas, once Bhimsen was poisoned to death, you protected him, and another time Dhuryodhana influenced Yudhishtira to live in the palace made of wax and set them on fire, but Pandavas miraculously escaped with your grace, you have always been kind to the Pandavas who symbolizes righteousness. Oh! Prabho, Oh! Sri Krishna, you have protected the Vrajabhumi from the fierce flood and rain, you have elevated mounted Govardhan on your little finger and protected the entire people, cows, and cowherds of Vrajabhumi. Oh! Prabho, I am singing in praise of your glories, your sacred names are ferries to cross the ocean of worldly existence.”

Prabhu Thuma Dheena Ke Dhukha Harana | Syamasundhara Madhanamohana Ban Asarana sarana || Dhoor Dhekhi Sudhama Aavath Dhayi Parasyau Charana | Laccha  Sau Bahu Laccha Dheenhau Dhana Achadara Darana || Cchala Kiyau Pandavani Kaurava Kapata  Pasa Darana | Swaya Visha Griha Laya Dheenhau Thau Na  Paye Jarana || Boodathahi Braja Rakhi Leenhau Nakhahi Girivara Dharana | Sura Prabhu Kau Sujasa Gavath Nama Nauka Tharana ||