Wednesday 2 November 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – All the living and non-living things are shackled by ‘Time’/death -The noose of death hanging above the head from the time of birth


Chapter – 214-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – All the living and non-living things are shackled by ‘Time’/death -The noose of death hanging above the head from the time of birth


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, you are too kind and compassionate, you are the protector of Jeeva even without the practice of Bhakti/devotion, that’s why I am at your doorstep. Oh! Prabho, you have liberated several sinners from the sufferings of worldly existence, I am not different from them. I have spoken sweet words to influence others, my heart was not pure and I did not follow religious and spiritual rites, I was shackled by Karma and attributes as any other Jeeva, I was chasing after material and physical pleasures, and constantly committed sins by words, mind, and deeds. Oh! Prabho, I had dressed up like a saintly person and robbed the wealth of others, I was not sincere, or honest, I have no love for religious rites or belief, or righteousness, I was declaring myself a noble soul, in this way, I have lived all my life portraying myself as a pious. I was not free from lust, desire, ego, greed, jealousy, pride, anger, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, hence I yearned for physical pleasure day and night. Oh! Prabho, I am ignorant, dull-minded, and arrogant, I haven’t practiced the austerities, vows, celibacy, truthfulness, self-control, etc. I have committed crimes to fill my stomach, I engaged in constant arguments with my family, relatives, and companions, I have eaten all those unwanted, and unhealthy meals that do not worthy to eat, and put myself in constant grief. Oh! Prabho, I haven’t followed any austerities or discipline in all my life, hence I had to take several births in different wombs, and thereby accumulated attributes and sins. Oh! Prabho, I was wicked and deceitful, the flame of my cunningness in my heart did not put off even after witnessing the hellish torture in the abode of Lord Yama/afterlife. Oh! Prabho, I have spoken ill about the Santh, Mahathma, and noble souls who engage in constant meditation, austerities, and contemplation. I was drenched in Maya/illusion, I was associated with the morally wrong people, I was haughty and arrogant, and the possession of wealth, richness, money, fame, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc. made me forget about ‘Time’, the eternal truth that all the living and non-living things are bound by time/The absolute truth/Paramarththa Thaththva/ I have completely forgotten the fact that the noose of death hanging above my head from the day of birth. Oh! Prabho, I was engaged in debates with fellow scholars, as I was born in a family of twice-born, I won over them and the success got into my head. Oh! Prabho, I do not know how many births I have taken in different Yonis of low and high class, Alas! I have taken great pleasure living in that body in each birth, did not have the knowledge of absolute truth, I have lived a life in utter misery chasing after worldly matters, Oh! Sri Hari, I have never practiced the worship of your lotus feet. Oh! Manmohan, kindly protect me, I have taken shelter at your lotus feet, I am your sincere servant. I was soaked in material and physical pleasures like the donkey and dog, and constantly shoving myself into the flame of the toxic poison of worldly matters. Oh! Prabho, you have endless virtues, likewise, I have committed endless sins, we cannot argue with each other, that would stain your virtues. Oh! Sri Hari, I have committed several sins by words, mind, and deeds, even now I would rush to anyone who elevates me from the sins, I did not achieve the firm devotion at your lotus feet. Oh! Prabho, I am impure, I have taken shelter at your lotus feet with a selfish motive to get released from the grief and sufferings of worldly existence. Oh! Prabho, I am unfortunate, I haven’t achieved the pure love and devotion at your lotus feet yet.”

Bakthi Bina  Jau Kripa  Na Karathe Thau Hau Aas Na  Karathau | Bahuth Pathitha Udhdhara Kiye Thuma Hau Thin Kau Anusarathau || Mukha  Mridhu Bachana Jani Mathi Janahu Sudhdha Panth Paga Dharathau | Karma Basana Cchadi Kabahu Nahi  Sapa Papa Aacharathau || Sujana Besha Rachana Prathi Janamani Aayau Paradhana Harathau | Dharma  Dhuja  Anthara Kacchau Nahi  Loka Dhikhavath Phirathau || Parathiya Rathi Abhilasha Nisadhina Man Pitari Lai Bharthau | Dhurmathi Athi Abhimana Jjana Binasab Sadhana Thai Darathau || Udhara Artha Chori Himsa Kari Mithra Bandhu Sau  Larathau | Rasana Swadh sithila Lampata Hau Aghatitha Bhojana Karthau || Yaha Byauhar Likhayi Rath Dhin Puni Jeethau Puni Marthau | Rabi Sutha Dhooth Chari Nahi Sakthe Kapata Dhanau Ura Barthau || Sadhu Seela Sadhrupa Purusha Kou Apajasa B ahu  Uccharathau | Aughat Asatha Kucheelani Sau Mili Mayajala Mei Tharthau || Kabahuk Raj Mana Madha Poorana Kalahu Thai Nahi Darathau | Miththya Badh  Aap Jasa  Suni Suni Mucchahi Pakari Akarathau || Ihi Bidhi Uccha Anucha  Than Dhari Dhari  Dhesa Bidhesa Bicharathau | Thaha Sukha Mani Bisari Nath Padha Apanau Ranga Biharathau || Ab Mohi Rakhi Lehu Manmohana Aghama Anga Padha Parathau | Khara Kookara Ki Nayi Mani Sukha Bishaya Agnini Mei Jarathau || Thuma Guna Ki  Jaisau Mithi Nahin Hau Agha Koti  Bicharathau | Thumhau Hamai Prathi Badh Bhaye Thai Gaurava Kakau Garathau || Mothau Kacchu Na  Ubari Hari Ju Aayau Chadath Utharathau | Ajahu Sur Pathitha Padha  Thajjathau Jau  Aurahu Nistharathau ||