Sunday 21 April 2019

|| Sri Mathangi Sahasranama Sthothram – Sri Nandhyavarththa Thanthram || 126 - 159

 || Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Eshvara concludes “ I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Mathangi who has soft tone of voice,   she represents Goddess Mahalakshmi, and Lopamudra, she is adorned in precious ornaments and  string of pearls, she symbolizes love, she has attractive thin waist, she has supreme radiance, she has minuscule form, she removes contagious diseases, she represents kind of meter, she has long and attractive curly hair locks, she has celestial bull as vehicle, she is the cause for the destruction of Lankapura, she represents female aspect of Purandhara, she has personified as Goddess Mahalakshmi who symbolizes wealth and opulence, she is attainable through intense devotion and faith, she has most playful and desirous eyes, she has pleasing appearance, she represents measure of time, food grains, and  endurance, she is forbearing,  she has beautiful thin physique, she is the source of prosperity, auspiciousness, and  tranquility, she has personified as Goddess Durga, she is attired in magnificent silk garments, she is extremely valorous in battle field, she is the cause for mass destruction at the end of Yuga, she resides in supreme abode of milky ocean, she is the source of prosperity, welfare, happiness, good fortune, and movement of wheel of time, she resides in the supreme abode of  milky ocean, she eradicates sufferings and afflictions, Oh! Devi, above are the highly auspicious hymns praising the splendor of Goddess Mathangi  who is stunningly gorgeous/ Sumukhi, which provides all kinds of supernatural powers.  Whoever reads or listens to these auspicious hymns praising the glories of Goddess Mathangi along with Lord Maheshvara, although worshiper with improper behavior, person who does not follow any customary duties, devious,  person who is penniless  would attain immense wealth, person who lack ability to speak would excel in speech, person who is afflicted with critical illnesses would get relieved from all those illness, worshiper who yearn for child would attain the same,  childless couple would attain virtuous offspring who is enriched with supreme intellect and scholastic skills , worshiper would become honorable in three worlds, worshiper would be enriched with  righteousness, worshiper would attain the possession of  abundance of high qualities of cows as wealth , worshiper would get relieved from miseries, sorrows and perils, whoever reads or listens to it with intense devotion and faith for ten times during the specific zodiacal signs would provide abundance of piousness, it would fulfill all the desire of the worshiper, these thousands of sacred names of Goddess Mathangi would provide Manthra Siddhi, pleasure and happiness,  worshiper who recite  these sacred hymns on Tuesday in funeral grounds, or during the hours of   afternoon would attain success in endeavors, and  accomplishment in tasks, worshiper who recite these sacred hymns with intense devotion during the hours of dusk would get relieved form all the illnesses and fears, whoever reads or recites to these sacred hymns on Saturday during the darkest hours of the night,  worshiper who recite hundred and eight sacred names of Goddess Mathangi along with the  thousands of  sacred names for ten weeks would attain the splendor of Lord Shiva, it purifies the worshiper and removes threat from wild animals, worship of Goddess Chandika with prescribed rite followed by sacrifice would highly please supreme Goddess  ShivA who has lovely appearance  and the worshiper would attain various boons, sacred hymns written on the Burjapathra and veneration of the same with Kasthuri, red lotus flower, Agaru, Karpoora, vermilion and sandalwood paste on an auspicious day, recitation of these sacred hymns would  help the worshiper to win over senses, it removes threat from wild animals, it protect children from mother’s womb, worshiper who adore the Yanthra would be freed from curse and evil spell, worshiper would attain scholarly skills, recitation of these sacred hymns praising the lovely faced Goddess Mathangi would provide commendable meritorious reward, worshiper would be blessed with the eternal presence of Kamala and Vani in their homes, it provides the piousness of holy dip in Pushkara, Oh! Varanane, Oh! Devi, I have described the highly auspicious hymns of Goddess Mathangi which is capable to provide spiritual fervor, I shall meditate upon Goddess Mathangi/Sumukhi, who symbolizes wealth, auspiciousness, prosperity, richness, good fortune, and opulence, she has pleasing disposition, her beautiful face has the luster of full moon, she is adorned in vermilion on forehead, she takes immense pleasure in the consumption spirituous intoxicated drink, she is adorned in pearl decorated ornaments, she has the complexion of dark clouds, she holds parrot, rosary beads, and cluster of blossoms, she is extremely compassionate, her beautiful curly hair locks are kept loosened.”

Lapathi Lapathi Lamba Lopamudra Lalanthika | Lathika  Langhini Langha Lalima Laghumadhyama ||

Laghiyasi Laghudharya Lootha Loothavinashini | Lomasha Lomalambi Cha Lulanthi Cha  Lulumbathi ||

Lulayastha Balahari Lankapurapurandhara | Lakshmir Lakshmipradha  Labya  Lakshakshi  Lulithaprabha ||

Kshana Kshanakshukshukshini Kshamakshanthi: Kshamavathi | KshamaKshamodhari  Kshemya Kshaumabhrith Kshathriyangana ||

Kshaya  Kshayakari Ksheera Ksheeradha  Ksheerasagara | Kshemamkari  Kshayakari Kshayakrith Kshanadha Kshathi: ||

Kshudhrika Kshudhrika Kshudhra Kshuth Kshama Ksheenapathaka | Mathu:  Sahasranamedham Sumukhya Sidhdhidhayakam ||

Ya: Padethprayatho Nithyam Sa Yeva  Syan  Maheshvara: |Anacharath Paden Nithya Dharidhro Dhanavan Bhaveth ||

Mookasyadhvakpathir Devi Rogi Neerogatha Vrajeth | Puthrarththi Puthramapnothi Thrishu Lokeshu Vishrutham ||

Vandhyapi Sooyathe Puthravidhusha Sadhrishanguro: | Sathyashcha Bahudha Bhooyadhgavashcha  Bahudhugdha: ||

Rajana: Padhanamrasyusthasya Hasa  Iva Spuda: | Arayassangkshayayanthi Manasa Samsmritha Api ||

Dharshanadeva Jayanthe Nara  Naryoapi Thadhvasha: |Karththa Harththa Swayaveero Jayathe  Na Athra Samshaya: ||

Yayyagamayathe Kamanthanthamapnothi Nishchinam | Dhurithanna Cha  Thasyasthi Nasthi  Shoka: Kadhashchana ||

Chathushpadharththarathre Cha Ya: Padethsadhakoththama: | Yekaki Nirbayo Veero Dhashavarththasthavoththamam ||

Manasa Chinthithankaryam Thasya Sidhdhirnna Samshaya: | Vina  Sahasranamnayo Japen Manthrakadhachana ||

Na Sidhdhirjayathe Thasya  Manthrakalpashathairapi | Kujavare Shmashane Va  Madhyahne  Yo Japethsadha ||

Krithakrithyassa Jayathe Karththa Harththa  Nrinamiha | Rogarththoardhdhanishayaya: Padeth Asanasamsthitha: ||

Sadhyo Neerogathamethi Yadhi Syannirbhayasthadha | Ardhdharathre Shmashane  Va  Shanivare Japen Manam | Ashtoththara Sahasranthu Dhashavare Japeth Thadha: | Sahasranama Chaithadhdhi Thadha  Yathi  Swayam  Shiva ||

Mahapavanaroopena  Ghoragomayunadhini | Thatho Yadhi Na Bheethi: Syaththadha  Dhehithivagbhaveth ||

Thadha  Pashubalidhdhadhyath Swayam Grihnathi Chandika | Yadheshtashcha Varadhadhdhva Prayathi Sumukhi ShivA ||

Rochanagaru Kasthoori Karpooraishcha Chandhanai: | Kumkumena  Dhine  Shreshte Likhithva Bhoorjjapathrake ||

Shubhanakshathrayoge Cha  Krithamaruthasakriya: | Krithva Sambathanavidhidhdharayeth Dhakshine Kare ||

Sahasranama Swarnnasthankande Va Vijithendhriya: | Thadhayabranamenmanthri Kridhdhassamriyathe Nara: ||

Dhushtashvapadha Janthoonanna Bhi: Kuthrapi Jayathe | BalakanamiyamRaksha  Garbininamapi Priye ||

Mohanasthambanakarsha Maranocchadanani Cha | Yanthradharanatho Noonajayanthe  Sadhakasya Thu ||

Neelavasthre Vilikhithe Dhvajayayadhi Thishtathi | Thadha Nashta  Bhavathyeva  Prachandapyarivahini ||

YethaJaptha Mahabhasma Lalate Yadhi Dharayeth | Thadvilokena Yeva Syu: Praninasthasya  Kinkara: ||

Rajapathnyoapi Vivasha: Kimanya: Purayoshitha: | Yetha Japthambiyeththoyamanase Syanmahakavi: ||

Pandithashcha  Mahavadhi Jayathe  Nathrasamshaya:| Ayuthashcha Padeth Sthothra Purashcharana Siddhaye ||

Dhashamshangumalairhuthva Thrimadhvakthairvidhanatha: | Swayamayathi Kamala Vanya  Saha  Thadhalaye ||

Manthro Ni: Keelathamethi Sumukhi Sumukhi Bhaveth | Ananthashcha  Bhaveth Punyamapunyashcha  Kshayavrajeth ||

Pushkaradhishu Theertheshu Snanatho Yath Phalambhaveth | Thathphalalabathe Janthu: Sumukhya: Sthothrapadatha: ||

Yethadhuktham Rahasyanthe Swasarvasva Varanane | Na Prakashayanthvaya Devi Yadhi Sidhdhishcha  Vindhasi ||

Prakashanath Siddhisyath Kupitha Sumukhi Bhaveth| Natha:  Paratharo Loke  Sidhdhidha: Praninamiha ||

Vandhe Sri  Sumukhi Prasannavadhana Poornendhubimbananam | Sindhoorangitha Masthaka Madhumadho Lollalancha  Mukthavalim | Shyamanga Anjjalikakarangaragathajjadhyapayanthim | ShukaGunjjapunjja Vibhooshanam Sakarunam Mukthavenilatham ||

|| Ithi Sri Nandhyavarththa Thanthre Uththarakhande Mathangi Sahasranama Sthothram Sampoornnam ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||