Wednesday 27 January 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika - Sri Tulasidas Maharaj – Prayer to Devi Ganga who is Thrividha Papaharani


Chapter – 9 – Sri Vinaya Patrika – Prayer to Devi Ganga who is Thrividha Papaharani


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Devi Gange, victory to you!  You are the purifier of the entire Universe, you have descended as a highly fragrant watercourse from the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, you would burn down the sorrows and miseries of worldly existence, you are the destroyer of accumulated sins of several births. Your sacred waters are rich fragrant mixed with the dust particles from the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu is stored in the Kamandalu of Lord Bhrama. You have taken shelter on the attractive matted hair locks of Lord Shiva. Oh! Jahnavi, you are truly fortunate, you have liberated the sons of King Sagara, you have originated from the highest peaks, Oh! Devi, you have several sacred names. The Yaksha, Gandharva, Muni, Kinnara, Naga, Dhaithya, and Manushya takes a holy dip in your waters and achieves an abundance of piousness. You have descended from heaven, and you are the source of Gnana and Vijjana. You are the destroyer of impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathshcharya like the lotus flowers that get withered in the Shishira Rithu. Your river banks are flourished with the various auspicious trees, plants, and herbs, and your most promising sacred waters elegantly streaming between them, this attractive sight would capture the hearts of everyone, gives out the appearance of Sheshanaga in the midst of the greens. Oh! Devi, you are supreme Goddess, beloved of all the deities, the sparkling water course resembles the precious gems of the thousands of hoods of Sheshanaga. You have endless splendor, and innumerable forms too. You are worshiped by the Kings, and they reverentially bow before you. Oh! Devi, your stunning water course streaming through heaven, Earth and Pathalaloka, Oh! Shivapriye, Oh! Bhavabhayaharini who destroys the extreme fear and anxieties of worldly existence, Oh! Janani, who is the mother of the universe, Oh! Devi kindly blesses me with the perpetual devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Raghunatha.”


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj continues “ Oh! Devi Gange, you are the destroyer of Thrividha Thapa/Adhidhevik, Adhibhauthik, and Adhyathmika, with the mere remembrance of your sacred names. Oh! Devi, you are Kalpatharu which fulfills all the desires of the worshiper and provides immense bliss and contentment. Your waters have the luster of the moon, and it is highly propitious as the nectar of immortality and sweet, it is the superior cure from the vicious cycles of rebirth, it would remove impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathscharya, interest in worldly matters and bondage, body and I consciousness and protects the Jeeva from hurling into Janana Marana Chakra. Oh! Devi, Your exhilarating and powerful water currents continuously sings in praise of Ramacharithra/legends of Rama in extreme bliss, Oh! Jagathjanani, Oh! Devi Gange, if you were not here, do not know what would happen to the unfortunate Jeeva in the Kali era, and how miserable it would be in your absence, Oh! Devi, I am Tulsidas, how could I save myself from the battering brutal waves in the ocean of Samsara?”


Sri Tulasidas concludes “Oh! Devi Gange, you have taken shelter on the attractive matted hair locks of Lord Shiva, you are merrily streaming through the heaven, Earth, and Pathalaloka, you are most promising to Devatha, Manushya, Muni, Naga, Siddha, and Sajjana. Oh! Devi, mere witnessing your watercourse would remove the Dhukha, Dhosha, Papa, Thapa, and sufferings of poverty. You have liberated the sons of Sagara and provided them Mukthi. Your sacred water courses merge in the ocean, you reside in the Kamandalu of Lord Bhrama, you have descended from the lotus feet of Vishnu and taken shelter on the matted hair locks of Shiva, in this way, you have added splendor to the Trinities. Oh! Devi Gange, kindly make my words pure as your sacred waters that destroy the Thrividha Papa of the Jeeva, so that I could sing the highly propitious Sarva Papanashaka/ Ramacharithra/legends of Rama at my heart’s content.”


18) Jayathi Jaya Surasari Jagath Akhila Pavani || Vishnu Padhapankaja Makarandh Iva  Ambhuvara Vahasi Dhukha Dhahasi Adhavrindha Vidhravini || Milith Jalapathra Aaj Yuktha Haricharanaraja Viraja Varavari Thripurari Shira Dhamini | Jahnukanya Dhanya Punyakritha Sagarsutha Bhoodharadhroni Vidhdhdharani Bahunamini || Yaksha Gandharva Muni Kinnara Uraga Dhanuja Manuja Sajjahi Sukrithapunjja Yutha Kamini | Swarga  Sopan Vijjana Jjanapradhe  Moha Madha Madhana Pathoja Himayamini || Harith Gambheer Vanir Dhoohum Theeravara Madhya Dhara Vishadh Vishwa Abhiramini | Neela Ptharkakritha Shayan Sarpasha Janu Sahasa Seemavali Sthrotha Suraswamini || Amitha Mahima  Amitharoop Bhoopavali  Mukuta Manivandhdhya Thrailoka Pathagamini | Dhehi Raghubeera Padha Preethi Nirbhara Mathu Dhasa Tulasi Thrasaharini Bhavabhamini ||


19) Harini  Papa Thribidha Thapa Sumirath Surasaritha | Bilasathi Mahi  Kalpabeli Mudha Manorath Pharith || Sohath Sasi Dhavala Dhara Sudha Salila Bharith | Bimalathara Tharanga Lasath Raghubarake Se Charith || Tho Binu Jagadamba Ganga Kalijuga Ka Karith? Ghora Bhava Aparadhasindhu Tulasi Kimi Tharitha ||


20) Esa  Seesabasitha  Thripatha Lasasi Nabha  Pathal Dharini | Sura Nara Muni Naga Sidhdha Sujana Mangalakarani || Dhekhath  Dhukhadhosha Dhuritha Dhaha Dharidha Dharani | Sagar Suvana Samsathi Samani Jalanidhi Jala Bharani|| Mahimaki Avadhi Karasi Bahu Bidhi Hari Harani | Tulasi Karu Bani Bimala Bimala Bari Barani ||