Sunday 28 March 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Rama Nama Mahima – The graciousness of Lord Sri Ramachandra


Chapter – 148 -Sri Vinaya Patrika  – Ramanama Mahima - The graciousness of Lord Sri Ramachandra

Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, I am helpless, I have no one to protect me, Oh! Karunanidhe,  all that I want to achieve the nearness to your lotus feet by word, mind, and deeds. Oh! Prabho, I am drenched in the impurities of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, Mamakara, I am illusioned by the infinite Nama Roopa Dhrishya of Samsara, I have lost serenity of mind, I have lost abilities to achieve Gnana or Vijjana. Oh! Prabho, I have drenched in the material matters, possession, wealth, money, richness, fame, attachment to wife, children, relatives, and companion, constantly seeking material well-being and bodily pleasure, hence I have no desire of Moksha not even in my dreams. Oh! Prabho, I haven’t performed righteous deeds or charity or did not perform any religious or spiritual rites prescribed in the Veda, which provides heavenly abode, but greedy of those heavenly pleasures. Oh! Prabho, I have not performed any service to deities, or devotees of the Lord, or Mahathmas, I haven’t practiced the Hatyoga or other Yogic practices to achieve the serenity of mind, I haven’t performed any fire sacrifices/Yajja, Yaga to please the deities or offerings to please the deities, I haven’t practiced any rite to please other deities by offering sacrifice/Pranabali. Oh! Prabho, I have no ability to perform any of the above-mentioned rites to please the deities, Siddhas, or other deities, hence I cannot achieve the grace of them.  Oh! Prabho, the practice of meditation and contemplation is one of the methods of worship, even that too difficult for me to attain because there are already deities, Rishis, Sages, Lord Mahadeva, Shukha like honey-bees are waiting for their turn to taste the nectar from your lotus feet, hence I am an unfortunate Jeeva have no prospect for that too. Oh! Prabho, I have heard that you are Pathithapavan, your sacred name ‘Rama’ is capable to provide whatever desired by your devotees, even the simplest practice of recitation of ‘Ramanama’ became difficult for me because of my Ahamkara and Mamakara, compels me to think that after achieving knowledge in Veda and Vedanga, scriptures, and various sacred texts, I am reluctant to recite your sacred name ‘Rama’ due to Ahamkara. Oh! Prabho, I am an unfortunate Jeeva deserved to toss to hell, on top of that my deeds performed were rightful to throw me into Samsararoopi deep and dark well.  Oh! Prabho, at this point of time, all that I am remembering your kindness to ferryman Guha born in the lowly clan, Pakshiraja Jatayu, the untamed elephant Gajendra caught in the leg by the crocodile, and your sincere devotee Lord Hanuman, in this way I am getting rid of the fear for Janana and Marana, and keeping myself composed thinking that you were too kind to Pashu and Pakshi, why not to Tulsi? I am confident that the mere recitation of your sacred name ‘Rama’ would protect me from the grief of Samsara, and Garbhavasdhukha as well.”


209) Nahinai Nath! Avalamb Mohi Aanaki | Karama Man  Bachan Pan Sathya Karunanidhe! Yek Gathi Ram! Bhavadheeya Padhathranaki || Koha Madha Moha  Mamathayathan Jani Man  Bath Nahi Jathi  Kahi  Gyana Bigyanaki | Kama Sankalpa Ura Nirakhi Bahu  Basanahim Aas Nahim Yekahu Aank Nirbanaki || Bedha Bodhitha Karama Dharam Binu  Agama Athi  Jadhapi Jiya  Lalasa Amarapur Janaki | Sidhdha Sura  Manuja  Dhanujadhisevath Kadina Dhravahi Hat Joga Dhiye  Bhoga Bali Pranaki || Bhagathi Dhurllabh Param Sambhu Suka  Muni Madhupa Pyas Padhakancha Makarandh Madhupanaki | Pathithapavana Sunath Nama  Bisthramakrith Bhramathi Puni  Samucchi Chith Granthi Abhimanaki || Narak Adhikar Mama Ghora Samsara Thama Koopakahim Bhoop! Mohi Sakthi Aapanaki | Dasa Tulasi Soau Thrasa Nahi  Ganath Man Sumiri Guha Geedh Gaja Gyadhi Hanumanaki ||