Monday 14 March 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika - Chapter – 8 - The graciousness of supreme Lord Sri Hari - Nalakubera Moksham - Gajendramoksham


Chapter – 8 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The graciousness of supreme Lord Sri Hari - Nalakubera Moksham - Gajendramoksham

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “ Oh! Prabho, you are too compassionate and kind to your devotees, and you have assumed various forms as per the desire of your devotees and rushed to their cries. Oh! Sri Hari, Oh! Dheenabandhu, the Veda, and scriptures highly eulogized your kindness to Jeeva. Oh! Prabho, the two sons of Lord Kubera became arrogant, they were drenched in worldly matters and lost their wisdom, further, they got cursed by Devarishi Narada and turned into a Yamalarjjuna tree. You have manifested as Lord Krishna and relieved them from the curse, got fastened to the mortal pastel by Devi Yasodha. Oh! Shyamasundara, your childhood friend Sudhama was fragile, clad in rugs approached you with a small bundle of puffed rice packed in ragged upper clothe, you have received him with great respect and love, consumed a handful of puffed rice, and showered an abundance of wealth and richness to his wife. Oh! Prabho, Gajaraj who was caught on the leg by a crocodile in the pond made a futile effort to get out of the mouth of it was miserably failed, deserted by friends, family at a certain point of time, he shrieked out of pain and called out for Lord Sri Hari, instantly, the compassionate Lord Sri Hari abandoned his Sri Vaikundam and the celestial vehicle Garuda and rushed to protect Gajaraja from the mouth of death. Oh! Prabho, Oh! Shyamasundhara you symbolize all art forms, you are the essence of wisdom and knowledge, even though you have undergone studies at the guidance of Sage Sandheepani, and you have offered marvelous ‘Gurudhakshina’, you have brought back the life of his one and only son from Yamaloka and pleased your preceptor. Oh! Sri Krishnachandra, Oh! Bhakthavathsala, Oh! Pathithapavana, Oh! Madhava, Oh! Prabho, I have no idea how many of the sinners like me have attained the grace of you, thereby achieved liberation from the sufferings and grief of worldly existence.”


Jaha Jaha  Sumire Hari Jihi Bidhi  Thaha Thaisai Udhi Dhaye | Dheenabandhu Hari Bhaktha Kripanidhi Bedhapuranani Gaye || Sutha Kubera Ke Bhakthamagana Bhaye  Bishairasa Nainani Cchaye | Muni Sarapa Thai Bhaye Jamalatharu  Thinha Hitha Aapu Badhaye || Pat Kuchaila Dhurbala Dhvija  Dhekhatha  Thake Thandhula Khaye | Sampathi Dhai Chaki Pathini Kau  Mana Abilasha Puraye || Jab Gaja Gahyau Graha Jalabheethara Thab Hari Kau Ura Dhyaye | Garuda Cchadi Aathura  Hyau Dhaye  So Thathkala Chudaye || Kalanidhana Sakalagunasagara Guru Ghau Kaha Padaye | Thihi Upakara Mrithaka Sutha Janche  So  Jamapura Thailyaye || Thuma Mose Aparadhi Madhava  Kethika Swarga Padaye | Surdasa Prabhu Bakthabacchala Thuma Pavananama Kahaye ||