Thursday 14 April 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika -The significance of pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishnachandra


Chapter – 37 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The significance of pure love and devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishnachandra


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortal, whoever surrendered at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishnachandra, will not face troubles from enemies, even the whole world turns against him/her to hurt, they could harm not even a single hair of the devotee of the Lord. The demon King Hiranyakashipu tortured his son Prahaldha in many ways, but the child devotee of the Lord stayed firm and fearless with the grace of the Lord, his firm devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari protected him from all the perils, finally, Hiranyakashipu failed to plot against his son. Druva, the son of King Uththanapadha who was humiliated by his stepmother Suruchi was forced to leave to wood to contemplate upon Lord Sri Hari, ultimately the supreme Lord Hari was pleased with the sincere devotion of five-year-old Dhruva, and provided him the highest of the rank ‘pole star’ after ruling the Kingdom of his father for several thousands of years. Devi Dhraupadhi was humiliated by Dhussasan in the large assembly of Kaurava, he pulled out the clothes from her body, she cried out for help, finally remembered Lord Krishna, soon there was a flood of clothes on her which crushed the pride of Dhussasana. Lord Indra was annoyed at the worship of Mount Govardhan, and showered heavy downpour that created a flood all over Braja, the people of Braja cried out for help, Lord Krishna elevated the mount Govardhan on his little finger and protected the entire people and cows of Braja, it multiplied the fame of Nandanandhan Sri Krishnachandra, later he famously known “Giridhari’. Oh! Mortals, surrender at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishnachandra, who is the destroyer of pride and ignorance, mere remembrance of his name would destroy the impurities of the mind, such as Kama/lust, Krodha/Anger, Lobha/ego, Moha/desire, Madha/Pride, Mathshcharyam/jealousy in us.”

Jakau Manmohana Anga Karai | Thakau Kesa Khasai Nahi Sir Thai Jau Jaga Bair Parai || Hiranakasipu Parahara Thakyau Prahaladha Na  Naiku Darai | Ajahu Lagi Uththanapadha Sutha Abichala Raja Karai || Rakhi Laj Dhrupadha Thanaya Ki  Kurupathi Cheera Harai | Dhurjodhana Kau Man Bhang Kari Basana Prabaha Bharai || Jau Surapathi Kopyau Braja Oopar Krodh Na Kacchu Sarai | Brajajana Rakhi Nandha Kai Lala Giridhara Biradha Dharai || Jakai Biradha Hai Garba Prahari So Kaisau Bisarai ? Surdasa Bhagavanth Bhajana Kari  Sarana Gaya Ubarai ||