Friday 6 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The human body represents city/Shareera & sinful minister/mind - The absolute truth/Paramarththa Thaththva


Chapter – 75 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –  The human body represents city/Shareera & sinful minister/mind - The absolute truth/Paramarththa Thaththva

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, the entire life has been wasted, drenched in Ahamkara/arrogance, Mamakara/Ignorance, ego, jealousy, pride, anger, lust, and desire, after achieving the rarest birth as a human, living in the ‘city of body’, I have taken great pleasure in the worldly matters. Alas! I haven’t utilized the precious birth as a human to achieve the ‘Paramapadham’/superior state of bliss by undertaking Japa, Thapa, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Shama, Dhama, Shaucham, Sathyam, Dhanam, Dhaya, Ahimsa, celibacy, etc. Oh! Prabho, I have repeatedly failed to perform any kind of austerities or vows, I was chasing after the bodily pleasures of fleeting nature and wasted my entire life while chasing after the broken glass pieces I have lost the invaluable Bhagavan Namaroopi/devotion/ wealth, sadly, whatever pious deeds have performed were mainly to fulfill my desires. Oh! Prabho, the Universe and its infinite Shabdha/sound, Sparsha/touch, Rasa/passion, Roopa/appearance, and Gandha/smell represent the huge city that has no wise ruler in it, hence it was difficult to obtain self-control. I was taking great pleasure in the diversified nature of the Universe, the Nethraroopi/sight has taken immense pleasure in it, unfortunately, it has wedged on the material matters of richness, wealth, money, possession, fame, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc. Oh! Prabho,  Bhogaprapthi/the attainment of welfare and happiness is derived out of the pious deeds performed, alas! I haven’t performed any righteous deeds in my life. Oh! Prabho, I have appointed the Kamaroopi/lust and desire/ enemy as the guard of the ‘city of life’/body, finally, it has looted all those precious wealth of pious deeds earned in the previous births /Sanchitha Punya. Oh! Prabho, I have sincerely followed the advice of Paparoopi/sin/minister, hence I have been through the path of immoral deeds, and it has destroyed Dharmaroopi/righteousness/ beautiful wealth, eventually I have abandoned the nectar-like Charanodhaka/the water used to wash the feet of Lord Sri Hari, and started taking great pleasure in spiritous drinks of toxic poison. Oh! Prabho, my anger, and pride have taken away all the good sense vested in me; it washed away all the Sadhvichara/moralities and disciplines from my mind. I have let the wild animal like my mind wander around freely, driving through the immoral pathways, and take great pleasure in Mayaroopi Samsara/ worldly matters of illusion. Oh! Prabho, in the meantime, the emissary of Lord Yama/death/time/aging, illnesses/ has taken complete control of me. Oh! Prabho, in this way, I have been wandering/repeated births/ in the 84 Lakhs of Yonis/wombs of animals, birds, humans, etc., and going through the sufferings and grief of worldly existence.”


Janama Sahichi Karatha Gayau | Kayanagara Badi Gunjayis Nahin Kacchu Badyau || Hari Kau  Nama Dhama Khote Lau Jjaki Jjaki Dari  Dhayau | Bishaya Gav Amala Kau Totau Hasi Hasi Kai Umayau || Naina Ameena Adharmini Kai Bas Jaha Kau Thaha Cchayau | Dhagabaj Kuthval Kamaripu Sarbasa Looti Layau || Papa Ujeer Kahyau Soyi Manyau Dharmasudhana Lootyau | Charanodhaka Kau Cchadi Sudharasa Surapana Achayau || Kubudhi Kamana Chadayi Kopa Kari Budhi Tharkas Rithayau | Sadha Sikar Karatha Mrigaman Kau Rahath Magana Bhurayau || Gherayau Ayi Kutubha Laskar Mei Jama Ahadhi Padyau | Sur Nagar Chaurasi Bhrami Bhrami Ghar Ghar Kau Ju Bhayau ||