Tuesday 11 October 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of devotion to get rid of three kinds of grief


Chapter – 180-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of devotion to get rid of three kinds of grief


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Prabho, You are the savior of the distressed people, you are well known for your vows to your devotees who are surrendered at your lotus feet, kindly protect your vow.  Oh! Prabho, I am a helpless, grieving soul, I have no one to protect me, I am at your doorstep waiting for your kind and compassionate grace, but you have deserted me. Oh! Prabho, the penniless Bhramin/twice-born Sudhama, childhood friend arrived at your doorsteps and was received with great honor. You have given him the four Purusharththa/Dharma/righteousness, Arththa/wealth, Kama/desire, and Moksha/liberation in return for two handfuls of puffed rice. Oh! Prabho, Devi Dhraupadi was humiliated in the large assembly of Kauravas, and Dhussasan removed her clothes, she cried out for your help was received a mountain of clothes to protect her from further disgrace. Oh! Prabho, you have pleased your preceptor Sandheepani by bringing back his son to life. Oh! Prabho, why are you so stern towards me? Oh! Prabho, kindly protect me from the Thapathraya/three kinds of grief such as 1) Adhidheivik – grief caused by natural calamities, famine, drought, forest fire, flood, epidemic, etc. 2) Adhyathmik – grief caused by the attachment to possession, wealth, money, richness, fame, children, wife, companion and relatives and 3) grief caused by the illnesses, aging, fear of death, separation from beloved ones, etc.”

Pathitha Pavana Hari  Biradha Thumharau Kaunau Nama Dharyau ? Hau Thau  Dheena Dhukitha Athi Dhurbala Dhwarau Ratath Paryau || Chari Padharath Dhiye Sudhama Thandhula Bhet Dharyau | Dhrupadha Sutha Ki Thuma Pathi Rakhi  Ambara Dhana Karyau || Sandheepana Sutha Thuma Prabhu Dheene Bidhdhya Pad Karyau | Ber Sura Ki Nidoora Bhaye Prabhu Megau Kacchu Na Saryau ||