Monday 8 October 2018

Sri Dharmashastha Ashtoththarashathanama Sthothram – Lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon supreme Lord Sri Dharmashastha/Mahashastha who has the luster of water lily, he has attractive hair locks resembles to blue lotus flower and dark clouds, he has the luster of camphor, he is most attractive,  pleasing and desirable, he has lustrous face resembles to full moon, he holds Danda, Angusha, Pasha, and Shoola, he destroys pride and wicked enemies, he symbolizes greatest philosophies, he is mighty Lord, he is son of Lord Mahadeva, he is imperishable, he undertakes essential functions like creation, preservation and destruction of the Universe, he protects the Universe and its living beings, he causes massive destruction/deluge at the end of era, he is Parathpara, he is the protector of three worlds, he is  armed in powerful bow, he undertakes extreme penance, he has Boothaganas as mighty warriors, he symbolizes Vedic chants, he is the essence of Veda, he symbolizes Maruthganas, he is  Lord of Universe, he is the commander of Universe, he is supreme spirit, he represents wealth and prosperity, he is beyond comparison, he is extremely valorous, he is mounted on lion, Gaja, Haya/horse, he is mighty Lord, he is wielded in various Shasthra/weapons, he is invaluable, he is prominent in various subjects and art forms, he has various incarnations, he is extremely valorous, he is worshiped by all, he is Lord of Bhoothaganas, he is the provider of wealth, good fortune, and prosperity, he preserves the Universe and its living beings, he is adorned in serpent as ornaments, he is wielded in Ikshuchapa and Pushpabana/flower arrows, he has most marvelous form, he is Mahaprabhu who is the son of Mayadevi, he is highly honorable, he symbolizes virtues, he represents ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, he represents Maharudra, and Mahavaishnava, he worships Lord Vishnu, he is Lord of Veerabadhra, he represents Bhairava, he is beloved of Shanmukha, he is seated on the highest peak like Mount Meru, he is worshiped by illustrious Rishis and Sages, he is divine personified, he symbolizes auspiciousness, he is Jagannatha who is the Lord of Universe, he is Gananatha who is the Lord of Ganas, he represents Ganeshvara, he is Mahayogi who undertakes extreme Yogic practices, he is Mahamayin who is a great illusionist, he symbolizes supreme wisdom and knowledge, he is firm, he represents Devashasthra and Bhoothashathra as well, he is extremely valorous and produces loud laughter, he is adorned in serpent as garland, he is adorned in serpent on hair locks, his hair locks represents sky, he is eternal, he represents Saguna and void of properties, he is permanent, he symbolizes contentment and satisfaction, he does not require any support system to perform his tasks or prove his existence, whole Universe depended on him, he is the Lord of Ganas, he represents 64 art forms and Chathurveda/Rig, Yajur,Sama and Atharva, he killed the demon Mallakasura, he represents Trinities,  and Prakrithi, he is  Purushoththama, he destroyed wicked Dhaithyas, he is omniscient, he represents Past, present, and future, supreme wisdom and knowledge, he fulfills all the desires of the worshiper, his eyes has the resemblance to lotus flower petals, he symbolizes Kalpavriksha, Mahavriksha, Vidhyavriksha, wealth, prosperity, and good fortune, he eradicates miseries and grief of worldly existence, he can be formidable too, he eradicates all kinds of illnesses, he is life giving nectar, he destroys pride, he is the essence of all the greatest philosophies and its meanings, he is impartial, he eradicates severe sins of the worshiper, he is inseparable from  consorts Devi Pushkala and Poornna, he is Paramathma who guides us to cross the unfathomable ocean of worldly existence, he is primeval deity who has the brilliance of Adithya, he is brother to Lord Subramanya, he is mighty Lord, he is too compassionate to worshiper, he is Lord of Lords, he is extremely compassionate and valorous too.

|| Asya Sri Mahashasthra Mahamanthrasya | Sri Ardhdhanareeshvara Rishi  : | Devi Gayathri Chandha: | Sri Mahashastha Devatha | Hram Beejam | Hreem Shakthi: | Hroom Keelakam | Sri Mahashasthra Prasadhasiddhyarththe Jape Viniyoga: ||

Hram Angushtabhyam Nama : | Hreem Tharjjaneebhyam Nama: | Hroom Madhyamabhyam Nama: | Hraim Anamikabhyam Nama: | Hraum  Kanishtikabhyam Nama: | Hra: Karathakaraprishtabhyam Nama: ||

Hram Hridhayaya Nama: | Hreem Shirase Swaha | Hroom Shikhayai Vashat | Hraim Kavacha Hum | Hraim Nethrathrayaya  Vaushat | Hra: Asthraya Phat | Bhurbhuva: Suvaromithi Digbandha: ||

Kalharojjvala Neelakunthalabharam Kalambhudham Shyamalam | Karpoorakalithabirama Vapusham  Kanthendhubimbananam | Sri Danda Angusha Pasha Shoola  Vilasathpanim Madhanthadhviparoodam  Shathruvimardhanam Hridhi Maha Shastharam  Adhyam Bhaje ||

Om Mahashathre  Mahadeva  Mahadevasuthaya Cha |Avyaya Lokakarththa Lokabharththra Lokaharththa Parathpara ||

Thrilokarakashaka Dhanvi Thapasvin Bhoothasainika | Manthravedhin Mahavedhin Marutha  Jagadheeshvara ||

Lokadhyaksha Ganadhyaksha  Agrani Sreemathe Aprameyaparakrama | Simharooda  Gajarooda Hayarooda Maheshvara ||

Nanashasthradhara Anargha  Nanavidhyavisharadha | Nanaroopadhara Veera  Nanaprani Niveshitha ||

Bhoothesha Bhoothidha  Bhrithya  Bhujangabharanojjvala | Ikshudhanvine  Pushpabana Maharoopa Mahaprabhu ||

 Mayadevisutha Manya  Mahaneeya  Mahaguna | Mahashaiva Maharudra Vaishnava Vishnupoojaka ||

Vighnesha Veerabhadhresha  Bhairava  Shanmukhapriya | Merusrungasamaseena  Munisanghanishevitha ||

Deva Bhadhra Jagannatha  Gananatha Ganeshvara | Mahayogin Mahamayin Mahajjyanin Mahasthira ||

Devashasthra  Bhoothashashtra Bheemahasaparakrama | Nagahara  Nagakesha  Vyomakesha  Sanathana ||

Saguna  Nirguna Nithya Nithyathriptha Nirashraya | Lokashraya  Ganadheesha  Chathu: Shashtikalamaya ||

Rig Yaju: Samatharvaroopa Mallakasurabhanjjana | Thrimoorthaye  Dhaithyamadhana  Prakrithaye Purushoththama ||

Kalajjyanin Mahajjyanin Kamadha  Kamalekshana | Kalpavriksha Mahavriksha  Vidhyavriksha  Vibhoothidha ||

Samsarathapaviccheththre  Pashulokabhayankara | Rogahanthre  Pranadhathre Paragarvavibhanjjana ||

Sarvashasthrarththa Ththathvajja  Neethiman Papabhanjjana | Pushkalapoornna Samyuktha  Paramathma  Sathamgathi: ||

Ananthadithyasankasha  Subhramanyanuja  Baline  Bhakthanukambine | Devesha  Bhagavathe Bhakthavathsala Mahaveera Parakrama ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||