Wednesday 13 March 2019

|| Sri Narmada Sharanagathi Gadhyam ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Sri Adhishakthi who has embodied as sacred river Narmada, she is omnipresent, she is the commander of thousands and millions of Bhramanda, she is the source of happiness, prosperity,  and protection, she is the ultimate asylum for the worshiper who seeks liberation from repeated births ,  she has attractive dark blue complexion, she is attired in majestic blue garment, she is inseparable from Lord Hara, she is fond of veneration of Haralinga,  and she is loved to be in the embrace of HaraLinga, she is most venerable, she is the daughter of Mountain, she is Goddess of Mountains, she confluences with the rivers, she is supreme bliss, she is mounted on the celestial vehicle Nandhi,  she is eulogized by illustrious Rishis and Sages, her sacred water course is the shelter place for swarm bees alligators and various aquatic animals, she is sportive and pleasant as well, she removes hellish torture, she is worshiped by Kings and Emperors, she eradicates  fear of hellish torture, she is the slayer of  demon Narakasura, she has alligator as celestial vehicle, she is beloved of Kings and Emperors, she is most venerable, she is fond of cosmic dance and she is fond of being worshiped with dance, she is Narayani, she represents young maiden of Mountain, she immerses in the meditation upon Lord Narayana, she is beloved of Mountain, she is fond of being worshiped with the fruit of coconut and plantain,  she has no specific forms, she does not require any support system, she is free to act according her will, she is void of desires, she is unblemished, she is eternal bliss, she is void of impurities like lust, desire, ego, pride, jealous and anger, she is detached/unobstructed, and selfless, she is eternal, she is void of desires, passion,  and sin, she is pure and stable, she has attractive physical appearance, she eradicates sufferings of poverty, she is youthful always, she is sinless, she has no birth, she is the slayer of demon Nishumbha, she is fond of living at the foot of mountain and  Kadhamba tree, she is most venerable, she removes the sins of  passionate worshiper , she is adorned in exquisite ornaments, garments and marvelous anklets, she augments happiness, she is Parama who is supreme Goddess Parameshvari, she is inseparable consort of Lord Parameshvara, she symbolizes lotus flower, her face has the luster of lotus flower, her eyes has the resemblance to lotus flower petals, she is adorned in garlands of lotus flower, she is beloved of living beings, she is chaste wife, she has great splendor, she is eminent, brave, strong, bold and confident, she is Parambhramam, she removes sins,  evil spell and curses on worshiper, she is worshiped by Pakashasana/Lord Dhakshinamoorthi who is Universal preceptor, she removes sins and afflictions of the worshiper, she symbolizes cuckoo, she is dearest of Cuckoo, she is beloved consort of Purandhara/Lord Shiva, she holds white lotus flower/sugar-cane, she is invoked by illustrious Rishis and Sages, she has wide and beautiful eyes, she is the source of Purusharththa/state of renunciation, liberation from repeated births, she is pure, she is flawless, she is wise and learned, she is majestically seated on the throne of Panchapretha, she symbolizes fruit of righteous deeds, she is beloved of serpent, she has child like form too, she has personified as female aspect of Lord Bhrama, Vishnu and Shiva, she is fond of berries and she resides in the hermitage of Badharyashrama, she is worshiped by Bhakadhalbhya, she symbolizes abundance/manifolds, she augments intelligence, she is Bhavani who eradicates worldly bondage, extreme fears and anxieties of  the worshiper, she is adorned in sacred ashes and highly fragrant sandalwood paste, she is Bhagavathi who is worshiped by Bhaga, she is passionate woman, she is Bhramari who symbolizes honey bee, she is worshiped by Sage Bharadhvaja and Bhanu, she is Bhargavi who protects saintly people, she is worshiped by saintly people, she can be alarming too, she inflicts extreme fear, she is female aspect of Lord Bhujagendhrashayi/Lord Vishnu, she is Bhuvaneshvari who resides as soul in living beings,  she protects the living beings, she has personified as daughter of Bhoodhara/Mountain, she is most pleasing to Bhoothanatha, she is worshiped by Bhoothanatha, she is void of difference or  indifference, she is Bhairavi who augments the happiness of Bhairava, she is the source of pleasure and happiness, she multiplies natural resources, she is Maheshvari and Mahadevi as well, she destroys excessive  lust and desire, she is perceivable through intense Yogic practices, she symbolizes fire sacrifices, she is virtuous, she is supreme consciousness, she removes impurities in the mind and intellect, she destroys pride and arrogance, she undertakes extreme Yogic practices, her eyes are soaked in the consumption of spirituous drink, she is highly honorable, she is the source of admiration, appreciation and honor, she guides us through the righteous path, she symbolizes aquatic animals, she is eulogized by Lord Shiva who showers abundance of boons, she is the source of liberation from repeated births, she is worshiped by illustrious Rishis and Sages, she is learned and wise, she symbolizes Manthra, Yanthra,  Thanthra,   and Yakshini, she is the protector of Yaksha, she has personified as Yashodha, Yogamaya,  and Yogini, her limbs represents Yajja, she accepts oblation from fire sacrifices, she is youthful always, she is the ultimate asylum of illustrious Yogis, she has most desirable appearance, she is worshiped by Devi Rathi, she is presiding deity of illustrious Raghu clan, her face has the luster of autumn moon, she is Empress, she takes immense pleasure in amorous sport, she is Ragini who symbolizes Rasakeli, she has embodied as sacred river Reva, she eradicates all kinds of illnesses, she has fierce form, she has personified as Lakshmi, and Lalithambika, she is fond of being worshiped with music, she is stunningly gorgeous, she performs various passionate sport, she is the mother of Universe and protector as well, she causes mass destruction at the end of Yuga, she has most desirable limbs, she removes scarcity and desire, she is kind and loving, she augments the growth of woods and medicinal herbs, she holds Vajra, she has attained half of the body of Lord Shiva, she is eulogized by illustrious Sage Vashishta,  and Sage Vishwamithra, she is eloquent, she is fond of being worshiped with the sounds of musical instruments, she has personified as female aspect of Varaha, she symbolizes supreme wisdom and knowledge,  she is beloved of Lord Vishnu, she entices the whole Universe with her lovely appearance, she showered abundance of boons to Vibheeshana, she has originated from the hills of Vindhyachala, she is eulogized by poets, intellectuals and wise, she is fearless,  she has most pleasant tone of voice, she is beloved of Lord of Sri Vaikundham, she is Sharvari who destroys enemies, she has personified as Shambhavi, Sharadha, ShivA, Sheethala,  and Shoolini, she is fond of etiquette, discipline and good manners, she has great speed, she is fond of veneration with the finest garments and ornaments, she has embodied as sacred river, she is fond of cleanliness, she is eulogized by Shaunakadhis, she is Shankari who is beloved consort of Lord Shankara, she represents dusk, dawn and noon, living and non-living things, she is Sadhashiva who undertakes essential functions of the Universe, she destroys all kinds of fears and perils, she is Savithri who represents Sathvik nature, she witnesses the happenings in the Universe, she is virtuous, most attractive, and amiable, she has beautiful eyes, lovely face, and pleasing disposition, she is worshiped by deities, she resembles to nectar, and good morals, she is kind, she provides all kinds of opulence including Kingdom, she is supreme ascetic, she has the gait of swan, she symbolizes forbearance and Earth, she get easily pleased, she is life giving nectar to people who fights for their lives, she is Amba/mother who does not cause any sorrow, she symbolizes fire, and terminology, she is worshiped by immortals, she is imperishable, she is supreme Goddess who is primordial, she contemplates upon Indhiraramana, she is always works for the welfare of Universe and its living beings, she is Eshvari who removes curse and evil spell, she is energetic,  she has great splendor and vigor, she  symbolizes auspiciousness, she is Kamala who is adorned in lotus flowers, she has lovely appearance, she has embodied as sacred land Kashi, and  Kanchi,  and sacred river Kaveri, Ganga,  and Gandaki, she fulfills all the desires, she has most desirable appearance, she has great radiance, she is adorned in magnificent crown and ear ornaments, she enlightened Karthaveerya, she is most venerable, she symbolizes store house of virtues, she is youthful, she is the protector of illustrious clan, she is Kundalini who explores through the spine, she has dark cloud complexion, she is inseparable from Kailasanatha, she is most pleasing and has sweet tone of Cuckoo, she is Kaushiki, she holds Khadga, Khadvanga, and Kharpara, she has majestic appearance, she is the commander of Ganas, she is beloved of King of birds/ Garuda, she has personified as Gayathri, Gauri and Girija, she is the daughter of Mountain, she is supreme Goddess who is most beloved of Gopala, and Sage Gauthama, she has dense voice too, she eradicates severe afflictions and miseries, she is clever, she is fond of being worshiped with the flowers of Champaka, she is Chandika who is the slayer of demons Chanda and Munda, she has lovely appearance, she is adorned various exquisite ornaments all over the body, she is the protector of Universe and its living beings, she is the source of bliss and welfare, she has personified as daughter of Janaka/Janaki,  and daughter of Sage Jahnu/Jahnavi, she immerses in the welfare and protection of Universe and its living beings, she is the cause for the living beings on Earth, she is fond of veneration with the musical instruments like Tattura, Dakkura, Damari, and Thanthu, she is beloved of Dundiraja/Ganesha, she is young lady, she eradicates darkness of ignorance, and three kinds of afflictions, she symbolizes philosophies, her sacred water course has great speed, she is prominent member in the family of Thungeshvara/Mountains, she removes ego, pride, and arrogance, her water course creates its path way from south to northwards, she is the destroyer of wicked Dhanavas, she eradicates poverty, afflictions, and miserable state of living, she is fond of being worshiped with the earthen lamps, she removes grief , ill fortune, and miseries, Sage Durvasa underwent penance for several years  living in a hermitage on her river bank,  she is worshiped by illustrious Yogis,Rishis and Sages who had enriched with far-sightedness, she is the source of wealth and abundance of grains, performance of righteous deeds, growth of rich mineral soil and medicinal herbs, she is the slayer of demon Dhoomraksha, she symbolizes courage, self-command, and intellect, she has numerous incarnations, she symbolizes righteous deeds and she has endless sacred names, I shall repeatedly prostrate before the lotus feet of  supreme Goddess Adhishakthi who has embodied as sacred river Narmada , Hail to supreme Goddess Narmada!

|| Devadevathoththama | Devathasarvabhaumika | Akhilandakoti Bhramandanayaki |Sharmadhathri |Shyama |Neelambara |Harasambhootha |Haralingarchanapriya|Haralinganchithatheeravasinim |Namaneeya | Nagaja |Nageshvari |Nadheeshasangatha |Nandha |Nandhivahanasannatha |Navya | Nakrasya |Narmabhashini |Nararththighna |Nareshani |Narakanthakabhayapaha |Narakasurahanthri |Nakravahanashobhana |Narapriya |Namoroopa |Natanapriya |Narayani | Nagakanya |Narayanaparayana |Nagavallabha |Narikelaphalapriya |Nirakara | Niralamba |Nireeha |Niranjjana | Nithyanandha |Nirvikara | Ni:ssanga |Nithyaroopa | Nispriha |Nirllepa |Nishkala |Nishchala | Nithya |Nirmala |Nithambini |Nirdhanathvanivarini |Nirjjara | Nirdhosha |Nija | Nishumbhamadhani |Neepapriya |Nuthipathra |Nuthapapanivarini |Noothanalankarasandhathri |Noopurabaranapriya |Nandhavardhini |Parama |Parameshvari |Parameshani |Padma | Padmanayana |Padmavadhana |Padhamamalavibhooshini |Pashupriya |Pathiratha |Prabhavathi | Pragalbha |Parambhramaswaroopini |Papajalanivarini |Pakashasanavandhya |Papasanthapaharini |Pikaroopa |Pikavallabha |Purandhari |Pundradharini |Puruhoothabivandhitha |Vishalakshi |Purusharththapradhayini |Pootha | Poornna |Panditha | Panchaprethasanaseena |Phaladha |Phanipriya |Bala |Bhramavishnushivathmika |Badaripriya |Badaryashramasamstha |Bhakadhalbhyaprapoojitha |Bahula |Budhdhivivardhini |Bhavani | Bhavapashavimochani |Bhayashokavinashini |Bhasmachandhanasamyutha|Bhagavathi |Bhagapoojitha |Bhama |Bhramari |Bharadhvajarishi Bhanupoojitha |Bhargavi |Bhikshupalaka | Bhikshuvrindhasuvandhitha |Bheeshana | Bheethidha |Bhujagendhrashayapreetha |Bhuvaneshvari |Bhoothathmika | Bhoothapala |Bhoodharathmaja |Bhoothanathasadhapreetha |Bhoothanathasupoojitha |Bhedhabedhavivarjitha |Bhairavi | Bhairavanandhavardhini |Bhogadhathri |Bhaumaushadhivivardhini |Maheshvari | Mahadevi |Mahamohapahanthri |Mahayogaparayana |Makhanukoola |Manasvini |Mahaprajja |Manomalavinashini |Madhahanthri | Madhumathi |Madhirekshana |Manini |Manadha |Margadha |Makaravasaroopini |Meedushtasthuthapadha |Mukthidha |Munibrindhanishevitha |Medhavini |Manthraroopa | Yakshini |Yakshapala|Yashodha |Yajjangi |Yajjabhuk | Yuvathi |Yogamaya | Yogini |Yoginamgathidhayini |Yanthrini | Thanthrini |Ramani |Rathipoojya |Raghuvamshavivardhini |Rakeshavadhana | Rajjyi |Rasapriya|Ragini |Rasakelivardhini |Reva | Rogahanthri |Raudraroopa |Lakshmi | Lalithambika |Sangeethapriya |Lavanyaroopa |Leela |Lokamatha | Rakshakari |Lokasangrahakarini |Lolanga | Lopamohanivarini |Vathsala |Vanaushadhivivardhini |Vajradhara |Vamangi |Vashishtadhimunisthuthya |Vagmini |Vadhyapriya| Varahi |Vidhya | Vishnupriya |Vishvavimohini |Vishvamithrasamaradhya |Vibheeshanavarapradha |Vindhyachalothbhava |Vibudhasthuthya |Veera|  |Venusamvadhanapriya |Vaikundapathisampreetha |Sharvari |Shathrughathini |Shambhavi |Sharadha |ShivA |Shishtacharanumodhini |Sheeghra | Sheethala |Shoolini |Shringarapriya |Shaivalini |Shauchapriya |Shaunakadhimunisthuthya |Shankari |Sandhya |Sarvaswaroopa |Sadhashiva | Sarvakarthri |Sarvabeethinivarini |Savithri | Sathvika |Sakshini |Sadhusheela |Sundari | Susheela |Sulochana |Sumukha | Suvritha |Surapoojitha |Somaroopa |Sausheelyamanditha |Saumya |Samrajyasukhadhayini |Hamsaroopa |Hanumathpreethimapanna |Hemavarnna|Hemakanchukidharini |Hamsagamini |Kshama |Kshantha |Kshipraga |Ksheenayurjanapeeyusha |Amba | Ashoka |Agniswaroopini |Amareshvarasupoojitha |Avyaya | Akshara |Adhishakthi |Indhiraramanaradhya |Ingitharththapradhayini |Eshvari |Ithibeethinivarini |Oorjitha |Ojovathi |Kalyani | Kamala |Kanchadharini |Kamaneeyaswaroopa |Kashi | Kanchi |Kaveri |Kamadha |Kamini | Kanthi |Kireetakundaladharini |Karthaveeryaprabhodhini |Keerthaneeya |Gunakara |Kumari | Kulapalika |Kundalini |Krishna |Kailasanathasandhathri |Komala |Kokilasvana |Kaushiki |Khadga Khadvanga Kharparayudhadharini |Gambeera
 Ganadhipa |Ganga | Gandaki |Garudapriya |Gayathri |Girija | Gireeshathanaya |Geervani |Gopalakasadhapriya |Gauri |Gauthamapriya |Ghanarava |Ghanakleshanivarini |Chathura |Champakapriya |Chandika | Chandamundavinashini |Charuroopa |Sarvalankaramanditha |Vichithrabaranashobhitha |Jagadhathri |Janaranjjani |Jagadhanandhakarini |Janaki | Jahnavi |Jagathpalanathathpara |Jeevanam Janmahethave | Tattura Dakkura Damari Thanthu vadhyapriya |Dundirajapriyakari |Tharuni | Thamohanthri |Thaththvapriya |Thapathrayanivarini| Theevraga |Thungeshvarakuladya|Dharpahara |Dhakshinoththarakoolini|Dhanavaneekanashini|Dheenadhainyanivarini| Dheeparadhanasathpriya |Dukhahanthri |Durvasasannutha |Dhurgathihara| Dhooradharshanishevitha |Dhanadhanyavivardhini |Dharmakarmasuvardhini|Dhathujeevani| Dhoomrakshaharini | Dhrithimathi|Nanaroopavathi|Nana Dharma Karmaswaroopini |Sarvanamaswaroopini| Thavavimalacharanaravindhyo: Namo Nama: | Sri Sri Sri Narmada Devatham Vijayibhava | Jayavijayibhava ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||