Monday 24 August 2020

Kashi Panchakam – Sri Adishankaracyara


Kashi Panchakam – Sri Adishankaracyara


The sacred land Kashi symbolizes Nijabodharoopa/ it imparts the knowledge of supreme Bhramam, it is the source Manonivriththi/ it is the source of happiness, satisfaction, contentment, it removes the interest in worldly matters and bondage, it is the source of Paramopashanthi/serenity, tranquility, peace of mind. The sacred land Kashi is the abode of excellent Manikarnnika Theertha, and the abode of sacred Ganga who symbolizes Gnanapravaha which is the purifier of souls with the supreme wisdom.  The sacred land Kashi symbolizes Nijabhodharoopam/imparts the knowledge of supreme Bhramam, it removes the illusion/Maya wielded in the Jeeva and enlightens the soul with the knowledge of the supreme soul, that has the nature of Sachith/Sath+Chith/indestructible, Sukha/welfare and Paramathma resides as a soul in Jeeva.  The sacred land Kashi symbolizes the Nijabodharoopa which imparts the knowledge of absolute Bramham/oneness-in-all/supreme soul which is changeless, all-pervasive and eternal. The five sheaths/Panchakosha, AnnamayaKosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vijyanamaya Kosha, and Anandhamaya Kosha, and Devi Bhavani as intellect, and Lord Shiva as Sakshi/Prana resides as soul in living beings.  The sacred land Kashi is the princess of Kashi/ruling over the Kashi, and Kashi is Sarvaprakashika/enlightens the Jeeva with the supreme knowledge of Bhramam, and Oh! Jeeva, it is impossible to attain that supreme Kashi without wisdom.  The sacred Kashi represents the body, the Thribhuvana Janani/who is the source of the three worlds,  and  all-pervasive, the Gnanaganga/stream of wisdom, the practice of meditation and contemplation upon that supreme Bhramam with the Bhakti /devotion and Shraddha/dedication, sincere veneration at the lotus feet of the preceptor,  would enlighten the Jeeva with the knowledge of the supreme soul who resides as a soul in living beings,  with the knowledge of all-pervasive and eternal Bhramam, it would  protect the Jeeva from achieving the body once again/protects from rebirth.


Upajani Chandha:

Mano Nivriththi: Paramopa Shanthi : | Sa Theerthavarya Manikarnika Cha | Gnana Pravaha Vimaladhi Ganga| Sa Kashika Aham Nijabodharoopa||


Yasyamidham Kalpitham Indrajalam | Characharam Bhathi Manovilasam | Sachith Sukhaika Paramathmaroopa | Sa Kashika Aham Nijabhodharoopa ||


Indhravraja Chandha:

Kosheshu Panchasvadhirajamana | Budhdhir Bhavani Prathidheha Geham | Sakshi Shiva: Sarvagatho Antharathma | Sa Kashika Aham Nijabhodharoopa||


Anushtup Chandha:

Kashyam Hi Kashyathe  Kashi Kashi Sarvaprakashika | Sa Kashi Vidhitha Yena Thena Praptha Hi Kashika ||


Sraghdhara Chandha:

Kashi Kshethram Shareeram Thribhuvana Janani Vyapini Gnana Ganga | Bhakthi: Shradhdha Gayeyam Nijaguru Charana Dhyanayoga: Prayaga: | Vishveshoayam Thureeya: Sakalajana Mana: Sakshi Bhoothoantharathma | Dhehe Sarvam Madheeye Yadhi Vasathi Punastheerthamanyathkimasthi ||


||Ithi Srimad Shankaracharya Virachitham Kashipanchakam Samaptham ||