Chapter – 1 – Sri Yogavashista Saram – 1 – 10
Sage Vashishta speaks “Oh! Rama, I shall
describe the mind and intellect as ‘Manmanan Mana Ucchyathe’, the mind and
intellect abandons the Sathya, Gnana, Anantha, supreme Bhramam and gets
attached to the infinite Nama Roopa Dhrishya, with a wrong perception that all those
illusions caused interest in material matters and bondage are real and pleasing
to sense. The Chiththa is pure, the intellect initiated from that supreme Bhramam is
Sathya, Gnana, and Anandha, the ignorant Jeeva forgets the real nature of the
Chithth and get attached to the illusion caused material matters, possession,
fame, richness, wealth, people, etc. that has fleeting nature. Oh! Rama, the
intellectuals and learned remain in the association of Mahathma, noble souls,
resembles the Sadhusangama Chandrika, the association of Mahatmas are like the
cool rays of the autumn moon, they enlighten the souls with the knowledge of Paramarththa Thaththva. The association of the
Sadhu Santh Mahathma is nectar-like pleasing to the soul, it removes the
impurities like Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathshcharya, interest in
material matters and attachments to people, and introduce to the real nature of
Athman which is free from afflictions of worldly existence, pure, supreme bliss
unblemished, and has neither birth nor death. The supreme Bhramam is all-pervasive,
the illusion caused false notion and differences in the infinite Nama Roopa
Dhrishya, are like the powerful waves in the ocean of worldly existence. Oh! Ramachandra,
all those illusions caused infinite Nama Roopa and Dhrishyas comes to an end
with the knowledge of self,’ Paramathma Parambhramam resides as soul. The
air is essential to lit the fire, and the air is enough to put off the fire as
well. In the same manner, all those illusions caused Nama, Roopa Dhrishya disappears
with the knowledge of Athman/Sarvam Bhramamayam’. The interest in
Vishayavisha/interest in the toxic poison like material matters, richness,
wealth, money, fame, people, etc., get removed with the Nissankalpa of the illusionary
visions and the knowledge of Sarvam Kalvitham Bhrama. Oh! Rama, ‘Manayeva
Manushyanam Karanam Bandha Mokshayo:’ therefore the mind and intellect is the
cause for the illusion of bondage and attachments, like a person, had a dream of
his own death. Oh! Raghava, the ignorance in the mind and intellect causes the
body and I consciousness/Anathmavasthu, the illusion caused interest in
Prapancha/destructible Prakrithi is the cause for the constant miseries and the grief of worldly existence. The illusion caused mind and intellect gets attached
to these destructible Prakrithi, the Athmajjana/knowledge of self-removes those
false notions of the mind and intellect. Oh! Rama, the illusion in the mind
causes the body and I consciousness of destructible nature, undergoes constant transformation
and ruin, therefore the knowledge of impermanent nature of Prapancha and
knowledge of indestructible Purusha resides as the soul is enough to remove all
those misconceptions, as mentioned earlier, Athmajjani consider the infinite
Nama, Roopa, and Dhrishya of Jagrathavastha/awakening are the same as in the
Swapnavastha/dream that has fleeting nature. In this way, all those redundant
thoughts appeared in the mind due to delusion disappears. The abandonment of
the interest in destructible Prapancha/Anathmavasthu, possession, richness,
wealth, money, fame, attachment to wife, children, relatives, companion, etc.
and the acceptance of Athmavasthu/Athman, indestructible Purusha, Paramathama,
Parambhramam free from impurities, afflictions, eternal, changeless, pure,
unblemished, free from death and birth is the nature of mind and intellect. Oh!
Ramathan illusion caused mind is the reason for the
creation of infinite Nama, Roopa, Dhrishya in the Universe/Jagath Karththa,
the mind reacts completely in different ways while hugging wife, and the
children, even though the actions are the same. The state
of being mindful is the cause for the existence of the Universe and living and non-living
things, interest in worldly matters and bondage, body and I consciousness, feelings
and emotions, experiences of shame, grief, respect, honor, guilt, anger, agony
etc. that has fleeting nature. The Athmajjani strives to restrict the flow of illusion caused infinite Nama Roopa Dhrishya from the mind, following
Shamadhamadi, austerities, observance of celibacy, and contemplate and meditate
upon the all-pervasive supreme Bhramam/Oneness-in-all, perceives that
Paramathma Parambhramam and achieves union with it, remain in supreme bliss.”
Swabhavathigathim Swayam Sankapyadhavathi | Chicchethyam Swayamamlana
Manananmana Uchyathe ||
Rasayanamayigeetha Paramanandhadhayini | Nanandhayathikam
Nama Sadhu Sangamachandrika ||
Yethasmath Sarvaga Deva Sarvashakthair Mahathmana: | Vibhaga
Kalpanashakthir Laharivoththithambhasa:
Atha Sankalpa Sidhdheyam Sankalpenaiva Nashyathi | Yenaiva Jayathe Thena Vahnijwaleva Vayuna ||
Mano Munaivabhyudhitham Managevanavekshanath | Swa Swapna Maranakaram
Prekshamanam Na Vidhyathe ||
Asamyag Dharshane Yadhyadhanathmanyathma
Bhavanam | Yadhavasthuni Vasthuthvam
Thacchiththam Vidhdhi Raghava ||
Ayam Sohamidham Thanme Yethavan Mathrakam Mana: | Thadha
Bhavanamathrena Vicharena Vileeyathe ||
Uapadheyanupathanam Heyaikantha Vivarjjanam | Yadhe Thanmanaso
Roopam Thath Bandham Vidhdhinetharam ||
Manohi Jagatham Karththru
Manohipurusha: Smritha | Mana: Kritham
Kritham Loke Na Shareera Kritham Kritham
Chiththam Karanam Arththanam Thasmin Sathijagathrayam | Thasmin Ksheene
Jagath Ksheenam Thacchikithsyam Prayathnatha: ||