Tuesday 10 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The significance of Sharanagathi


Chapter – 83-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The significance of Sharanagathi

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, sing in praise of my Lord Gopala, abandon the interest in worldly matters of possession, fame, richness, money, wealth, wife, children, companion, relatives, etc. that has fleeting nature which could bring constant sufferings and grief of three kinds/Thapathraya/ Adhidheivik – grief caused by famine, earthquake, flood, drought, woodfire, epidemic, etc. Adhibhauthik – grief caused by the attachment to material matters, and the pain caused in its absence, Adhyathmik – grief caused by aging, illnesses, fear of death, separation from beloved ones, etc. Oh! Mortals, leave your interest in worldly matters, be mindful that the Kalaroopi/time/ death/ serpent is chasing after you, it would swallow you at any moment. Oh! Mortals, life span is very short as a handful of water/Anjjalijal, the Kalaroopi/death serpent is sprawling behind you as your shadow, your limbs are getting weak, leave your Ahamkara, Mamakara, lust, desire, anger, ego, jealousy, and pride, and do not pretend what you are not, because no one is free from the impurities of the mind, greed for wealth, and lust for women. Oh! Mortal, leave your pretense as a saint, adorned in Mala/prayer beads and Tilak/symbolic mark on the forehead. Oh! Mortal, you have the potential of an elephant but you have lowered them to a dog, you have achieved the rarest birth as a human, having the potential to achieve that all-pervasive supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in you, unfortunately, you have made association with the wicked and deceitful people/Vishayijeeva people drenched in worldly matters, you did not follow austerities, vows, penance, celibacy, Shama, Dhama, Sathyam, Astheyam, Ahimsa, Dhanam, Dhaya, Arjjavam, etc. to get rid of impurities of mind and interest in worldly matters. Oh! Mortals, Bhagavan Sri Krishnachandhra Nandhanandha resides as a soul in you, he is the sole source of welfare and bliss, hence leave your interest in perishable worldly matters, and contemplate and meditate upon him. He is beloved of noble souls, Santh, Mahathma, he is most promising, he is kind and compassionate to his devotees, he would remove the sufferings and grief of worldly existence of the Jeeva who are surrendered at his lotus feet.”

Gayi Lehu Mere Gopalahi | Natharu Kalabyala Le Laihai Cchadi Dhehu Thuma Sab Jajalahi || Anjali Ke Jala Jyau Than Chijath Khote Kapata Thilaka Aru Malahi | Kanaka Kamini Sau Man Bandhyau Hyau Gaja Chalyau Swanaki Chalahi || Sakala Sukhani Ke Dhani Aani Ura Dhrida Biswasa Bhajau Nandhalalahi | Surdasa Jau Santhani Kau  Hith Kripavanth Metatha Dhukha Jalahi ||