Saturday 8 October 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The rarest birth as a human should be utilized for the practice of austerities


Chapter – 176-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The rarest birth as a human should be utilized for the practice of austerities


Sri Surdas Maharajv speaks “ Oh~ Prabho, Oh!~ Dheenadhayala, Oh! Pathithapavana, I have not utilized the rarest birth as a human, my mind was soaked in anger, jealousy, pride, ego, lust and desire, hence I did not practice worship at your lotus feet, or contemplate and meditate upon you. I have performed all those deeds which were morally wrong/Nishidhdha Karma, I did not perform any rites that are prescribed in sacred texts and Veda, either conducted rites without the knowledge or not following the prescribed in Agamashasthras, I have not respected elders, noble souls, Santh, Mahathma, and preceptors, I have been following improper ways to attain prosperity, I did not follow any of the rites if so I have performed rites to achieve material well-being which is sinful to disclose. I have been frantically chasing for the physical and material pleasures, I was trying hard to satiate my senses during that rush I had committed several sins by word, deed, and mind. Oh! Prabho, I have not practiced Niyama, Yama, austerities, Japa, Thapa, Nidhinyasa, vows, etc. I have not been in the association of Santh, and Mahathma, I did not leave a single opportunity to insult the weak and noble souls. Oh! Prabho, I am that grave sinner amongst the sinner, after all these, I am not afraid to address myself as the devotee of Lord Sri Hari. Oh! Prabho, you have liberated the elephant/Gajendra, and the Ganika/prostitute, who weren’t serious sinners like me. Oh! Dheenadhayala, Oh! Pathithapavan, you are the ocean of mercy and the protector of distressed souls, kindly protect your vows to your devotees who have taken shelter at your lotus feet.”


Dheena Dhayala  Pathitha Pavana Prabhu Biradha Bulavath Kaiso? Kaha Bhayau Gaja Ganika Tharau  Jo Na  Tharau Jan Yesau || Jo Kabahu Nara Janma Payi Nahi Nama Thumaharo Leenau | Kama Krodha Madha Lobha Moha  Thaji Ananth Nahi Chith Dheenau || Akarama Abidhi Ajjan Avajja Anamarga Anareethi | Jakau Nama Leth Agha Upajai Soyi Karath Aneethi || Indhri Rasa Basa Bhayau Bhramath Rahyau Joyi Kahyau So Keenau | Nema Dharma Bratha Japa Thapa Sanjam Sadhusanga Nahi Cheenau || Dharasa Maleena Dheena Dhurbala Athi Thin Kau Mei Dhukha Dhani | Yesau Surdasa Jan Hari Kau Sab Aghamani Mei  Mani ||