Saturday 14 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The absolute truth is that whoever devoted to Lord Sri Hari would remain protected in troubled times.


Chapter – 90-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The absolute truth is that whoever devoted to Lord Sri Hari would remain protected in troubled times.


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Whoever surrendered at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari and keep remembering the glorious legends of the Lord, and whose intellect is conquered by the virtues and compassion of Lord Sri Hari, would get rid of the sufferings of worldly existence, Thapathraya/three kinds of grief, attachment to worldly matters and infinite Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roopa, Gandha, and the fear of noose of death. The child devotee Prahaladha was tortured by his father Hiranyakashipu in many ways for his staunch devotion to the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, finally, Lord Sri Hari has to appear as Nrisimha/half-lion and half-man from the pillar which was pointed by his child devotee ultimately ripped off the heart of Hiranyakashipu and liberated him. The elephant Gajaraj/Gajendra battled for hundreds of years with the crocodile that was caught on his leg in the pond, finally, he was exhausted, remembered Lord Sri Hari. The compassionate Lord rushed from Vaikunda to protect his devotee and liberated Gajendra from the crocodile's clutches. The twice-born Ajamila, who spent his good days with the prostitute in the forest, abandoning all the Bhramanic rites, families, and aged parents, in his later years of age, the emissaries of Yama surrounded Ajamila, he repeatedly called for his younger son ‘Narayana’ in fear, and soon the emissary of Lord Vishnu appeared before him and intervened emissaries of Lord Yama. The absolute truth is that whenever the devotees of the Lord Sri Hari get into trouble, the compassionate Lord rush to protect them. Oh! Mortals, whoever meditated and contemplated upon Lord Sri Hari/Shyamsundhar have crossed the vast ocean of Samsara/grief and sufferings of worldly existence at ease.”


Jo Ghat Andhar Hari Sumirai | Thakau Kala Rooti Ka Karihai Jo Chith Charana Dharai || Kopai Thatha Prahladha Bhagath Kau Namahi Letha Jarai | Kham Phari Narasimha Pragat Hau Asur Ke Prana Harai || Sahasa Barasa Gaja Yudhdha Karatha Bhaye Cchin Ika Dhyana Dharai | Chakra Dharau Baikund Thau Ghaye Vaki Paija Sarai || Ajamila Dhvija Sau Aparadhi Anthakala Bidarai | Sutha Sumiratha Narayana Bani Parshadha Ghaye Parau|| Jaha Jaha Dhusaha Kashta Bhakthani Kau Thaha Thaha Sar Karai | Surdasa Syama Seye Thau Dhusthara Par Tharai ||