|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||
I shall prostrate before supreme Lord
Nataraja who is Lord of Chidambaram, he is Universal monarch, he is the
commander of thousands and millions of Bhramanda, he is Shambhu who takes
immense pleasure in the performance of cosmic dance, he eradicates illusion,
and ignorance of the worshiper, he is
King of cosmic dance, he has bluish throat, he has thousands of eyes, he is
wielded in Mount Meru as bow, he showers abundance of boons, he is serene, he
has thousands of hands, he has attractive reddish-brown matted hair locks, he
represents time/death, sacred scriptures, and philosophies, he is wielded in powerful
trident, he has powerful arms resembles to precious yellow metal, he symbolizes
Lord of wealth, tree, he has attractive matted hair locks, he is Lord of living
beings, he is Lord of Lords, he is Lord of well-being, Lord of shrines, Lord of
Indhra’s bow, Lord of woods, and Lord of
trees, he symbolizes sacred hymns, Lord of cells and zone, and Lord of herbs/medicine, he is Paramathma,
he has boisterous voice, he is Lord of distressed and desolate people, he is
most celebrated deity who is fond of eulogized by sacred chants, he is Lord of
Ganas, he symbolizes auspiciousness, he is Lord of noble-minded, he is Lord of
worshiper who is surrendered at his lotus feet, he is Lord of afflicted people,
he is Lord of thieves who steals the heart of worshiper, he is Lord of wealth,
he eradicates all the sins of the worshiper, he is imperishable, he is Lord of
forest and wild animals, he is decorated in a turban around head, he is Lord of
Sabha/majestic halls, he is absolute Bhramam, he is watchful always, he is Lord
of Pundareekapura, he is Lord of Hemasabha/golden hall, he symbolizes Vedic
chants, he is beloved of Lord Hari and Shiva as well, he represents twelve
sacred syllables, he is Lord of cosmic dance, he is supreme bliss, he has
supreme radiance, he symbolizes
happiness, he is Lord of wise, ascetics, intellectuals and scholars, he has
attractive and flawless limbs which is
meant for the performance of cosmic
dance, his feet performs flawless cosmic dance, he has Sun, Moon and Agni as
three eyes, he represents King of sacred chants, he is the essence of Omkara,
he is Shankara, he is adorned in crescent moon on matted hair locks, he has
Agni as eye on forehead, he holds colossal fire, he is Maheshvara, he performs
cosmic dance in supreme bliss, he is adorned in sacred river Ganga on matted
hair locks, he has attractive reddish-brown matted hair locks, he is Lord of
disc, he has beautiful feet known as Kunjjithapadham, he is safest heaven to worshiper
who are surrendered at his lotus feet, he symbolizes Srichakra, his lotus feet
are adorned in magnificent anklets, he is Lord of Thripura and beloved consort
of Goddess Thripurasundhari, He is beloved Lord of Vishnu, he represents five
essential elements known as Earth, ether, water, fire, and air, he merrily
performs cosmic dance, he is adorned in serpents as ornaments, he represents
the sacred syllables of Panchakshara, he is Lord of Universe, he has unique
eyes, he is beyond Universe, he is Universal preceptor, he is beloved of
Navachakreshvari, he has colossal form, he is Lord of Goddess Parvathi who
represent the sacred syllables of Kleemkara, he is Rudra who represents
Aimkara, he symbolizes greatest philosophies, he is unblemished, he is eternal,
he has personified as Rudra who is wrathful, he has won over death, he is
imperishable, he remains invisible, he represent Thrigunas, he is the source of
supreme wisdom and knowledge, he is adorned in crescent moon on matted hair
locks, he is fond of fire sacrifices, he is profound in all philosophies, he
has most pleasing appearance, he destroyed the Yajja of Dhakshaprajapathi, he
crushed the pride of Kamadeva, and Gajasura, he has fierce form as Veerabadhra,
he is attired in skin of leopard, he is Sadhashiva who is supreme bliss, he has
the form of mendicant, and Kanakalabhairava, he crushed the pride of Nrisimha,
he is most desirable of Goddess Bhadrakali, he is beyond human intellect, he
has no specific appearance, he is pure, and infallible, he is beloved of Lord Bhrama and
Vishnu, he is Natesha who blissfully performs cosmic dance, he is too
compassionate to worshiper, he is Lord of majestic Halls known as Rathnasabha,
Hemasabha, Rajathasabha, Thamrasabha, and Chithrasabha, he is dearest darling
of Goddess Shivakami, he is Lord of Chidambaram, he is supreme Lord of majestic
halls of Chidambarasabha, he is supreme wisdom and knowledge, he is supreme
Lord who is prominent in the performance of cosmic dance, he is supreme Lord of
Pundareekapuam, he is most venerable, he is Rudra of the Thilvavana, he is
Mahardura who is worshiped by Pundareekaksha, he symbolizes sacred syllables of
Panchakshara, he has supreme effulgence, he has marvelous appearance as
Sundharathandava, he is supreme bliss, his matted hair locks represents sky, he
has marvelous feet, he is Lord of Thilvavana, he is most charismatic in the three
worlds, he is beloved of Sage Vyaghrapadha whose feet has the appearance of
leopard, he is most compassionate, he is Mahakala who has reddish-brown matted
hair locks, he has Agni as eye on the forehead, he eradicates darkness of
ignorance, he is adorned in venomous serpents as ornament, he is Kameshvara who
is beloved consort of Goddess Kameshvari, he is beloved of Lord Hari, he is
Shambhu who is beloved of Sage Jaimini, his lotus feet are adorned in
magnificent anklets, he resides in the Srichakra, he is Lord of Goddess Uma, he
has Surya, Chandhra and Agni as three eyes, he resides as soul in living
beings, he has celestial bull as vehicle, he is Lord of City of Thripura, he is
Parathpara, he is Parameshvara who
represents all the deities, he is Mahadeva who is mighty Lord, he is Shankara
who symbolizes auspiciousness, he is adorned in crescent moon on reddish-brown
matted hair locks, he is Sadhashiva who has five glorious faces known as
Eshana, Thathpurusha, Aghora, Vamadeva, and Sadhyojatha which represents five
essential elements, he is Lord of Universe and its living beings, I shall
repeatedly prostrate before the lotus feet of supreme Lord of Chidambara along
with Goddess Shivakami ! Hail to Lord Nataraja and Goddess Shivakami !
|| Devadevoththama | Devathasarvabhauma |
Akhilandakotibhramandanayaka | Sri Chidambareshvaraya | Shambhave | Nateshaya |
Natanapriyaya | Apasmaraharaya | Nriththarajaya |Neelagreevaya | Sahasrakshaya
| Dhanvine | Manyave | Shanthaye | Sahasrapanaye | Kapardhine | Kalaroopaya |
Shasthraye | Shoolapanye |Hiranyapanaye | Hiranyapathaye | Vriksharoopaya |
Harikeshaya | Pashoonampathaye | Patheenapathaye | Pushtanampathaye |
Kshethranampathaye | Rohithayasthapathaye | Vananampathaye | Vrikshanampathaye
| Manthrine | Kakshanampathaye | Aushadheenampathaye | Paramathmane |
Ucchairghoshaya | Paththinampathaye | Sathvanampathaye | Ghananampathaye |
Shankaraya | Adheenampathaye | Vyadheenampathaye | Sthenanampathaye |
Dhananampathaye | Papaharine | Sthayoonampathaye | Aranyanampathaye |
Ushneeshine | Sabaroopaya | Sabapathaye | Bhramane | Sarvasakshine |Pundareekapuradheeshaya
| Srimath Hemasabeshaya | Manthramoorthaye | Haripriyaya | Shivaya |
Dhvadhashanthasthithaya |Nriththamoorthaye | Paranandhaya | Paramjyothishe | Anandhaya |
Vibudheshvaraya | Nriththangaya | Nriththapadhaya | Thrilochanaya | Manthrarajaya
| Thilvavaneshvaraya | Rathnasabanathaya | Pathanjjalivarapradhaya |
Manthravigrahaya | Omkaraya | Shankaraya | Chandhrashekharaya | Lalatakshaya |
Vahnihasthaya | Maheshvaraya | Anandhathandavaya | Gangadharaya | Jatadharaya |
Chakreshaya | Kunjjithapadhaya | Abhayapradhaya | Srichankrangaya |
Maninoopurapadhabjaya | Thripuravallabheshvaraya |Chakranathaya | Panchabhoothaswaroopaya |
Paramanandhathandavaya | Bhujangabhooshanaya | Panchadhashaksharaya |
Vishveshvaraya | Viroopakshaya | Vishvatheethaya | Jagadhgurave |
Navachakreshvaripriyaya | Bheemaya | Kleemkaranayakaya | Aimkararudhraya |
Thaththvadheeshaya | Niranjjanaya | Ananthaya | Rudraya | Kalanthakaya | Avyaya
| Avyakthaya | Thrigunaya | Chithprakashaya | Somaya | Thaththvajjaya | Aghoraya
| Dhakshadhvaranthakaya | Kamaraye | Gajasamharthre | Veerabhadhraya |
Vyaghracharmambaraya | Sadhashivaya | Bhikshadanaya | Kankalabhairavaya |
Nrisimhagarvaharanaya | Bhadhrakali Madhanthakaya | Nirvikalpaya | Nirakaraya |
Nirmalangaya | Niramayaya | Bhramavishnupriyaya | Anandhanateshaya |
Bhakthavathsalaya | Sabhanathaya | Shivakamimanoharaya |Chidambareshvaraya |
Hemasabeshaya | Chithsabeshaya | Chidambarasabapathaye | Sabeshvaraya |Chithroopaya
| Thandaveshvaraya |
Pundareekapureshvaraya |Vandhyaya | Thilvarudraya | Maharudraya |
Pundareekakshasevithaya | Panchaksharaya | Paramsaijyothishe |
Sundharanandhathandavaya | Sacchidhanandhavigrahaya | Vyomakeshaya |
Kunjjithanghre| Thilvavanadhipaya | Thrailokhyasundharaya | Vyaghrapadhapriyaya
| Kripanidhaye | Mahakalaya | Jatadharaya |
Lalatakshaya |Apasmaraharaya | Sarpabhooshanaya | Mahakameshvaraya | Haripriyaya | Shambhave | Jaiminipriyaya| Maninoopurapadhaya |
Srichakravasaya | Umapathaye | Thrilochanaya | Bhootheshaya | Vrishabhadhvajaya
| Thripureshvaraya | Parathparaya | Parameshvaraya |Sarveshaya | Maheshvaraya |
Mahadevaya | Shankaraya | Chandhrashekharaya | Eshanaya | Thathpurushaya |
Aghoraya | Vamadevaya | Sadhyojathaya | Sadhashivaya | Vishvanathaya |Thavavimalacharanaravindhayo:
Namo Nama: | Sri Sri Sri Sivakami
Sametha Natarajaswamin Vijayibhava | Jaya Vijayibhava ||
|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||