Friday 30 September 2016

Sri Duraga ‘Dha’ kara Dhvamthrishan Namamala – lyrics and meanings

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall meditate upon supreme Goddess Sri Durga who eradicates worldly bondages and remove all the perils of her passionate devotees, she removes all the obstacles and helps to achieve fruitfulness in the life of her ardent devotees, she is the destroyer of sorrows and grief in their life.   I shall meditate upon supreme Goddess Sri Durga who prosper the life of distressed people, she eradicates all the difficulties and threat in their life, she removes the darkness of  ignorance in the life of her passionate devotees, she is the annihilator of demons, she removes all kinds of miseries in the Universe, she dwells as soul in all the living beings, she guides her passionate devotees to lead a righteous life, she removes wickedness in them, she remains safest shelter for the virtuous people who are surrendered at her lotus feet.  I shall meditate upon supreme Goddess Sri Durga who is the provider of Purushartha/Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha, she has supreme brilliance, she removes ignorance and worldly desires of her passionate devotees, she is the destroyer of demons, she is wielded in various vicious weapons, and she has colossal form and ferocious look.

Whoever reads or listens to the above sacred verses of Sri Durga ‘Dha’ kara Dhvathrishan Namamala would be relieved from all kinds of fears.

Durga Durga Arththi Shamani Durga Apadhnivarini | Durgamacchedhini Durga Sadhini Durga Nashini ||

Durgathodhdharini Durganihanthri Durgamapaha | Durgamajjanadha Durga Dhithyaloka Dhavanala ||

Durgama Durgamaloka Durgamathma Swaroopini | Durgamarga Pradha Durgamavidhya Durgamashritha ||

Durgamajjana Samsthana Durgamadhyana Basini | Durgamoha Durgamaga Durgamartha Swaroopini ||

Durgamasura Samhanthri Durgamayudha Dharini | Durgamangi Durgamatha Durgamya Durgameshwari ||

Durgabheema Durgabhama Durgadha Durgadharini ||

Namavalimimam Yasthu Durgaya Mama Manava : | Padethu Sarva Bhayanmuktho Bhavishyathi Na Samshaya: ||

|| Ithi Sri Durga “Dha’ kara Dhvathrishan Namamala Samaptha: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||