Neelanjana Samabhasam Raviputhram
Yamagrajam | Cchaya Marthanda Sambhootham Tham Namami Shanaishcharam ||
I shall prostrate before supreme Lord
Shanaishchara who is the son of Lord Surya and younger brother to Lord Yama, I
shall prostrate before Lord Shanaishchara who was born to Devi Cchaya and Lord Marthanda, and has the
luster of lightning.
Sri Shanaishchara Sahasranama Sthothra is
highly propitious hymn and it was composed by Rishi Kashyapa, it has Anushtup
as Chandass, presiding deity is Lord Shanaishchara as Keelakam, it is recited
to please Shanaishchara.
Nyasa -
I shall meditate upon Lord Shanaishchara and
offer salutation with the thumb, I shall meditate upon Lord Shanaishchara who
has slow gait and offer salutation with the index finger,
I shall meditate upon Lord Shanaishchara who is Adhokshaja and offer
salutation with the middle finger, I shall meditate upon Lord Shanaishcahara
who is Shaura/valorous and offer salutation with the ring finger, I shall
meditate upon Lord Shanaishchara who is Shushkodhara/withered and offer
salutation with the little finger, I shall meditate upon Lord Shanaishchara who
is Cchayathmaja/son of Devi Cchaya and offer salutation with the palm an back
portion of the palm.
Hrudhaya Nyasa –
I shall prostrate before Lord
Shanaishchara and assumes his eternal presence of him in my heart, I shall
prostrate before Lord Shanaishchara who has slow gait and assumes his presence
on my head, I shall prostrate before Lord Shanaishchara who is Adhokshaja and assumes his presence on my
tuft, I shall prostrate before Lord Shanaishchara who is Shaura and assumes his
presence as my armor, I shall prostrate before Lord Shanaishchara who is
Shushkodhara and assumes his presence in my eyes, I shall prostrate before Lord
Shanaishchara son of Devi Cchaya who
turns into Asthra and assumes his presence in all directions.
Dhyanam –
I shall meditate upon Lord Shanaishchara
who is in Chapasana/bow posture, mounted on vulture, he has blue complexion and
keeping his face on westwards direction,
he is born in the clan of Kashyapa, he is wielded in trident, chapa/bow, and
Gadha/mace, he is Shauri who is prominent in the region of Saurashtra, he is
Neelambara/Saturn, attired in blue garment, he has blue complexion, he is
decked in magnificent crown, he is mounted on vulture, he has unnatural bodily
features, he is decked in Keyoora and Angadha/armlets, and he has pleasing
disposition with slow gait.
|| Asya Sri Shanaishchara
Sahasranama Sthothra Mahamanthrasya | Kashyapa Rishi: Anushtup Chandha:
| Shanaishcharo Devatha | Mam Keelakam | Shanaishchara Prasadha Siddhyarthe Japeviniyoga: ||
Nyasa -
Shanaishcharaya Angushtabhyam Nama: |
Mandhagathaye Tharjjaneebhyam Nama: | Adhokshajaya Madhyamabhyam Nama: |
Sauraye Anamikabhyam Nama: |
Shushkodharaya Kanishtikayabhyam Nama: |
Cchayathmajaya Karathala Karaprishtabhyam Nama: ||
Hrudhaya Nyasa -
Shanaishcharaya Hridhayaya Nama: | Mandhagathaye Shirase
Svaha | Adhokshajaya Shikhayai Vashat | Sauraye
Kavachaya Hum | Shushkodharaya Nethrathrayaya
Vashat | Cchayathmajaya Asthraya Phat |
Bhoor Bhuva: Suvarom Ithi Digbandha: ||
Dhyanam –
Chapasano Gridhradharasthu Neela:
Prathyangmukha: Kashyapa Gothra Jatha: |
Sa Shoola Chapeshu Gadhadharovyath |
Saurashtradhesha Prabhavashcha Shauri:
Neelambaro Neelavapu: Kireedi Ghrudhrasanastho Vikrithananascha | Keyoora
Haradhi Vibhooshithanga: Sadhasthu
Me Mandhagathi: Prasanna : ||
|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||