Saturday 29 April 2017

Sri Kalika Sahasranama Sthothram by Mahakalabhairava – || Phalashruthi: || Lyrics and meanings 191 – 200

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Sadhaka who recite the sacred hymns praising the glories of Goddess Kalika seated in an emptied house or Shayyavastha/lay,  would attain the highest honor as child of Goddess Kalika, these sacred hymns are capable to bring Sarvavidhya/knowledge in all fields, prosperities, and wealth, worshiper would attain the power equivalent to Lord Vayu, he/she remains unconquerable and overpower enemies, she is divine personified as Madhumathi who is deserved to be eulogized and worshiped, worshiper remains honorable as Mahesha/equivalent to God and Yogeendhra/skilled in Yoga, he/she would even admired by his enemies, Goddess Kalika is Kamaroopa who is capable to entice the whole world and worshiper would remain charming  with an arresting loveliness to lure  Jalam/Varuna, Surya, Chandhra Vayu, and Kings, he/she remains Yashsvi with imperishable fame, excellent poetic skills, accompanied by powerful assistants, and melodious sounds of Cuckoo, worshiper would be blessed with numerous virtuous offspring,  Wealth/elephants, horses, intense devotion, and righteousness, worshiper would remain blessed with long life/ Ayushman like Markandeya and remain youthful for thousands of years,  whoever recites or listens to the sacred names of Goddess Kalika which are highly propitious capable to ereadicate the severe sins like Bhramahathya/killing of Bhramin, Surapanam/consumption of intoxicated drinks, theft, illicit relation relation with the preceptor’s wife,  Sadhaka who recites these sacred hymns with utmost faith and devotion would attain all those difficult to achieve.

Shoonyalayagatho Vapi Shayasyo Vapi Sadhaka: | Sa  Bhaveth Kalika Puthro Ithi Khyathim Upagatha: ||

Sarva Vidhyavatham Shreshto Dhanena  Cha  Dhanadhipa: | vayu Thulabalo Loke  Dhurjaya: Shathrumardhana: ||

Sarva Sangadasamtheernna: Sarvasiddhi Samanvitha: | Madhumathya  Swayamdevya  Sevyamana: Smaropama: ||

Mahesha Iva  Yogeendhra: Sarva Shathrupuraskritha: | Kalika  Kamarooposau Sarvakarshana Karaka: ||

Jala Soorya Indhu Vayunam Sthambako Rajavallabha: | Yashasvi  Sathkavidharman  Sanmanthri Kokilasvara: ||

Bahuputhro Gaja Ashvanam Eshvaro  Dharmika: Krithi | Markandeya  Ivayushman  Jarapalitha Varjjitha: ||

Navayauvanayuktha: syadhapi Varsha Sahasramak | Bahu Kim Kathayatham Thasya Padatha: Sthavam Uththamam ||

Na Kinchith Dhurllabham  Loke  Yadhyanmanasi  Kalpitham | Bhramahathya  Surapanam  Stheyam Gurvanganagam : ||

 Sarvamashu Tharathyeva  Sthavasthyasya  Prasadhatha: | Rajasvalabhagam Pashyan  Jathva  Kalimahamanum ||

Sthvenanena  Samsthuthya  Sadhaka: Kim Na Sadhyayeth | Paradharaparo Vapi Jathva  Manthram  Sthavam Padeth ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||