|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||
I shall meditate upon Lord Balabadhra who
is mighty Lord, he is amiable to people born in the lowest clans, he symbolizes
Jambudhveepa, he killed the elephant that attacked him, he is Shalmali who resides
in Shalmalidhveepa, he is Plaksha and commander of Plakshavana, he carries
Kushagrass, he represents sacred Kusha, he is personified as Kaushika, he
rested on the bed of Kusha, he is the Lord of Kushasthali, he is Kashinatha who
is the Lord of sacred Kashi, he is the master to Bhairva, he is personified in
the illustrious clan of Dhasharathi, he represents illustrious clan of
Sathvatha, Vrishni, Bhoja, and Andhaka, he takes immense pleasure in playing
Dhundhubi drum, he is glorious, he represents prominent worshipers of Krishna,
he is the Lord of King of Sathvatha, he
represents mighty warriors of deities, he represents Kings of Bhoja, Vrishni,
and he is Lord of Andhaka, he is impartial,
he represents Ugrasena, he is powerful and eloquent, he is beloved to Ugrasena,
he is worshiped by Pandava, he is the leader of Yadhu assembly, he is the
commander of Sudharma, he is Sathvik, he is surrounded by Vrishni and he is
greatest cure for all the illnesses, he represents pillar in the glorious
assemblies/Sabhashila, he enlightens the assemblies with supreme
knowledge/Sabhadeepa, he resembles to fire in the assemblies/Sabhagni, he
represents Sun in the early hours of dawn/Sabharavi, he resembles moon in the
assemblies/Sabhachandhra, he adds great splendor to the assemblies/Sabhabasa,
he is the commander of assembly of deities/Sabhadeva, he is the Lord of the
assembly /Sabhapathi, he fulfils all the
desires of the worshiper, he is the Lord of Praja/subjects, he immerses in the
protection of his subjects, he is the protector of sacred Kingdom of Dvaraka,
he resides in the sacred Dvaraka, he eradicates all the afflictions of people
of Dvaraka, he is the provider of auspiciousness to the people of Dvaraka, he
is Jaganmatha/universal mother, he is the protector of Universe and its living
beings/Jagathratha, he preserves the Universe and its living
beings/Jagadhbhartha, he is Jagathpitha who is Universal father, he is Universal friend/Jagathbandhu, Universal
companion/Jagathmithra, and closest companion as well, he is Jagadh Dhatha who
is the source of Universe and its living beings, he is worshiped by Bhramin/Bhramanya
devatha, he represents Bhramin, he highly venerates Bhramin by touching the
dust of their feet, he respectfully touches the dust on the feet of Bhramins,
he sincerely serves the feet of Bhramin, he adores the water cleansed the dust
on the feet of Bhramins, he immerses in the services of Vipra.
Jambukasanghi Jambudhvipo Dhvipariha | Shalmali Shalmalidhveepa:
Plaksha: Plaksha Vaneshvara: ||
Kushadhari Kusha Kaushi Kaushika: Kushavigraha: |
Kushasthalipathi Kashinatho Bhairavashasana: ||
Dhasharha: shashvatho Vrishnir Bhojodhdhaka Nivasakrith | Anddhako
Dhudhubhir Dhyotha: Pradhyotha
Sathvatham Pathi: ||
Bhojavrishnyandhakeshvara: | Ahuka: Sarvaneethijja Ugraseno Mahogravak ||
Ugrasenapriya: Prarthya: Parththo
Yadhusabapathi: | Sudharmadhipathi: Saththva: Vrishnichakravritho Bhishak ||
Sabhasheela: Sabhadheepa:
Sabagnishcha Sabaravi: | Sabachandhra:
Sababasa: Sabadeva: Sabapathi: ||
Prajardhadha: Prajabhartha Prajapalana Thathpara: | Dhvaraka
Dhurgasanchari Dhvarakagraha Vigraha: ||
Dhvaraka Dhukha Samhartha Dhvaraka Janamangala: | Jaganmatha Jagaththratha Jagadhbhartha Jagathpitha ||
Jagadhbandhur Jagadhbhratha
Jaganmithra Jagathsakha: |
Bhramanyadevo Bhramanyo Bhramapadharajodhadhath ||
Bhramapadharajasparshi Bhramapadha
Nishevaka: | Vipranghri Jalapoothango Vipraseva Parayana: ||
|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||