Tuesday 31 October 2017

Sri Adithyahridhaya Sthothram – Bhavishyoththara Puranam – Lyrics and meanings 36 - 46

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

Lord Krishna continues “I shall meditate upon Lord Adithya who is Bhrihathbhanu/great ray of light, Bhrihathbhasu/splendid, Bhrihathdhama/great glories, and Bhrihaspathi/preceptor of deities/source of prosperity, he is pure and bright, he has unblemished limbs, he is adorned in sparkling jewels, his movements are deliberate, he is primordial, he is Adithya who spreads bright rays and undertakes severe penances, he is Adithya who is perpetual and he is Aryaman/sun who is the Lord of directions as well, he is Bhanuman who has great effulgence, his bright rays has the resemblance to precious yellow metal and he illuminates the whole Universe, he is Dhoomrakethu, Mahakethu/great flag, Sarvakethu, he is excellent, he disperse the darkness of ignorance, he is Shambhu/benevolent, provider of happiness, Thrashta, Marthanda, I shall prostrate before  supreme Lord Sahasramshu who has thousands of brilliant rays, I shall prostrate before Lord Adithya, I shall prostrate before  Padmaprabhodha who causes to bloom the lotus flower buds, I shall prostrate before Dvadhashathman who has twelve glorious forms, I shall prostrate before Vishvaprabhodha who awakens the whole Universe with his presence, I shall prostrate before Bhrajishnu who has splendid appearance and Jishnu/unconquerable, I shall prostrate before  Jyothisha who represents the science of Astronomy and Astrology, I shall prostrate before Lord Adithya who symbolizes supreme knowledge and imparts  knowledge and wisdom to his worshiper, I shall prostrate before Pradheeptha who has great radiance, Pragalbha/eminent, illustrious, Yugantha who causes the deluge at the end of Yuga, I shall prostrate before  Hothrupathi who is Lord of all fire sacrifices and Prithvipathi who is the protector of Earth, I shall prostrate before  Vashatkara who symbolizes Vashat and Omkara, I shall prostrate before  Sarvayajja who is omniscient, I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Adithya who symbolizes  Rigveda, Yajurveda, and Samaveda, I shall prostrate before Hadakavarnna who has golden complexion, I shall prostrate before Bhaskara, I shall repeatedly prostrate before  Jaya/victorious, Jayabhadhra/auspicious and Harithashvaya who is mounted on a grand chariot pulled by green horses.   I shall prostrate before divine personified as Lord of planets, he has divine forms I shall always prostrate before supreme Lord Adithya who is pure and Kurukulathma who is personified in the illustrious clan of Kurus/as son of Kunthi/Karnna.”

Bhrihathbanu  Bhrihathbhaso Bhrihathdhdhama Bhrihaspathi: | Shuklasthvam Shuklarethasthvam Shuklanga: Shuklabhooshana: ||

Shaniman Shaniroopasthvam Shanairgacchasi Sarvadha| Anadhiradhiradhithya Sthejorashir Mahathapa: ||

Anadhiradhiroopasthvam Adhithyo Dhikpathiryama: | Bhanuman Bhanuroopasthvam Svarbhanur Bhanudheethiman ||

Dhoomrakethur Mahakethu: Sarvakethur Anuththama: | Thimiravarana: Shambhu: Sthrashta Marththanda Yevacha ||

Nama: Poorvaya Giraye  Pashchimaya Namo Nama: | Namoththaraya  Giraye  Dhakshinaya Namo Nama: ||

Namo Nama: Sahasramsho Hyadhithyaya Namo Nama: | Nama: Padmaprabodhaya  Namasthe Dhvadhashathmane ||

Namo Vishvaprabhodhaya  Namo Bhrajishnu Jishnave | Jyothishe  Cha Namasthubhyam Gnanakarya  Namo Nama: ||

Pradheepthaya Pragalbhaya  Yuganthaya Namo Nama: | Namasthe  Hothrupathaye  Prithvipathaye Nama: ||

Namo Omkara Vashatkara Sarvayajja Namosthuthe | Rigvedhaya Yajurvedha  Samavedha Namosthuthe ||

Namo Hadakavarnnaya  Bhaskaraya Namo Nama: | Jayaya Jayabhadhraya Haridhvashaya They Nama: ||

Dhivyaya Dhivyaroopaya Grahanampathaye Nama: | Namasthe Shuchaye Nithyam Nama: Kurukulathmanam ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||