Monday 2 October 2017

Sri Maha Thripurasundhari Sahasranama Sthothram – Sri Vamakeshvara Thanthram – Lyrics and Meanings – ||Viniyoga: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

The highly propitious Sri Mahathripura Sundhari Sahasranama was composed by Rishi Dhakshinamoorthi, Jagathi as Chandhas, presiding deity is  Samastha Prakata  Guptha Sampradhaya Kulakauloththeernna Nirgharbha Rahasya Chinthya Prabhavathi as Devatha, Om as Beejam, Hreem as Shakthi, Kleem as Keelakam, it is recited to attain Dharma/righteousness, Arththa/wealth, Kama/desires and Moksha/liberation from repeated births, I shall prostrate before Sri Bhagavan  Dhakshinamoorthi Rishi who is the composer of  glorious hymns of  Sri Mahathripura Sundhari and offer humble salutation with my head, I shall prostrate before  Jagathi Chandhas and shall offer humble salutation with my face, I shall prostrate before Samastha  Prakata Guptha Sampradhaya Kulakauloththeernna  Nirgharbha Rahasya Chinthya Prabhavathi Devatha and offer humble salutation with my heart, I shall prostrate before Om Beeja and offer humble salutation with my navel, I shall prostrate before Hreem Shakthi and offer humble salutation with my concealed part of the body, I shall prostrate before Kleem Keelaka and offer humble salutation bowing down with the feet, I shall prostrate before the propitious hymns which are capable to attain Dharma, Arththa, Kama and Moksha, and offer humble salutation with all my limbs,

|| Dhyanam ||
I shall meditate upon the supreme Goddess Shivaa, whose Beeja has the resemblances to  Manmatha and Indhragopa, she resides in lotus flower like my heart, she is the essence of Universe and its living beings, she has the radiance of early hours of sun, she has the luster of precious yellow metal, she is well-expressed, she represents Shakthi of Vishnu and Bhrama as well, she is lustrous like moon, I shall earnestly pray to Shivaa to provide happiness.

|| Manasa Poojanam ||

I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Lam’ which represents Prithvyathmakam Gandham and I shall prostrate before Parambhramaswaroopini  Sri Shodashi Devi, I shall humbly offer highly fragrant ingredients to please her, I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Ham’ which represents  Akasha Thathvathmakam Pushpam and  I shall prostrate before Parambhramaswaroopini  Sri Shodashi Devi, I shall humbly offer various fresh alluring flowers of rich fragrance to please her, I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Yam’ which represents Vayuthathvathmakam Dhoopam and I shall prostrate before Parambhramaswaroopini Sri Shodashi Devi, I shall humbly offer Dhoopam to please her,  I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Ram’  which represents  Agniththvathmakam Dheepam and I shall prostrate before Parambhramaswaroopini Sri Shodashi Devi, I shall humbly offer Dheepam to please her,  I shall pronounce the sacred syllable ‘Vam’ which represents  Jalathathvathmakam Naivedhyam  and I shall prostrate before Parambhramaswaroopini Sri Shodashi Devi, I shall humbly offer Naivedhyam to please her, I shall pronounce the sacred syllable  ‘Sam’ which represents  Sarvaththvathmakam Thamboolam and I shall prostrate before Parambhramaswaroopini Sri Shodashi Devi, I shall humbly offer  Thamboolam to please her.

|| Om Asya Sri  Mahathripura Sundhari Sahasranama Sthothra Mahamanthrasya | Sri Bhagavan  Dhakshinamoorthi: Rishi : | Jagathi Chandha: | Samastha  Prakata Guptha  Sampradhaya  Kula  Kauloththeernna  Nirgarbha Rahasya  Chinthya  Prabhavathi  Devatha | Om Beejam | Hreem Shakthi: | Kleem Keelakam | Dharma Arththa Kama Moksharththe Jape Viniyoga: ||

|| Rishyadhi Nyasa: ||

Om Sri Maha Thripura Sundhari Sahasranama  Sthothra Mahamanthrasya  Sri Bhagavan  Dhakshinamoorthi Rishye  Nama: Shirasi |Om Jagathi Chandhase Nama:  Mukhe | Om Samastha  Prakata  Guptha  Sampradhaya  Kula Kauloththeernna  Nirgarbha  Rahasya  Chinthya  Prabhavathi Devathayai Nama: Hridhaye | Om Beejaya  Nama: Nabhau | Om Hreem Shakthye Nama: Guhye | Om Kleem Keelakaya Nama: Padhayo: | Om Dharma Arththa Kama Moksharththe  Jape Viniyogaya Nama: Sarvange  ||

|| Dhyanam ||

Om Adhare  Tharnarka Bimbaruchiram Hemaprabham  Vagbhavam | Beejam  Manmatha  Indhragopa Sadhrusham Hrith Pankaje  Samsthitham ||

Vishnu Bhrama  Padhastha Shakthikalitham  Soma Prabhabasuram | Ye Dhyayanthi Padhathrayam  Thava Shive ! They Yanthi  Saukhya Pradham ||

|| Manasa Poojanam ||

Om Lam  Prithvyathmakam  Gandham  - Parambhrama Swaroopini Sri Shodashidevi Preethaye Samarppayami Nama: | Om Ham  Akasha  Thathvathmakam  Pushpam -  Parambhrama Swaroopini  Sri Shodashi Devi Preethaye  Samarppayami  Nama: | Om Yam Vayu Thathvathmakam  Dhoopam – Parambhrama Swaroopini  Sri Shodashi Devi Preethaye  Ghrapayami Nama: |Om Ram  Agni Thathvathmakam  Dheepam – Parambhrama Swaroopini Sri Shodashi Devi Preethaye Dharshayami Nama: | Om Vam  Jalathathvathmakam  Naivedhyam – Parambhrama Swaroopini Sri Shodashi Devi Preethaye Nivedhayami Nama: | Om  Sam Sarvathathvathmakam  Thamboolam -  Parambhrama Swaroopini Sri Shodashi Devi Preethaye  Samarppayami Nama: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||