Tuesday 6 March 2018

Sri Subramanya Ashtoththarashathanama Sthothram – Lyrics and meaning

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Subramanya who is Skandha and  Guha as well, he is  Shanmukha who has six faces, he is the son of Lord Shiva who has eye on forehead, he is Prabhu, he has golden complexion, he is the son of Kriththika, he has peacock as celestial vehicle, he has powerful twelve arms, he has captivating twelve eyes, he is wielded in powerful spear Shakthi, he eradicates wicked demons, he killed Tharakasura, he is the protector of distressed people, he is energetic, enthusiastic, furious, and  frantic, he protects the Suras, he is Devasenapathi who is the commander of the army of deities, he is victorious, he is kind, he is beloved of fervent devotees, he is son of Goddess Uma, he is wielded in powerful spear, he is Kumara who is youthful, he crushed the pride of Mount Krauncha, he is a great warrior, he is initiated from the fire of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi, he is born under the constellation Vishakha, he is the son of Lord Shankara, he is the Lord of Shiva and Ganas, he is Lord of all, he is primeval, he has matchless powers, he is not wrathful, he is source of delight of Goddess Parvathi, he is beloved son of Goddess Parvathi, he is the son of Goddess Ganga, he has born in reeds, he is pure and purifier of souls, he resides as soul in living beings, he is promising, he is eulogized by Lord Bhrama, he represents five colors, he represents astronomy and astrology, he is Prajapathi/Lord of living beings, he has born from fire, he has born in reeds, he is Vishvarethas who has supreme virility, he is the destroyer of enemies of Sura, he has golden color complexion, he symbolizes auspiciousness, wealth, and prosperity, he represent ray of light, he is impenetrable/impassable, he has the luster of moon, he symbolizes all art forms and illusion, he is a great illusionist, he symbolizes eternal bliss and emancipation, he resides as soul in living beings, he is Vishvayoni who is the sources of Universe and its living beings, he is magnanimous/possess immense power of mind, he has supreme radiance, he is Anamaya who is imperishable, he is Parameshtin/supreme, he is absolute Bhramam, he is the essence of Veda, he is Viratavapu, he is the consort of Goddess Sri Valli,  he provides excellence in speech/ Sarasvathapradha, he is the protector of people who are surrendered at his lotus feet, he destroys thieves and illnesses, he is eternal, he is permanent bliss, he has beautiful hair locks, he is formidable and extremely aalrming to wicked demons, he is always accompanied by Vrisha, he is divine personified for the specific reason and he is beyond reason,  he has great splendor like Sun, he is nectar like charming, he is great Yogi who immerses in Pranayama, he is the destroyer of powerful enemies, he has crimson colored complexion, he has golden complexion too and he represents various colors, he is  Lord of stars, he showers abundance of boons to valiant, kind, energetic and skillful people, he is supreme Lord who is all pervading, he is Universal preceptor, he annihilates demons, he is Subramanya who is beloved son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Sri Parvathi, he is fond of living in caves, he is absolute Bhramam and beloved of Bhramin.

Om Skandha Guha Shanmukha Phalanethrasuthaya Cha | Prabhave Pingala Kriththikasoonave Namo Nama: ||

Shikhivahana Dhvishadbhuja Dhvishannethra Vidhamvara: | Shakthidhara Pishithashaprabhanjjana Tharakasurasamharine ||

Rakshobalavimardhanna Maththa Pramaththa Unmaththa Thadha | Surasanghasurakshithre Prajja Kripalave Nama: ||

Bhakthavathsala Umasutha Shakthidhara Kumara Kraunchadharine| Senani Agnijanmane Vishakha Shankarathmaja ||

Shivaswamin Ganaswamin Sarvaswamin Namo Nama: | Sanathana Ananthashaktha Akshobhya Parvathipariyanandhana||

Gangasutha Sharothbhootha Pavakathmaja Sadha | Athmabhu: Jrimmba Prajjrimbha Ujjumbhra Kamalasanasannutha ||

Yekavarnna Dhvivarnna Thrivarnna Chathurvarnna | Panchavarnna Parasmaijyothishe Prajapathaye Namo Nama: ||

Agnigarbha Shamigarbha Vishvarethase Surarighne | Hiranyavarnna Shubhakrithe Vasumathe Vatuveshadhrithe ||

Pooshne Gabhasthaye Gahana Chandhravarnna Kaladhara| Mayadhara Mahamayin Kaivalya Sakalathmaka: ||

Vishvayoni Ameyathma Thejonidhi Anamaya | Parameshtin Parasmaibhramane Vedagarbha Viratvapushe ||

Pulindhakanyabharthre Mahasaraswathapradha | Ashrithakhiladhathre Choraghna Roganashana: ||

Ananthamoorthi Anandha Shikhandikrithakethana | Damba Paramadamba Mahadamba Vrishakapaye Nama: ||

Karanopaththadhehaya Karanatheethavigraha: | Ahiroopa Amrithavapushe Pranayamaparayana: ||

Viruddhahanthre Veeraghna Rakthashyama Supingala: | Bahuvarnna Gopathi Dhakshinathyavarapradha: ||

Sarveshvara Lokaguro Asuraneekamardhna: | Subhramanya Guhapreetha Bhramnya Bhramanapriya: ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||