Saturday 17 November 2018

|| Sri Lakshmi Sharanagathi Gadhyam ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||

I shall prostrate before supreme Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi who is omnipresent, she is the commander of thousands and millions of Bhramanda, she has most pleasing disposition, she is the provider of good fortune, wealth, happiness, prosperity and all kinds of auspiciousness, she is the safest heaven to people who are surrendered at her lotus feet, she fulfills all the desires of the worshiper, she is adorned in various precious ornaments all over the body, she is worshiped by Lord Hari, Hara, Bhrama and all the deities, she holds lotus flower and conch, she resides in the abode of lotus flower, she holds fully bloomed lotus flower, she is adorned in white flower garlands of fresh alluring flowers with rich fragrance, she symbolizes auspiciousness, she is dearest darling of  Lord Hari, she symbolizes loveliness, beauty, intoxicated drink,  etc.. she is the source of happiness and welfare to three worlds, she symbolizes Prakrithi and its rich natural resources, wisdom and knowledge, concentration, dedication, and devotion, she always works for the welfare and happiness of the living beings, she has embodied as divine cow Surabhi , she is Paramathmika/Universal spirit who is  beyond human intellect, she is Padma who is unblemished, she represents Swaha, and Swadha, she has the complexion of molten yellow metal, she is contented, she has supreme brilliance and she illuminates the whole Universe with her radiance, she symbolizes wealth and richness, she is absolute Bhramam, she imparts supreme wisdom which provides the knowledge of self, she is Bhramani and inseparable female aspect of Bhrama as well, she is Kamala who is most desirable, she is Kamakshi, she has emerged from the milky ocean while churning the ocean for nectar of immortality, she is wise, and kind, she symbolizes wealth and good fortune, she is eternal, she represents living as well as non- living things, she is the source of pleasure to senses, she symbolizes contentment, satisfaction, and  fully blossomed lotus flower, she eradicates miseries and sorrows of the worshiper, she is adorned in various precious ornaments which spread intense luster, she eradicates perils and afflictions, she is void of birth, she is wrathful too, she represents hunger, desire, ocean etc.. she is worshiped by illustrious Rishis and sages, she is beloved consort of enemy of demon Kaitabha, she has endless fame,  she is extremely compassionate, she resides in the sanctified places, she has large and high bosom, she is beautifully smeared in vermilion, she is the essence of Shasthras, she is void of sorrows, she eradicates all the miseries and grief of worldly existence, she symbolizes righteousness, she is the mother of Universe and its living beings, she is fond of veneration with lotus flowers, she holds lotus flower, her beautiful eyes has the resemblance to lotus flower petals, she has the loveliness of lotus flower, she is lotus born, her attractive face has the resemblance to lotus flower, she is beloved consort of Padmanabha, she is adorned in garlands of lotus flower, she is lustrous like lotus flower and she has the fragrance of  lotus flower, she has most pleasing personality, her face has the luster of full moon, she is the sister of Lord Chandhra, she has four arms, she is Indhira who has the resemblance to water lily, she spread cool rays like moon, she has personified as female aspect of Lord Shiva, she is the source of auspiciousness, she is absolute truth, she is pure, she is the source of Universe and its living beings, she eradicates sufferings of poverty, she is serene, she symbolizes wealth, prosperity and richness, she has most desirable appearance, she is epitome of beauty, she has endless fame, she is Harini who is adorned in various precious ornaments of yellow metal, she showers abundance of boon, wealth and auspiciousness, she is the daughter of ocean, she eradicates all kinds of perils and afflictions, she has personified as Navadurga/nine glorious form of Durga as Shailaputhri/daughter of Mount Himavan, Bhramacharini/female aspect of Lord Bhrama, Chandhraghandha, Kushmanda, Skandhamatha, Kathyayani, Kalarathri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidhathri, she has personified as Mahakali who has dreadful appearance, she has personified as female aspects of Bhrama, Vishnu and Shiva, she is supreme Goddess of the Universe, she resides on the chest of Lord Vishnu, I shall repeatedly prostrate before the lotus feet of  Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi, Hail to supreme Lord Narayana along with Goddess Mahalakshmi !

||Om Devadevathothama | Devatha Sarvabhaumika | Akhilandakoti Bhramandanayaki| Prasannavadhaneem | Saubhagyadha | Abhayapradham | Bhakthabeeshtaphalapradha | Nanavidhairbhooshitham |  Hariharabhramadhibhi: Sevitham | Shankhapadmabibhiryuktham | Sarasijanilaye | Sarojahasthe | Dhavalatharamshuka Gandhamalyashobhe | Bhagavatheem | Harivallabhe | Manojjye |  Thribhuvanabhoothikareem | Prakrithyai | Vikrithyai | Vidhyayai | Sarvabhoothahithapradhayai | Shradhdhayai | Surabhyai | Paramathmika |   Padmayai | Shuchaye | Swahayai | Swadhayai | sudhayai | Hiranmayi |   Nithyathriptha | Vibhavaryai | Dheepthayai | Vasudhayai | Vasudharinyai |Bhramajjya| Bhramasukhadha | Bharamnyayai | Bhramaroopini |Kamalayai | Kanthyai | Kamakshyai | Ksheerodhasambhavayai | Sumathi | Subhaga | Niyathyai  | Sarvapranaswaroopinim | Sarvendhriyasukhapradhayai | Sadhacharayai | Sadhathushta | Sanathana | Kaumudhi |  Bhaktharththiharini | Harashobhini | Haninivarini | Ajayai | Mahakrodhayai | Mahatharshayai | Maharshijanasevitha | Kaitabharipriyayai | Keerthyai |   Karunyashalineem |  Shuchipriyayai | Kumbhasthaneem | Kumkumangithalepithayai | Shasthrajananiyai  |Ashokayai |  Lokashokavinashineem | Dharmanilayayai | Lokamathre | Padmapriya | Padmahastha | Padmakshim | Padmasundhari | Padmodhbhava | Padmamukhim |  Padmanabhapriyam | Padmamaladharayai | Padmineem | Padmagandhineem | Suprasanna | Chandhravadhanam |  Chandhrasahodhari | Chathurbhuja | Indhira | Indhusheethala | ShivA | Shivankari| Sathyai |  Vimalayai | Vishvajanani | Dharidhryanashineem | Shanthayai | Shriyai | Varoroha | Yashasvini | Harini | Hemamalini | Varalakshmi | Shubhapradha | Vasupradha | Shubha | Samudhrathanayayi | Sarvopadhravanivarineem | Navadurga | Mahakali | Bhramavishnushivathmika | Bhuvaneshvareem | Vishnupathnyai | Narayanasamashrithayai |  Harivallabhayai | Mangaladevathayai | Vishnuvakshasthalasthitha | Thava Vimalacharanaravindhayo: Namo Nama: | Sri Sri Sri Lakshmi Narayana Swamin Vijayi Bhava| Jaya Vijayi Bhava ||

|| Jai Sriman Narayana ||