Thursday 24 September 2020

Ashtavakra Gita/Ashtavakreeyam – Chapter - 19


Ashtavakra Gita/Ashtavakreeyam – Chapter - 19

Chapter -19 – Athma Vishranthyashtakam

King Janaka speaks “Oh! Guro, I have removed the sharp thorns of the misconception that stuck in my heart, with the Thaththvajjyana/supreme knowledge of all-pervasive Bhramam resides as the soul is eternal and changeless,  Oh! Guro, I have understood the splendor of supreme Bhramam resides as a soul in living beings, so I am free from Dharma and Kama, Arththa and Viveka, Dhvaitha, and Adhvaitha. Oh! Guro, my mind and intellect is wedged in the all-pervasive supreme Bhramam, therefore I am beyond the past, present and future, zone and time. Oh! Guro, my mind and intellect is already wedged in the splendor of that supreme Bhramam, therefore I am beyond that Athman or Anathman, Shubha or Ashubha, thoughts or absence of thoughts. Oh! Guro, my mind and intellect is already wedged in that supreme Bhramam, hence I am beyond that Swapna, Jagrath, Sushupthi, and Thuriya state. I am independent and free from fear. Oh! Guro, my mind and intellect is already wedged in the splendor of supreme Bhramam, hence I do not find any difference in nearness or distant, Sthoola or Sookshma, inner or outer concept.  Oh! Guro, my mind and intellect is already wedged in the splendor of that supreme Bhramam, hence I am beyond the concept of death, life, worldly matters, Universe, the deluge of Universe, or Samadhi.  Oh! Guro, my mind and intellect is already merged in the splendor of supreme Bhramam, hence what shall I do with the knowledge of Thrivarga/Dharma, Arththa, Kamam, or Yoga and Gnana?”


Janaka Uvacha –

Thaththva Vijjana Sandhamshamadhaya  Hridhayodharath | Nanavidha Paramarsha Shalyodhdhara: Kritho Maya ||


Kva Dharma: Kva Cha  Va Kama: Kva Charththa: Kva  Vivekitha | Kva Dhvaitham Kva Cha  Va Adhvaitham Swamahimni Sthithasya  Me ||


Kva Bhootham Kva  Bhavishyadh Va  Varththamanamapi Kva Va | Kva Dhesha: Kva Cha  Va Nithyam Swamahimni Sthithasya  Me ||


Kva Chathma Kva Cha  Vanathma Kva Shubham Kvashubham Yadha | Kva Chintha  Kva Cha Vachintha  Swamhimni  Sthithasya Me  ||


Kva Swapna: Kva  Sushupthirva Kva Cha  Jagaranam Thadha | Kva Thureeyam Bhayam Vapi Swa Mahimni Sthithasya  Me ||


Kva Dhooram Kva Sameepam Va Bahyam Kvabhyantharam Kva Va | Kva  Sthoolam Kva Cha Va  Sookshmam Swa Mahimni Sthithasya Me ||


Kva  Mrithyur  Jeevitham Va Kva Loka: Kvasya  Kva Laukikam | Kva Laya: Kva  Samadhirva  Swa Mahimni Sthithasya Me ||


Alam Thrivarga Kathaya  Yogasya  Kadhayapyalam | Alam Vijjyana Kathaya  Vishranthasya  Mamathmani ||