Thursday 26 November 2020

Nyayashasthra – Chapter -16 - Chanakya Neethi – 11 - 20


Chapter – 16– Chanakya Neethi – 11 – 20

Rishi Chanakya speaks “ The nature of  Sajjanas  are 1) They do not chase after material welfare, wealth, money, richness, fame, possession, etc. 2) They do not take pleasure in the material comforts or luxuries, 3) They do not engage any of  the activities by word, mind, and deed to  hurt others 4) They represent Sathyam, Dhamam, Shamam, Shaucham, and Dhaya/kindness, oneness in- all 5) They immerse in the meditation and contemplation upon the Supreme Lord Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva. The accumulated wealth kept idle like a newly wedded bride, would cause sin, first of all, it is meaningless to store the wealth because the life span is too short to take pleasure in it. The wealth earned utilized for the welfare of the Universe and its living beings would purify the wealth as well as the Jeeva. Therefore the accumulated wealth would bring 1) constant fear of loss 2) anxieties 3) fear of theft 4) fear of loss of life 3) fear of loss of wealth 4) loss of peace of mind 5) threat from enemies 6) threat from the family and relatives etc. The wealth should be utilized for the goodness of the society and its people, performance of charities, religious and spiritual rites. One thing is certain that the Jeeva whoever already left their mortal coils have not satisfied, and the Jeeva whoever going to leave the Earth is not going to satisfied with the wealth, richness, fame, money, possession, Sthree/women, and meals.  The Yajja, Homa, and fire sacrifices performed to fulfill specific desires will have short-living nature, the fruitfulness earned by these Kamya Karma causes bondage, and the piousness earned will disappear in due course of time. The Punya/ piousness earned by the performance of charities, digging wells, construction of ponds, gardens, shelter homes, serving meals, clothing, etc. will not diminish. The person who begs for a living is considered as inferior, like the Thrina/grass and cotton, these two are light weighted.  It is extremely difficult to live with humiliation, then it is better to get rid of life, and it won’t take seconds to abandon the Prana, hence living life with disgrace is miserable. The Vishayavisha/interest in worldly matters and bondage are the toxic poison in the worldly existence; this Vishavriksha has only two kinds of succulent fruits to offer 1) Subhashitham/pleasant talk, and 2) Sajjanasamsarga/Sadhujana Sangathi/association with the saintly men and Mahathmas. The Jeeva inherits all those piousness of righteous deeds and charities performed in their previous births, and continues to perform pious deeds in their current life as well.  The words should be used very carefully, and it should be used to please the listener, not to hurt. The knowledge in the books and wealth in others hands will not help in time of need, hence it is necessary to acquire knowledge in various Shashtras, should have earnings to utilize it for the performance of  righteous /Dharmic deeds for the welfare of all.”



Athikleshena Yathdhravyamathilobhena Yath Sukham | Parapeeda  Cha Ya  Vriththirnaiva Sadhushu Vidhyathe ||


Kim Thaya  Kriyathe  Lakshmya Ya Vadhooriva  Kevala | Yathu Veshyeva  Samanya  Padhikairapi Bhujyathe ||


Dhaneshu Jeevithavyeshu Sthreeshu Chaharakarmasu | Athriptha: Pranina: Sarve  Yatha  Yasyanthi Yanthi Cha ||


Ksheeyanthe  Sarvadhanani Yajja Homa Balikriya: | Na Ksheeyathe  Pathradhanam Abhayam Sarva Dhehinam ||


Thrinam Laghu Thrinath Thoolam Thooladhapi Cha Yachaka: | Vayuna Kim Na Neethoasau Mamayam Yachayishyathi ||


Varam Prana Parithyago Manabhangena Jeevanath | Pranathyage  Kshanam Dhukham Manabhange  Dhine Dhine ||


Samsara Vishavrikshasya  Dhve  Phale  Amrithopame | Subhashitham Cha Su Swadhu Sangathi:  Sajjane Jane: ||


Janma Jnama Yadhabhyastham Dhanam Adhyayanam Thapa: |Thenaivabhyasa Yogena  Dhehi Chabhyasyathe Puna: ||


Priyavakya Pradhanena Sarve Thushyanthi Janthava: | Thasmath Thadeva  Vakthavyam Vachane  Ka Dharidhratha ||


Pusthakeshu Cha Ya  Vidhya  Parahastheshu Ya Dhanam | Ulpanneshu Cha Karyeshu Na Sa Vidhya Na Thath Dhanam ||