Thursday 19 November 2020

Nyayashasthra – Chapter -7 - Chanakya Neethi – 11 - 21


Chapter – 7 – Chanakya Neethi 11 – 21

Rishi Chanakya speaks “ 1) The strength and valor of a King is vested in his skills in the Warfield,  and the knowledge in the usage of armaments 2) The power of the twice-born/Bhramin, vested in the knowledge in scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Bhramajjana, performance of austerities, Yajja, etc. 3) The power of a woman vested in her loveliness, virtues, chastity, youthfulness and pleasant nature. It is harmful to be too innocent and kind, hence everyone should have shrewdness to observe the situation and react to it, the trees grown straight are cut down easily, the trees with bend and twists are axed rarely.  The swan has nature to settle down in a place where there are rich watercourses available, and whenever it requires they abandon the place during the scarcity of water, in the same manner, humans should learn the technique of adaptation, should be well- prepared to abandon the things, people, or places without getting attached to it. The wealth earned will get purified when it is used for social welfare, charities, the welfare of the downtrodden people, construction of shelter homes, gardens, ponds, digging well, serving the needy, etc. like the waterlogged in a pond get cleansed by releasing the old water in it and adding fresh water in it, the process of charity purifies the wealth as well as the morale of a person. The wealthiest earn lot of relatives and companion, and he is the only one living life to the fullest. The people who have superior qualities lives the life of heaven on the Earth,  are 1) people who perform charities in abundance 2) people who speak pleasantly without hurting others, respecting each other’s opinion 3) people who have a strong belief in the customary rite, spiritual and religious rites engage in the worship of the Lord etc. and 4) people who honor twice-born/Bhramin, and provide an abundance of charities to the learned Bhramin, so that they could perform the Yajja, Agnihothradhi Karma, to please the deities without any difficulties and ensure the welfare of The universe and its people. The people who have the four extremely malicious habits make their life miserable like hell while living on Earth 1) People who are angry for no reason, speak impolite words and take pleasure in abuses, do not respect other’s view or opinion, find all means to put down others, jealous of other’s welfare, and swollen with pride and arrogance 2) people who are penniless, find difficulties to meet the ends, 3) people who have enmity with the relatives 4) people who are associated with the evil-minded and give a strong hand to promote immoral activities in society. If a search was conducted in the cave of the lion, you may find the precious pearls from the forehead of an elephant; if you conduct a search in the den of fox or Jackals you may find the tail part or pieces of meat of the donkey. Life without proper education is like the tail of a dog, it does neither help to cover its private parts nor useful to scatter away mosquitoes and flies. The characteristics of a virtuous person is 1) perfect control of sense/words, deeds, mind,/ words used to appease and boost the morale others/ deeds performed to bring solace and happiness to others/ thoughts to bring serenity and peace in others. 2) These noble souls always work for the welfare of the Universe and its living beings 3) kindness, honesty, benevolence and compassion are the strength of virtuous people. The foremost requirement of a Jeeva is to obtain the knowledge of ‘self’,  the knowledge of supreme Bhramam Paramathma resides as a soul in the Jeeva, has neither death nor birth, changeless, pure, bliss, unblemished, and free from afflictions. The Paramathma and Jeevathma are like the aroma of the flowers, sesame seeds and oil content in it, fire hidden in the wood, sugarcane, and sweet.  The noble souls practice of meditation and contemplation upon the supreme Lord engages in the austerities, vow of silence, Tapasya, and celibacy, in this way attain perfect control over sense, and ultimately achieves the union with the supreme Bramham which is eternal bliss.”


Bahuveeryam Balam Rajjam  Bhramano Bhramavith Bali | Roopa Yauvana Madhuryam Sthreenam Balamanuththamam ||


Nathyantham Saralairbhavyam Gathva Pashya Vanasthalim | Cchidhyanthe Saralasthathra Kubjasthishtanthi Padhapa: ||


Yathrodhakam Thathra  Vasanthi Hamsa:  Thadhaiva Shushkam Parivarjjayanthi | Na Hamsa Thulyena Narena Bhavyam | Punasthyajanthe Punarashrayanthe ||


Uparjithanam Viththanam  Thyaga Yeva Hi Rakshanam | Thatagodhara Samsthanam Parivaha Ivambhasam ||


Yasyarththasya Mithrani Yasyarththasya  Bandhava: | Yasyarththa: Sa Pumamloke | Yasyarththa: Sa Cha  Jeevathi ||


Swarga Sthithanam Iha Jeevaloke | Chathvari Chihnani Vasanthi Dhehe | Dhanaprasango Madhura Cha Vani | Dhevarcchanam Bhramana Tharppanam ||


Athyantha Kopa: Katuka  Cha Vani | Dharidhratha Cha Swajaneshu Vairam | Neechaprasanga: Kulaheena Seva | Chihnani Dhehe Naraka Sthithanam ||


Gamyathe Yadhi Mrigendhra Mandhiram | Labhyathe  Karikapala Maukthikam | Jambukalayagathe Cha  Prapyathe | Vathsa Puccha-Khara Charma Khandam||


Shuna: Pucchamiva  Vyarththam Jeevitham Vidhyaya Vina | Na Gupya Gopane  Shaktham Na Cha  Dhamsha Nivarane||


 Vacham Shaucham Cha Manasa:  Shaucham Indhriya Nigraham| Sarva Bhoothadhaya Shauchamethath Shaucha: Pararththinam ||


Pushpe Gandhasthile Thailam Kashtegnim Payasi Ghritham | Ikshau Gudam Thadha Dhehe Pashyathmanam Vivekatha: ||