Monday 30 November 2020

Vivekachoodamani Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham - Preceptor and the Disciple


Chapter 5 – Vivekachoodamani  41 – 50


The Mahathma/Acharya showers compassionate grace upon his disciple, who has taken refuge at his feet, makes all efforts to removes the trepidation in his disciple who is already worn out of Samsarathapa/miseries and grief of worldly existence.  Acharya enlightens the Sadhaka with the knowledge of Shamasamadhi/austerities, and the Sadhaka who sincerely yearn to achieve liberation from the miseries of worldly existence, serve the preceptor, follows strict disciplines, meditation, contemplation, achieves serenity of mind free from impurities like Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Masthcharya, and achieves Thaththvaupadhesha from the Acharya.  The preceptor comforts the disciple with the nectar-like advises and encourages them to walk through the righteous and spiritual path/Sathyam, Dhama, Shama, Sahucham, and Dhaya to removes the extreme fear and anxieties of worldly existence.  Acharya enthuse them to undertake austerities to cross the unfathomable ocean of Samsara, and restore the faith in them to walk through the path of Athmavidhya courageously which was enthusiastically traveled by the Yathis.  The preceptor instills confidence in the disciple, and advice on the superior knowledge to remove the fear of worldly existence, and encourages them to follow austerities to cross the ocean of worldly existence, and achieve Paramanandha/eternal bliss. The elaborate discussion on the Upanishads and Shastras would throw light into Athmavichara/Athmajjana, none other than the knowledge of Paramathma Parambhramam resides as soul/Athma, and eventually, the disciple gets rid of miseries of worldly existence.


The Veda affirms the four steps followed by Mukmukshu to achieve  the union with the Paramathma 1) be focused on the Athmaththva/Athman/Prana resides as the soul is the source of sole functioning of mind, intellect, Karma, Gnanaindhriyas, Ahamkara etc. 2) The Sadhaka should have immense love for that all-pervasive supreme Bhramam resides as soul/Athman 3) achieve the knowledge of the omnipresent Bhramam from preceptors and scriptures 4) with the strict observance of  austerities, practices of meditation and contemplation achieve union with the Bhramam. The Mumukshu achieves Moksha with the constant practice of Shraddha, Bhakti, Gnana, and Yoga etc. get rid of body consciousness/BODY IS NOT ATMAN, and attain union with the Paramathma Parambhramam. The ignorance in the Jeeva is the prime cause for the bondage in worldly matters and bondage, Jeeva is Paramathmaswaroopa, the lack of knowledge of Athma/soul/indestructible Purusha and Anathmavasthu/ destructible Prakrithi, richness, wealth, money, fame, people, etc. Once, the fire of Gnana/superior wisdom/Athmabodha/Athmajjana achieve would remove the ignorance forever and the Jeeva attains Athmaswaroopanubhuthi/transcendental state.


The disciple speaks “Oh! Prabho, Oh! Swamin, kindly remove my qualms,  I would like to hear from you, I would be grateful to you. 1) What’s Bandha/bondage? 2) How did the Jeeva gets fastened with the bondage? 3) Why it is difficult to get rid of bondage? 4) How did the Jeeva gets drenched in worldly matters and bondage, and how to get rid of the same? 5) What are Athma and Anathma? 6) How did the Jeeva find the differentiation between the Athma and Anathma? 7) What are the ways to learn the difference between Athma and Anathma? Kindly elaborate about it.”


The preceptor speaks “Oh! Fortunate one, you are an extremely fortunate and contented one, you have elevated your clan with the yearning to become Bhramavithth/ knower of supreme Bhramam, which is possible only after getting freed from the Avidhyabandha/ignorance and attachments, the Thrishna/desire to achieve Athmarathi/immerse in the supreme Bhramam resides as soul, itself would purify the entire clan."



Thadha Vadhantham Sharanagatham Svam | Samsara Dhvanala Thapathaptham | Nireekshya  Karunya Rasardhradhrishtya  Dhadhyadhabheethim Sahasa Mahathma ||


Vidhvan Sa Thasmadhupasaththimeeyushe | Mumukshave  Sadhu Yadhokthakarine| Prashanthachiththaya Shamanvithaya | Thaththvopadhesham Kripayaiva  Kuryath ||


Ma Bhaishta Vidhvamsthava Nasthyapaya: | Samsarasindhostharanyeasthyupaya: | Yenaiva Yatha  Yathayoasya Param | Thameva Margam Thava  Nirdhishami ||


Asthyupayo Mahan Kashchith  Samsarabhaya Nashana: | Thena  Theerthva Bhavambhodhim Paramanandhamapsyasyi ||


Vedantharththa Vicharena Jayathe  Jjanamuththamam | Thenathyanthika Samsaradhukhanasho Bhavathyanu ||


Shradhdha Bhakthi Dhyana Yogan Mumukshor | Muktherhethoon Vakthi Sakshashruthergi: | Y ova  Yetheshva Thishtathyamushya | Mokshaavidhya Kalpitha Dhehabandhath ||


Ajjanayogath Paramathmana Sthava  Hyanathma Bandhasthatha Yeva  Samsrithi: | Thayor  Vivekadhitha Bodhavahnirajjana Karyam Pradhaheth Samoolam ||


Shishya Uvacha –

Kripaya Shruyatham Swamin  Prashno Ayam Kriyathemaya | Thadhuththaramaham Shruthva Kritharththa: Syam Bhavanmukhath ||


Ko Nama Bandha: Kadhamesha Agatha: | Katham Prathishtasya  Katham Vimoksha: | Koasavanathma Para: Ka Athma Thayor Viveka: Kathamethadhuchyatham ||

Sri Gururvacha –

Dhanyoasi Krithakrithyoasi Pavitham The Kulam Thvaya | Yadhavidhya Bandhamukthya Bhramee Bhavithumicchasi ||