Wednesday 2 December 2020

Viveka Choodamani - Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham – Athman/Paramathma is the source of life in the Jeeva


Chapter 13 – Vivekachoodamani – 121 – 130

The preceptor speaks “ The Sushupthi/deep sleep is the state of Vriththishoonya/the three attributes of Maya remains inactive, is known as ignorance/Avidya. The Anathmavasthu are body, Indhriya, Prana, Manas, Ahamkara, Kamakrodhadhi emotions, Shabdhadhi Vishaya, the experience of happiness and sorrow, the essential five elements, is known as ‘Anathma’/not Athman.  The three attributes of Maya, Mahath Thathva is Anathmavasthu too. I shall describe the components of Maya in detail, the Mahath Thaththva, Ahamkara, the Trigunas such as  Sathva, Rajas, and Thamas, Anthakarana, Manas, Buddhi, Chiththam, Ahamkara, Shabdhadhivishya/Roopa, Rasa, Sparsha, Gandha, and Shabdha and the Panchabhootha/fire, water, ether, earth, and air are the components of Maya.”


The preceptor continues “I shall narrate the nature of the all-pervasive Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, the knowledge of ‘self’ is Kaivalya, it is the only source to get rid of miseries and sorrows of worldly existence, and the liberation from the vicious cycles of rebirth. The Athman is self-illuminating, is the source of the functioning of above-said Karma, Gnanendhriya, mind, intellect, Chiththam, Ahamkara, remains the sole witness in the three-state of awakening, sleep, and dream, it is beyond the Panchakosha such as Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vijjanamaya and Anandhamaya. The Paramathma resides as soul/Athman is wielded in Maya, causes the ordinary Jeeva not to experience the ‘Paramachaithanya’ Paramthma Parambhramam. The presence of Paramathma is the sole witness in the three states of sleep, it causes the functioning of the mind, intellect, Chitta, Ahamkara was often mistaken as ‘I’. The Paramathma witnesses the Prapancha without the support of anything in the three states of awakening, sleep, and dream, but the Prapancha cannot experience the presence of it. The presence of  Paramathma/soul causes the Jadavasthu/lifeless into living things, therefore it is vivid that the ‘Paramathma/soul is self-illuminating does not require any support of Jadavasthu to brighten it. The supreme Bhramam/Paramathma is omnipresent; none of the Jadavasthu can survive in its absence. The all-pervasive Bhramam lighten the Jadavasthu with its presence, due to this the Surya and Chandra release heat and coolness respectively. Likewise, the human body, five Karmendhriya, five Gnanendhriya, mind, intellect, chiththam, Ahamkaram are Jadavasthu/lifeless in nature is functioning with the presence of ‘Athman’/soul in it, and the Jeeva takes immense pleasure in the Prakrithi, material matters and bondage due to the presence of Parmathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in it. Once, the Athman/soul leaves the body it is declared as ‘corpse’.  Therefore, the Paramathma Parambhramam resides as a soul in the Jeeva, is the sole source to experience the Sukha, Dhukha,/Dhvandha Bhava, various emotions and feelings, like mud pot made out of mud, mud pot has no existence without mud. In the same manner, the Paramathma Parambhramam is the basis of the Jeeva, and it has no existence without it.”


Sarvaprakara Pramithi Prashanthir | Beejathmanavasthithireva Budhdhe: | Sushupthirethasya  Kila Pratheethi: | Kinchinnamevadhmeethi Jagath Prasidhdhe: ||


Dhehendhriya Prana Manohamadhaya: | Sarve  Vikara Vishaya: Sukhadhaya: | Vyomadhi Bhoothanyakhilam Cha Vishvam Avyakthaparyanthamidham Hyanathma ||


Maya Mayakaryam Sarvam Mahadhadhi Dhehaparyantham | Asadhidhamanathma Thathvam Vidhdhi Thvam Maru Mareechika Kalpam ||


Atha The Sampravyakshami Swaroopam Paramathmana: | Yadh Vijjaya Robandhamuktha: Kaivalyamashnuthe ||


Asthi Kashchith Swayam Nithyamaham Prathyayalambana: | Avasthathraya Sakshi San Panchakosha Vilakshana: ||


Yo Vijanathi Sakalam Jagrath Swapna Sushipthishu| Budhdhithadhriththi Sadhbhavamahamithyayam ||


Ya: Pashyathi Swayam Sarvam Yanna Pashyathi Kashchana | Yashchethayathi Budhdhyadhi Na  Thadhdhayam Chethayathyayam ||


Yena Vishwamidham Vyaptham Yanna Vyapnothi Kinchana | Abharoopamitham Sarvam Yam  Bhanthamanubhathyayam ||


Yasya  Sannidhimathrena  Dhehendhriya Manodhiya: | Vishayeshu Swakeeyeshu Varththathe  Preritha  Iva ||


Ahankaradhi Dhehantha Vishayashcha Sukhadhaya: | Vedhyanthe Ghatavadhyena  Nithyabodhaswaroopina ||