Thursday 10 December 2020

Vivekachoodamani – Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham – “ Bhrama Sathyam Jagath Mithya’ - The refusal of Anathmavasthu/worldly matters are Samsara Nivriththi/liberty from Samsara


Chapter – 34 – Vivekachoodamani -  331 – 340


Preceptor speaks “ Bhrama Sathyam Jagath Mithya’, the Jeeva who chases to please sense, material matters, richness, wealth, fame, people, etc. which has fleeting nature, cannot achieve the eternal ‘truth’/ Paramathma Parambhramam resides as the soul. The learned contemplate and meditate upon the supreme Bhramam that is changeless, pure, unblemished, eternal, and free from afflictions, remain serene. The ignorant Jeeva who is drenched in worldly matters and bondage undergoes constant sufferings and miseries of aging, illnesses, and death, the pain of separation and loss of beloved ones, etc. There is a huge difference between Athmopasaka and Vishayopasaka, like the truth and lie. The Mahathma and learned undertake Shama, Niyama, Sathyam, Shaucha, Shanthi, austerities, Tapasya, etc. abandons the interest in worldly matters and bondage, and contemplate upon the Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa, Athma/ Paramthma and remain in supreme bliss. The Bhramanishta undertaken by the noble soul leads them to the state of transcendental, completely relieves the Sadhaka from the Prapancha/Prakrithi that’s nothing other than the root cause of sufferings and miseries, caused by the utter ignorance.   In due course of time the Sadhaka experience a supreme state of ‘Athmarathi’. The ignorant Jeeva who is drenched in material matters, richness, possession, fame, money, people, etc. accumulate sins and Dhurvasana/debaucheries finally throw them into the vicious cycles of rebirth and undergo the endless sufferings and sorrows. Therefore, I shall encourage the Jeeva to achieve the knowledge of Paramarththa Parambhramam resides as a soul in you, get rid of interest in worldly matters and bondage, and protect yourself from the trap of Prapancha/Prakrithi that has impermanent nature. If the mind is free from Anathmavasthu/ redundant thoughts, material matters and people, it would get freed from anguish as well. The mind which is free from trepidations and anxieties only could perceive the ‘Athman’ with the strict observance of vows, austerities, celibacy, Swadhyaya, disciplines etc. The interest in Anathmavasthu keeps the Jeeva afar from the ‘Athmajjana’, hence abandoning the Anathmavasthu is  Samsaranivriththi and achievement of Athmaprapthi. Each and every Jeeva love their lives dearly, won’t like to consume toxic poison, in the same way, the intellectuals who have a deep insight of truth and false, Athmavasthu and Anathmavasthu, will not take pleasure in the worldly matter and bondage. These intellectuals, Mumukshus will not cause their own destruction with the association of people swollen with pride, jealousy, desire, greed, and lust, and the people with increased interest in material matters, people, wealth, richness, money, possession, etc. They constantly engage in Athmanusandhana/contemplation and meditation upon the supreme Bhramam and get rid of Samsara which is the huge obstacle to achieve Mukthi. The ignorant Jeeva who is drenched in ‘I consciousness and body consciousness’,  with the lack of knowledge of the body is Jadavasthu, a mass of meat/Mamsapinda and perishable,  hence, pride in body and possession, richness, wealth, money, fame, etc. would not help to achieve ‘Athmanubhoothi’. The liberated souls, learned, do not take pride in the body or material matters, with the knowledge of ‘Athman’ resides as a soul in the Jeeva, engage in Athmanishta. The learned perceives the all-pervasive Bhramam resides as soul, is eternal, changeless, free from afflictions, has neither birth nor death, and it is the source of the functioning of mind, intellect, Ahamkara, Panchaprana, Karma and Gnanendhriya etc. in the Jeeva, it is  the Akhandasacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma Parambhramam, and contemplates upon it, abandoning the worldly matters and bondage, these Mahatmas are deserved to achieve Mukthi. The meditation and contemplation upon the supreme Bhramam is the only way to get rid of sufferings of the worldly existence, leaving all those fleeting thoughts and visions in the Jagrathavastha/awakening state, the noble soul immerse in the Athmarathi, ultimately unites with the Bhramam/Athman. The ignorant Jeeva who is drenched in  body and I consciousness, attached to material matters, possession, people, wealth, richness, money, fame, etc,  continues the chase to satiate the desires and lust becomes helpless cannot get rid of the Vishayavisha. These ignorant Jeeva get attached to the material matters; consider the visions and things in the Jagrath/awakening states are real; hence they do not deserve to achieve Mukthi. Therefore the Mumukshu who abandon all the Karma and interest in worldly matters and bondage, contemplate upon that supreme Bhramam, with the practice of Virakthi, and Athmanishta achieves union with it. The prospective Sadhaka take shelter in the preceptor achieves knowledge in the Shastra, and  Upanishads, practice austerities, vows, celibacy and engages in constant contemplation and meditation of the supreme Lord. The Shravanakarma/listening to lectures of Mahathma and practice of austerities and meditation would bring the fruitful result in the Sadhaka to perceive Oneness-in-all, as  the Shruthi says the Sadhaka with the constant practice of austerities and contemplation, get rid of impurities, achieves the supreme state of bliss/ serenity of mind.”


Sathyabhi Sandhanaratho Vimuktho Mahaththvamathmeeyamupaithi Nithyam | Mithyabhi Sandhanarathasthu Nashyeth  Dhrishtam Thadhe Thath Yadhachaurachaurayo: ||


Yathirasadhanu Sandhim Bandhahethum Vihaya | Swayamayamahamasmeethyathma Dhrishyaiva  Thishteth | Sukhayathi Nanu Nishta  Bhramani Swanubhoothya | Harathi Paramavidhyakarya Dhukham Pratheetham ||


Bahyanusandhi: Parivardhayeth Phalam | Dhurvasanameva  Thathasthoadhikam | Jjathva Vivekai: Parihrithya Bahyam | Swathmanusandhim Vidhatheetha Nithyam ||


Bhahye Nirudhdhe  Manasa:  Prasannatha | Mana: Prasadhe Paramathmadharshanam | Thasmin Sudhrishte  Bhavabandhanasho Bahirnirodha: Padhavi Vimukthe: ||


Ka: Panditha: San Sadhsadhviveki  Shruthipramana:  Paramarththa Dharshi: | Janan Hi Kuryathasathoavalambam | Swapathahetho: Shishuvanmumukshu:?


Dhehadhi Samsakthi Matho Na  Mukthi: | Mukthasya Dhehadhyabhimathyabhava: | Supthasya  No Jagaranam Na Jagratha: |Swapnasthayorbhinna Gunashrayathvath ||


Antharbhahi: Swam Sthirajangameshu| Jjanathmana Dharathaya Vilokya | Thyakthakhilopadhirakhandaroopa: | Poornathmana Ya: Sthitha Yeva Muktha: ||


Sarvathmana Bandha Vimukthi Hethu: | Sarvathmabhavana Na Paroasthi Kashchith | Dhrishyagrahe  Sathyupapadhyatheasau | Sarvathmabhavoasya Sadhathmanishtaya ||


Dhrishyasyagrahanam Kadham Thu Ghatathe | Dhehathmana Thishtatho | Bahyarththanubhava Prasaktha Manasa | Sthaththathkriyam Kurvatha: | Sannyasthakhila Dharma Karma Vishayair  Nithyathmanishtaparaisthaththvajjai: Karaneeyamathmani Sadhanandhecchubhir Yathnatha: ||


Sarvathmyasidhdhaye  Bhiksho: Krithashravana Karmana: | Samadhim Vidhathathyesha Shantho Dhantha Ithishruthi: ||