Thursday 3 December 2020

Vivekachoodamani Sri Shankaracharya Virachitham - The Samsaravruksha/tree of worldly existence


Chapter 14 – Vivekachoodamani  141 – 150


The preceptor speaks “The ignorant Jeeva drenched in Tamasik and Rajasik qualities, get fastened with the crocodile-like material matters, possession, wealth, fame, money, richness,  attachment to wife, children, relatives, companions, etc. constantly undergo grief and sufferings in the absence of any one of the above-said/Vishaya Visha/toxic poison like material matters. They neither get the opportunity to listen nor to get close in the association of Mahatmas, in this way the Jeeva completely keep it afar from the Vidhya/Athmajjana hence the Jeeva hurls into vicious cycles of repeated births. The Rajasik and Thamasik nature of the Jeeva drive them to adopt immoral ways of living and belief continues to sink in the unfathomable ocean of worldly existence. The Viveka/intelligence/knowledge of ‘self’ is the only way to get rid of sufferings and miseries of worldly existence. The ignorant Jeeva swollen with the Ragadhvesha forgets the nature of ‘self’/Paramathma in it, like the Sun covered in the heavy dark clouds, followed by chill winds. In this way, the Jeeva drove far away from the Paramathmaswaroopa, with the ‘I’ consciousness /me myself, and mine, and ‘body’ consciousness, undergoes miseries and sorrows of worldly existence.  I shall explain the Samsaravruksha in detail 1) The Thamoguna is the seed of Samsaravruksha/tree-like worldly existence, 2)  the wrong notion of body consciousness, and I consciousness and Ragadhvesha are the leaves in it, 3)  the performance of duties/Karma is the water to the Samsaravruksha, 4)  the body, Prana, Indriyas are the branches and twig of the Samsaravruksha, 5) the Vishaya/interest in the material world is the flowers in it,  6) the grief earned by the performance of Karma are the fruits 7) the birds like worn-out Jeeva is the Boktha/consumer of the fruit of Karma. The ignorance is the root cause for the attachment in worldly matters, possession, richness, fame, wealth, attachment to wife, children, relatives, companions, etc. and all these have fleeting nature, undergoes transformation/aging, illnesses, and death. The ignorance caused by the attachments cannot be removed with the Astra, or Shastra, or Vayu or Agni or performance of various religious or spiritual rites. It can be get sieved off with the sharp sword like the knowledge of ‘self’/Paramathma, Athman with the compassionate grace of the supreme Lord. The person who has profound knowledge in Shruthi, scriptures, and Shastra follows strict austerities, perform religious and spiritual rites prescribed in the scriptures as Eshwararththa, get rid of impurities like the Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathshcharya, eventually attain ‘Athmajjana’, it is the one and only effective method to uproot the tree of Samsara. The ‘Athmaswaroopa’/Paramathma resides as a soul in the Jeeva gets pale due to the influence of Panchakosha, attributes like Rajasik and Thamasik nature, like the pond filled with the algae that ruin the purity of the water. The learned practice austerities and get rid of impurities/Ragadhvesha, achieve the knowledge of Paramarththa Thaththva, undertake the practice of constant meditation and contemplation, perceives that all-pervasive Bhramam.”


Mahamoha Grahagrasana Galeethamavagamano  | Dheeyo Nanavastham  Swayamabhinayam Sthadh Gunathaya | Apare Samsare  Vishaya Vishapoore  Jalanidhau | Nimajyonjyayam Bhramathi Kumathi: Kuthsithagathi: ||


Bhanuprabhasa Janithabhra Pankthir  Bhanum Thirodhaya Vijrumbathe  Yadha | Athenmadhithahankrithirathma Thaththvam | Thadha Thirodhaya Vijrumbhathe Swayam ||


Kavalitha Dhinanathe  Dhurdhdhine  Sandhrameghair | Vyathayathi Himajjanjja Vayurugro Yathaithan| Aviratha Thamasathmanyavrithe Moodabudhdhim | Kshapayathi Bahu Dhukhai Stheevra Vikshepashakthi: ||


Yethabhyameva  Shakthibhyam Bandha: PUmsa: Samagatha: | Yabhyam Vimohitho Dheham Mathvathmanam Bhramathyayam ||


Beejam Samsrithi Bhoomijasya  Thu Thamo Dhehathmadheerankuro | Raga: Pallavamambu Karma  Thu Vapu: Skandhoasava:  Shakhika: | Agranindhriya Samhathishcha  Vishaya:  Pushpani Dhukham Phalam | Nanakarma  Samudhbhavam Bahuvidham Bhokthathra Jeeva: Gakha: ||


Ajjanamoolo Ayamanathma Bandho | Naisarggiko Anadhiranantha  Eritha: | Janmapya Vyadhi Jaradhi Dhukha | Pravahapatham Janayathyamushu ||


Nasthrairnna  Shasthrairanilena  Vahnina | Ccheththum Na Shakyo Na Cha  Karma Kotibhi: | Viveka  Vijjanamahasina  Vina | Dhathu: Prasadhena Sithena Manjjuna ||


Shruthi Pramanaikamathe: Swadharmanishta  Thayaivathma Vishudhdhirasya | Vishudhdhabudhdhe: Paramathmavedhanam  Thenaiva  Samasaramoolanasha: ||


Koshair Annamayadhyai:  Panchabhirathma  Na Samvritho Bhathi | Nijashakthi Samuthpannai:  Shaivala Patalair Ivambhu Vapeestham ||


Thacchaivalapanaye  Samya Salilam Pratheeyathe  Shudhdham | Thrishna Santhapaharam Sadhya: Saukhyapradham Param Pumsa: ||