Sunday 24 January 2021

Sri Vinaya Pathrika - Sri Tulasidas Maharaj – Prayer to Bhairavaroopi Lord Shiva to get rid of the vicious cycles of rebirth


Chapter – 5 – Sri Vinaya Pathrika – Prayer to Bhairavaroopi Lord Shiva to get rid of the vicious cycles of rebirth


Sri Tulasidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Fierce form of Rudra, Oh! Bhairava, you are the Lord of Bhootha, Pretha Gana, and has the dreadful appearance, you are the destroyer of troubles, you are the enemy of Moharoopi/Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathshcharya like the mouse, you are the destroyer of fears and anxieties of Janana Marana. You are the provider of Moksha/free from trepidations and dualities, and liberation from the vicious cycles of rebirth, you are Muktharoopa and the protector of the worshiper whoever taken shelter at your lotus feet. You are powerful, valorous, and have a great physique, you are fair, pure, and radiant like the Sheshanaga. You have attractive yellow matted hair locks that resemble thousands of lightening, the crescent moon, and Parama Pavithra Devanadhi Ganga dwells on the matted hair locks. Oh! Bhagavan, your forehead has the luster from the crescent moon, I shall prostrate before supreme that Lord Shiva who is the close companion of Lord Kubera. Oh! Bhagavan, you have Chandra, Surya, and Agni as three eyes, you are the destroyer of Kamadeva, Oh! Bhagavan, you symbolize storehouse of virtues, Gnana and Vignana as well. Oh! Bhagavan, you take great pleasure in conducting expeditions with Devi Parvathi, and your supreme abode is Parvatharaj Mount Kailash. You are adorned in marvelous ear ornaments that spread brilliant radiance all around the neck areas, and enhances the beauty of your lotus face. You are holding a protective shield and sword, and Trident, holds Damaru, Bana and Dhanush. Oh! Bhagavan, you are the ocean of mercy, your celestial vehicle is bull, you are extremely compassionate, you have become too concerned watching the deities and demons who were tormented by the heat of Halahal poison emerged out of the ocean, while churning for the nectar of immortality, soon you have swallowed the deadly poison and protected the Universe. Oh! Bhagavan, you have smeared in sacred ashes all over the body, Oh! Bhasmabhooshana, you have adorned the serpent and Mundamala on the chest. You are the destroyer of the evilness of the Dakini, Shakini, Khechara/spirits from the sky, Bhoochara/ghosts on the Earth, Yanthrini and Manthrini, etc. Oh! Bhagavan, you are the destroyer of sins in seconds. You are Mahakala, you are the Garuda to the Kalikalaroopi Sarpa/destroyer of the evil effects of the Kali era, you are the destroyer of the demons of Tripura, and many wicked Dhaithyas, you perform the most impossible tasks, Oh! Bhagavan, at the end of Mahapralaya, you destroy the entire Universe with the tip of your trident and perform a fierce cosmic dance. Oh! Bhagavan, I am completely worn out, wandering through the eighty-four lakh Yoni/repeated births as birds, worms, reptiles, animals, humans, etc. in the dreadful Samsara which is full of miseries and sorrows, and continuously hurling myself into the vicious cycles of repeated births. Oh! Bhagavan, I am helpless, no one to protect me. Oh! Bhairavaroopa, Oh! Ramarooopi Rudra, you are my Bandhu/relative, Guru/preceptor, Pitha/father, Matha/mother and Vidhatha/creator, kindly protect me.” Santh Tulsidas says the supreme Lord Mahadeva whose endless virtues are sung by Devi Saraswathi, the Goddess of wisdom, and  the Veda, Maharishi Narada,  Bharamajjani Shesha, always eulogizes the glories of that supreme Lord Shiva who is Sarveshwara resides in the Anandhavan/Kashi, and is the safest asylum to the worshiper who has taken shelter in him.


Bhairavaroopa – Shiva Sthuthi

11) Deva! Bheeshanakar Bhaiarav Bhayankar Bhootha Pretha Pramadhathipathi Vipathiharththa | Moha Mooshak Marjara Samsarabhayaharana Tharana Tharana Abhayakarththa || Athula Bal Vipula Visthar Vigraha Gaur Amala Athi Dhavala Dharanidharam |Shirasi Samkulitha Kala Joota Pingala Jata Patala Shathakoti Vidhyuththchatam || Bhraj Vibudhapaga Aap Pavana Parama Mauli Maleva Shobha Vichithram | Lalitha Lallat Par Raj Rajanishakala Kaladhar Naumi Hara  Dhanadhamithram || Indhu Pavak Bhanu Nayana Mardhana Mayan Gunaayan Gnana Vijjana Roopam|Ramana Girija Bhavana Bhoodharadhipa Sadha  Shravana Kundala Vadhanacchavi Anoopam ||Charma Asi Shooladhara Damaru Shara Chapakara Thana Vrishabhesha Karunanidhanam |Jaratha Sura Asura Naraloka Shokakulam Mridhulachitha Ajitha Kritha Garalapanam ||Bhasmathanu Bhooshanam Vyaghracharmambharam Uraga Nara Mauli Ura Maladhari | Dakini Shakini Khecharam Bhoocharam Yanthra Manthra Bhajan Prabala Kalmashari || Kala Athikala Kalikala Vyaladhi Khaga Tripura Mardhana Bheemakarma Bhari |Sakala Lokantha Kalpantha Shoolagra Kritha Digajjavyaktha Guna Nrithyakari || Papa Santhap ghanghor Samsrithi Dhin Bhramath Jag Yoni Nahim Kopi Thratha | Pahi Bhairavaroop Ramaroopi Rudra Bandhu Guru Janaka Janani Vidhatha || Yasya Guna  Gana Ganathi Vimalamathi Sharadha Nigama Narada Pramukha Bhramachari| Shesha Sarvesha Aseena  Anandhavana Dasa Tuliasi Pranatha Thrasahari ||