Monday 29 March 2021

Sri Vinaya Patrika – Sri Tulsidas Maharaj – Ramanama Mahima – The recitation of Ramanama for Mukthi/free from the sufferings of Samsara



Chapter – 151 -Sri Vinaya Pathrika  – Ramanama Mahima – The recitation of Ramanama for Mukthi/free from the sufferings of Samsara


Sri Tulsidas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Lord Raghupathi you destroy the sufferings and grief of Samsara, you are Kripalu protects the Jeeva who have taken shelter at your lotus feet, you are the purifier of sinners. Oh! Prabho, you are too kind to the Jeeva who utter your sacred name ‘Rama’, even if he/she is Nirdhayi/unkind, Dhushta/wicked, Neechajathi/born in the lowly clan, penniless, and provides them your Parmadhama. Oh! Prabho, there were several sinners, like Gajendhra, an untamed elephant who was drenched in Bhoga and  Ullasa with the herd of elephants in the dense forest of Chitrakoot, was caught on the leg by a crocodile in the pond, invested all his strength, and the families to pull out the leg from the mouth of the crocodile went futile, cried out for supreme Lord Hari was protected. The prostitute Pingala who found helpless in later years of age took great care of a parrot bought from the house of the devotee of Lord Hari, that has the habit of utter the names of Lord Hari, which compelled Pingala to repeat the same with the parrot, thus she achieved Mukthi. The twice-born Ajamila went to collect the Samith got attracted to the prostitute in the dense wood and started to live with her for bodily pleasure, abandoning his own family, children, and aged parents, leaving all the Bhramanic rites, at the death bed the dreadful appearances of the emissaries of Yama made him call out for his younger son ‘Narayana’. Soon, the emissaries of Lord Hari appeared before him, eventually got liberated from the Samsara. Oh! Prabho, you have been too kind and compassionate to all those sinners who have regretted their sins committed in the latter years of age taken shelter at your lotus feet was got liberated from the sufferings of Samsara. Oh! Tulsidas, Janakiramana Sri Ramachandra provided Mukthi to all those souls who have taken shelter in his lotus feet, hence why not you?”


212) Raghupathi  Bipathidhavan | Paramakripalu Pranath Prathipalaka Pathithapavan || Koora Kutila Kulaheen Dheen Athi Malina Javan | Sumirath Nama Rama Padye  Sab Apane  Bhavan|| Gaja Pingala Ajamila Se  Khal Ganai Dhau Kavan | Tulasidas Prabhu Kehi Na  Dheenhi Gathi  Janakiraman||