Sunday 13 March 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika - Chapter – 5 - The various amusements of Lord Krishna


Chapter – 5 -  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika –The various amusements of Lord Krishna

Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Karunasindho, how do I describe your kindness and compassion to Jeeva? The female demon Poothana assumed the form of a beautiful woman was approached you with an intention to kill you with her venomous bosom milk, but you have provided her the honor of your mother, the moment she fed you with her bosom, she got liberated from the grief and sufferings of worldly existence. The Veda and Upanishad describe the supreme Bhramam as Nirguna/attributeless with no specific appearance, that Sacchidhanandhaswaroopa Paramathma assumed the Sagunaswaroopa/form of a lovely child of Sri Nandhababa and Devi Yasodha on the sacred land of Braja, and performed various amusements and got tied on the mortal pastel by his mother. Oh! Prabho, you have become anxious to hear the troubles of King Ugrasena who was imprisoned by his own son Kamsa, you have fought against Kamsa and killed him, further crowned Ugrasena as the King of Mathura, and reverentially prostrated before him. Oh! Prabho, you have freed the Kings who were imprisoned by Jarasandha, the ruler of Magadha, and all those Kings freed from the prison sung in praise of your glories. Oh! Prabho, Devi Ahalya, wife of Sage Gautama turned into a rock due to the curse, you have liberated her at the touch of dust particles from your lotus feet, thus Devi Ahalya was liberated from the curse during your incarnation as son of King Dasaratha. Oh! Prabho, you have protected the sons of Pandu when they met huge trouble in the Lakshagriha/wax house, perpetrated by Duryodhana. You have rushed to Hasthinapur and once again safely brought the Pandavas to their own Kingdom, in this way, you have been rushing to protect your devotees from all the crisis, like a cow rush to its calf. Oh! Prabho, once Nandhababa was seized by the Varunapasha, you have rushed to protect him from Lord Varuna and safely brought him back. Oh! Prabho, Gajaraj/Gajendhra was caught on the leg by a crocodile and cried out for your help was liberated instantly. Oh! Prabho, In the Kali era, there was a passionate devotee Namadev Maharaj who fed you with his hands and achieved your compassionate grace. Oh! Prabho, you have always been too kind and compassionate to your devotees, unfortunately, I have not practiced sincere devotion at your lotus feet, kindly someone conveys my prayer to that supreme Lord Sri Krishnachandra.”

Karani Karunasindhu Ki  Mukha Kahatha Na  Aavai | Kapata Hethu Parasai Baki Janani Gathipavai || Bedha Upanishadha Jasu Kau Nirgunahi Bathavai | Soyi Saguna Hai  Nandha Ki Dhavari  Bandhavai || Ugrasena Ki Aapadha Suni Suni Bilakhavai | Kamsa Mari Raja Karai Aapahu  Sira Nachai || Jarasandha Bandhi Katai Nripakula Jasa Gavai | Asmayathana Gauthamathiya Kau Sapa  Nasavai || Lacchagriha Thai Kati Kai Pandava  Griha lyavai | Jaise  Gaiyya Bacchaka Kei Sumiratha Udi Dhavai || Barunapasa  Thai  Vrajapathihi Cchana Mahi Chudavai | Dhukhitha  Gyadhahi Jani Kai Apuna Udi Dhavai || Kali Mei Nama Pragata Thaki Cchani Cchachavai | Surdasa Ki Binathi Koau Lai Pahuchavai ||