Wednesday 11 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of devotion and worship of Lord Sri Hari to get rid of Thapathraya and mountain-sized sins


Chapter – 84-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The practice of devotion and worship of Lord Sri Hari to get rid of Thapathraya and mountain-sized sins


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mind, if you do not take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari or do not take vows, austerities, meditation, contemplation, or singing in praise of the virtues of Lord Sri Hari, who will liberate you from the sufferings and grief of worldly existence? Who will protect you from the mountain-sized troubles and sins? Worship of demigods to fulfill your desires and the performance of extraordinarily unusual spiritual rites may help to achieve happiness for a few days, but it cannot bring the fruitfullness of life, these kinds of practices and devotion won’t help you to achieve permanent bliss or it won’t help during the time of death or welfare afterlife/Paralokasukha, it would shove you to the sixty-four lakh Yonis/wombs of animals, birds, reptiles, humans, etc. and take birth in air, water, earth, and sky, and constantly undergo the three kinds of grief/Thapathraya. The fortunate Jeeva get rid of interest in worldly matters of possession, richness, wealth, money, fame, children, wife, companion, and relatives, and live in solitude, they undertake austerities, penance, Swadhyaya, vows, celibacy, Shama, Dhama, Sathyam, Shaucham, Dhaya, Dhanam, Astheyam, Arjjavam, Ahimsa, etc. and get rid of impurities of the mind such as Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Masthshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara. These Bhramajjyani’s/liberated souls constantly contemplate and meditate upon the supreme Bhramam Lord Shyamsundhar, and ultimately achieve union with the supreme Bhramam, get freed from the dualities of happiness and sorrow, gain and loss, honor, and disgrace, good and evil, and wander fearlessly all over the Earth in extreme bliss.”

Jau Hari Bratha Nija Sar Na  Dharaigau | Thau Ko Asa Thratha Ju Apuna Kari Kar Kudava  Bakaraugau || Aan Devaki Bhakthi Bhayi Kari Kotika  Kasaba Karaigau | Sab Che Dhivasa Chari Manaranjjana Anth Kala Bigaraigau || Chaurasi Lakh Joni Janmi Jaga Jalathala Bhramatha Phiraigau | Sur Sukritha Sevak Soyi Sanchau JO Syamahi Sumiraigau ||