Friday 13 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – All the human relationships are formed for either material or physical pleasure


Chapter – 88-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – All the human relationships are formed for either material or physical pleasure


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, the all-pervasive supreme Bhramam Lord Sri Hari reside as a soul is the only one promising to you, rest of the relationships you have made in the birth are out of selfishness, either seeking the physical comforts or material pleasure, learn that Lord Sri Hari is one only promising to you. Oh! Mortals, during your good days, all your relations, companions, and children will spend time with you and make all efforts to flourish the relationship, alas! during difficult days none of your relations or companions would spend time with you. There would be no one during the troubled times, other than the supreme Lord Sri Hari/Gajendra Moksha. Oh! Mortals, your Dharmapathni/wedded wife who followed you as your shadow, spend pleasurable time with you during your good days would keep herself away from you immediately after the Prana/vital air leaves your body, she would get scared to get closer to the lifeless body of you, do not even bother to sit in the vicinity of the corpse, calling it ‘Spirit’. All the relationships formed in this Universe are either for physical pleasure or for the material pleasure, the increased interest in worldly matters, lust, desire, ego, pride, jealousy, anger, Ahamkara, and Mamakara, drive the Jeeva insane, hence all the relationships formed for the physical and material comforts of fleeting nature. Oh! Jeeva, you have wasted the rarest birth as a human drenched in worldly matters of possession, wealth, richness, money, fame, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc. therefore you have driven afar from the devotion and worship of Lord Sri Hari who is the one and only promising to you.”


Preetham Jani Lehu Man Mahi | Apanau Sukha Kau Sab Jaga Bandhyau Koau Kahu Kau Nahi || Sukha Mei Ayi sabai Mili Baitatha Rahatha Chahu Dhisi Ghere | Bipathi Pari Thab Sab Sanga Chade  Koau Na Aavai Nere || Ghar Ki Nari Bahuth Hitha Jasau Rahatha Sadha Sanga Lagi | Ja Cchana Hamsa Thaji Yaha Kaya Pretha Pretha Kahi Bhagi || Ya Bidhi Kau Byaupar Banyau Jaga Thasau Neha Lagayau | Surdasa Bhagavanth Bhajana Binu Nahaka Janama Gavayau ||