Chapter – 107- Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – The purpose of life
is to burn the impurities of mind/lust, desire, ego, jealousy, pride,
arrogance, ignorance, and anger in the fire of austerities
Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mortals, you
have cut off love and devotion to Lord Sri Hari and driven afar from the lotus
feet of Lord Sri Hari, for What? Whom did you secure your life with? You have been
madly chasing after the material and physical pleasure and driven afar from the
supreme Bhramam residing as a soul in you and you have made attachment with the infinite
Shabdha/sound, Sparsha/touch, Rasa/passion, Roopa/appearance, and Gandha/smell
of fleeting nature. Oh! Ignorant, all those material possessions, fame,
richness, wealth, children, wife, companion, relatives, etc. cannot follow you
while you leave the Earth. All those material wealth, possessions, fame, and richness,
cannot bring an eternal bliss to you, the Ahamkara/arrogance and Mamakara/ignorance
take away the fruitfulness of your life, Oh! Ignorant, the Ahamkara and Mamakara
last until the noose of death fall on your neck. The material welfare and
youthfulness, pride in wealth, fame, richness, family, clan, etc. are
perishable, like the pond that dries in the summer. You have willfully soaked your
intelligence in the impurities of mind such as lust, desire, anger, ego,
jealousy, pride, arrogance, and ignorance, it could not bring pieties, instead, it would accumulate sins by word, mind, and deed. Oh! Ignorant, whoever has taken
pride in their intelligence, richness, fame, wealth, possession, clan, etc. have
heaved themselves in utter misery. Oh! Unfortunate, it is impossible to get rid
of Thapathraya/the three kinds of grief – 1) grief from natural calamities, epidemic,
flood, earthquake, drought, famine, woodfire, etc. 2) grief from the loss of
possession, wealth, money, richness, children, wife, companion and relatives
and finally 3) grief from aging, illnesses, fear of death and repeated births, the pain
of separation from beloved ones, etc. without the practice of devotion and
worship of Lord Sri Hari. Oh! Mortals, the
rarest birth as a human should be utilized to get rid of Thapathraya, and
repeated births by undertaking austerities, vows, celibacy, truthfulness, kindness,
non-violence, purity of mind, astheyam, arjjavam, Shamadhamadhi, etc. like the festival ‘Holi’,
burn all the impurities in the fire of austerities before leaving the Earth.”
Layi Thai Hari Sau Their? Hari Sau Thori Kaun Sau Jori? Sir Par
Dhari Na Chalaigau Koau Jo Jathanani Kari Maya Jori | Raj Pat Simhasan
Baitau Neela Padhuma Hu Sau Kahai Thori || Mei Meri Kari Janama Gavath Jab Lagi
Nahi Parathi Jama Dori | Dhan Joban
Abhiman Alpa Jal Kahe Koora Aapani Bori || Hasthi Dhekhi Bahuth Man Garbith Tha
Moorkha Ki Mathi Hai Thori | Surdas Bhagavanth Bhajana Binu Chale Kheli Phagun
Ki Hori ||