Friday 27 May 2022

Sri Surdas Maharaj – Sri Sur – Vinaya – Pathrika – One and only the significant trade to cross the ocean of worldly existence


Chapter – 110-  Sur -Vinaya – Pathrika – One and only the significant trade to cross the ocean of worldly existence


Sri Surdas Maharaj speaks “Oh! Mind, listen to me carefully, if you want to get rid of the sufferings and grief of worldly existence, and repeated cycles of birth, take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari and ‘Sri Ramanama’, Otherwise, you would hurl into the sixty-four lakhs Yonis/womb of birds, animals, reptiles and humans, etc. and repeatedly undergo Garbhavasadhukham/sufferings in the womb and constant grief of worldly existence. Oh! Mind, abandon your interest in worldly matters and remain in the association of Santh, Mahathma, noble souls who represent merchants of Sri Ramanamaroopi gem, and buy the gems of Sri Ramanama in abundance, during this process, you would get rid of Kama/lust, Krodha/anger, Lobha/greed, Moha/desire, Madha/pride, Mathshcharya, Ahamkara, and Mamakara. Oh! Mind, while acquiring the precious Sriramanamaroopi gems, keep yourself highly vigilant, not to get looted by the interest in worldly matters/infinite Shabdha/sound, Sparsha/touch, Rasa/passion, Roopa/appearance, Gandha/smell like thieves, and safely take Sriramanamaroopi Gem to the abode of Lord Sri Hari. The Sri Ramanamaroopi gem would guide your transition after life on Earth, it would safely cross the abodes of demi-gods, and you won’t find any obstacles in crossing Vaitharani, the deities would receive you with great honor and respectfully dispatch you to the abode of Lord Sri Hari. Oh! Mortals, none of your wealth, possession, richness, fame, wife, children, companion, relatives, etc. won’t follow you in an afterlife, therefore it is futile to get attached to worldly matters of impermanent nature. Oh! Mortals, listen to me carefully, abandon your interest in infinite Shabdha, Sparsha, Rasa, Roopa, and Gandha of the Universe, it cannot provide permanent bliss, instead, it would hurl you in constant grief and suffering in the absence of them, hence undertake the practice of devotion and sing in praise of Lord Sri Hari, this is the only one trade that could provide fruitfulness in your life.”

Hoau Man Ramanama Kau Gahak | Chaurasi Lakh Jeevajoni Mei Bhatakath Phirath  Anahak|| Bhakthani Hat Baiti Asthira Hyau Hari Naga Nirmala Lehi | Kama Krodha Lobha Moha Thu Sakala Dhalali Dhehi || Kari  Hiyava Yaha Sauja Ladhi Kai Hari Kai Pura Lai Jahi | Ghat Bat Kahau Bhatak Hoyi Nahi Sab Koau Dhehi Nibahi|| Aur Banija Mei Nahi Laha Hothi Mool Mei Hani | Sur Syama Kau  Saudha  Sanchau Kahyau Hamarau Mani ||